
The steps to make a wine cake

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
The steps to make a wine cake

Wine cake is a seasonal snack in Suzhou, and the best time to taste it is around the Time of the Qing Dynasty. There is still a sake brew left over from the sake dumplings, so I just try to make it!

Difficulty: Cut Pier (Beginner)

Duration: more than 1 hour

150 g flour

70 grams of wine

Yeast 1 g

Bean paste 120 g

Salad oil 10 g

The steps to make a wine cake

1. Buy ready-made sake

The steps to make a wine cake

2. About 40 grams of warm water and 1g of yeast stir well into a bread bucket

The steps to make a wine cake

3. Add the flour

The steps to make a wine cake

4. Add sake brew, I am fishing out the sake, the soup is not put in, if you like the strong flavor can be put together with the soup, then the front of the warm water can not be put

The steps to make a wine cake

5. Start the dough program and turn the dough into a soft dough to close the program manually

The steps to make a wine cake

6. Start the faceting program again to be twice as large

The steps to make a wine cake

7. Exhaust the dough and knead it into a smooth dough

The steps to make a wine cake

8. Divide into several small doses, my portion is divided into 6, each about 45 or so let stand for a while

The steps to make a wine cake

9. Buy ready-made bagged bean paste

The steps to make a wine cake

10. Heat 8g salad oil and add it to the bean paste filling, you can add it without adding it

The steps to make a wine cake

11. Stir well and set aside

The steps to make a wine cake

12. Take a potion and roll out a large dot, wrap it with bean paste filling, and the filling is about 20 grams each

The steps to make a wine cake

13. Wrap the filling and close

The steps to make a wine cake

14. Turn over and flatten slightly

The steps to make a wine cake

15. I put it in the oven for 15 minutes, put a bowl of hot water in it, and brushed some oil on the tin foil before putting it

The steps to make a wine cake

16. Preheat the pancake pan with oil

The steps to make a wine cake

17. Put the sake cake into the electric cake bell and leave some gaps

The steps to make a wine cake

18. Heat on both sides for 4 minutes, observe the temperature in time

The real sake cake is not baked with baking powder, it is fermented by sake alone, so it takes too long, I really can't wait, so I added 1 gram of yeast!

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