
What kind of taste is the wine cake, the wine is mellow, sweet and fluffy, try it all to know about the wine cake wine cake warm tips:

author:Stone food for fun

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<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="01" data-track="2" > talk about wine cakes</h1>

For sake cakes, Shizi has always had a question about why sake cakes can only be eaten for one season. In fact, sake stuffed cakes don't seem to be the same thing to eat, and it seems that you can eat them when you want. I ate two wine cakes during this time and didn't feel very good about myself. Probably because of the weather, it is now early summer, and the weather is gradually getting hotter. The taste of the sake cake I ate two months ago is very different from the wine cake I eat now, the wine cake is a cake made by fermentation by sake brewing, which seems to be unskilled, but it is really necessary to master the day, otherwise it is easy to achieve the taste you want.

What kind of taste is the wine cake, the wine is mellow, sweet and fluffy, try it all to know about the wine cake wine cake warm tips:

On the surface, the sake stuffed cake looks similar to ordinary burnt bread and flapjacks. And its approach is not so complicated, the key difference is that our other cakes and noodles use water, and it uses wine. At present, there are two ways to make wine cakes, one is to replace water and noodles with wine, which is more suitable for ordinary people. The other is fermentation, fermentation until the flour becomes acidic, which is not something that ordinary people can operate. Either way, the resulting sake cake is aromatic, but when the weather is too hot, it is necessary to control the amount of wine and fermentation.

What kind of taste is the wine cake, the wine is mellow, sweet and fluffy, try it all to know about the wine cake wine cake warm tips:

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="02" data-track="2" > wine cake</h1>

The filling of sake stuffing cakes can be meaty and vegetarian, and most of the time we eat more bean paste filling. Basic ratio: 165 grams of ordinary flour, 20 grams of lard, 85 grams of sake brewing, 20 grams of sugar, 3 grams of yeast, 90 grams of bean paste, 10 grams of pine nuts. First, pour the flour on top of the board to make a nest, add sugar, yeast, and sauté it into a snowflake shape after brewing, and then knead it into a dough. Knead the dough until the surface is smooth, then add lard and knead well, then cover with plastic wrap and let it relax for a while.

What kind of taste is the wine cake, the wine is mellow, sweet and fluffy, try it all to know about the wine cake wine cake warm tips:
What kind of taste is the wine cake, the wine is mellow, sweet and fluffy, try it all to know about the wine cake wine cake warm tips:

In the second step, start the pot on low heat, add the pine nuts and sauté until the surface of the pine nuts appears pale golden brown, then immediately put them in a bowl for later.

What kind of taste is the wine cake, the wine is mellow, sweet and fluffy, try it all to know about the wine cake wine cake warm tips:

In the third step, place the bean paste and pine nuts on the board at the same time and knead evenly. Then rub the bean paste into long strips and divide it into equal amounts of agents, and then roll the agent into a ball shape for later.

What kind of taste is the wine cake, the wine is mellow, sweet and fluffy, try it all to know about the wine cake wine cake warm tips:

The fourth step, wait for the second step, the third step is completed after the group will be fermented. Roll the dough into strips and divide into equal amounts, then roll out each dough into a dough state, about 7 – 8 cm. At this time, the bean paste core material is put into it and the filling method is used, that is, the tiger's mouth is slowly closed against the bowl mouth. Finally, it becomes a ball, at which point some dry flour is sprinkled on the board, the ball is pressed into a cake shape, and then slightly trimmed with a rolling pin, so that the shape of the wine cake is ready.

What kind of taste is the wine cake, the wine is mellow, sweet and fluffy, try it all to know about the wine cake wine cake warm tips:
What kind of taste is the wine cake, the wine is mellow, sweet and fluffy, try it all to know about the wine cake wine cake warm tips:

In the fifth step, turn on the medium-low heat and start the pot, put in the sake cake and cover the pot lid to dry the searing, the time is controlled at one and a half minutes to two minutes to turn the noodles once, at least two times more than two times to be turned over before it can be put on the plate and enjoyed.

What kind of taste is the wine cake, the wine is mellow, sweet and fluffy, try it all to know about the wine cake wine cake warm tips:
What kind of taste is the wine cake, the wine is mellow, sweet and fluffy, try it all to know about the wine cake wine cake warm tips:

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="03" data-track="2" > tips:</h1>

1. Making wine cake kneading dough and putting lard is a bit different, under normal circumstances, we knead the dough and put lard will not be the last to put, but the wine cake must be put last, because lard is to inhibit yeast development and fluffy, so that the power of yeast is reduced. The final release is to maximize the yeast's efficacy;

2. The fermentation of the dough that makes sake cakes does not need to be fermented for a long time, only a little larger fermentation is enough;

3. Eat wine cake must be eaten while hot, the taste changes when it is cold;

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