
Seven delicacies in Xinjiang, you like large plates of chicken: still like kebabs

author:Backpacker Ah Chang travels all over China
Seven delicacies in Xinjiang, you like large plates of chicken: still like kebabs

Summer vacation is the tourism season, want to travel the first choice of Xinjiang, Xinjiang because of the sparse population, beautiful mountains and rivers, food is one of the most liked Xinjiang, talking about Xinjiang cuisine is probably dozens or even hundreds of kinds, talking about Xinjiang cuisine is probably dozens or even hundreds of kinds, na ren, pull strips, grilled meat, grilled buns, naan, buns, buns, roasted whole lamb, haggis, oil tower, spicy red skin, tintin fried noodles, minced meat noodles, over-oiled meat noodles, large plates of chicken, Ili horse intestines (that is, horse meat intestines), smoked horse meat, yogurt knots, etc., So many foods to eat all of them, unless you settle in Xinjiang, it is impossible, then today I will recommend to you the usual favorite kinds of Xinjiang cuisine, eat these kinds of Xinjiang cuisine, you can also roughly understand the Introduction to Xinjiang cuisine.

Seven delicacies in Xinjiang, you like large plates of chicken: still like kebabs

1, Xinjiang ramen: ramen in Xinjiang commonly known as pull noodles cooking and traditional noodles in the mainland is not the same, first the noodles are boiled with water, and then stir-fried vegetables to stir, so Xinjiang is called mixed noodles, Xinjiang mixed noodles are very delicious, is a food that everyone who travels to Xinjiang must like.

Seven delicacies in Xinjiang, you like large plates of chicken: still like kebabs
Seven delicacies in Xinjiang, you like large plates of chicken: still like kebabs
Seven delicacies in Xinjiang, you like large plates of chicken: still like kebabs

2, pilaf, Xinjiang pilaf is particularly famous, the main raw materials are fresh lamb, carrots, onions, clear oil, mutton oil and rice, Xinjiang's local authentic pilaf is generally not put cumin powder, hawthorn, soy sauce, and halal dishes can not put alcohol-containing cooking wine. Cooking method of Xinjiang pilaf:

Seven delicacies in Xinjiang, you like large plates of chicken: still like kebabs

1: Soak the rice in water for half an hour, cut the lamb into small pieces, dice or shred carrots, and dice the onion.

2: Put oil in the pot, add onions and sauté to make the aroma, then add lamb and stir-fry. Stir-fry salt, cumin, chicken essence and carrots.

Seven delicacies in Xinjiang, you like large plates of chicken: still like kebabs
Seven delicacies in Xinjiang, you like large plates of chicken: still like kebabs
Seven delicacies in Xinjiang, you like large plates of chicken: still like kebabs

3: Pour water over the lamb and cook for about 10 minutes.

4: Pour all the stir-fried vegetables, meat, soup and raisins into the rice cooker, sprinkle the soaked rice evenly on the top layer, 1:2 ratio is good, start simmering for 20 minutes.

5: After opening, mix the vegetables, meat and rice well and eat.

Cooked pilaf oil shines brightly. Delicious taste. The Uighur masses regard pilaf as a fine meal.

Seven delicacies in Xinjiang, you like large plates of chicken: still like kebabs
Seven delicacies in Xinjiang, you like large plates of chicken: still like kebabs
Seven delicacies in Xinjiang, you like large plates of chicken: still like kebabs

3, Xinjiang big plate chicken: Xinjiang big plate chicken, also known as Shawan big plate chicken, spicy fried chicken, is the special cuisine of Shawan City, Tacheng District, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, originated in the 1980s in Xinjiang Road side restaurant Jianghu cuisine, mainly with chicken nuggets and potato blocks stir-fried stew, but also with Xinjiang belt noodles to eat.

Seven delicacies in Xinjiang, you like large plates of chicken: still like kebabs

In the mouths of tourists, large plates of chicken have long been regarded as a gourmet dish that must be eaten in Xinjiang, and generally a plate of large plates of chicken costs tens of yuan to 100 yuan, and at least 3 people can eat it.

Seven delicacies in Xinjiang, you like large plates of chicken: still like kebabs

3, Xinjiang grilled bread: bread in Xinjiang is a common food, into Xinjiang, streets and alleys are sold, Xinjiang bread has become a staple food on the table, can also be a snack, Xinjiang's biggest bun is the number of kucha's grilled buns, the biggest bun is as big as a small round basin, called Xinjiang's largest grilled buns, Xinjiang buns are tested with a method of cellar fire, the buns are particularly crispy, if accompanied by yogurt, plus a little side dish or kebabs to eat together, it is simply the most delicious food.

Seven delicacies in Xinjiang, you like large plates of chicken: still like kebabs
Seven delicacies in Xinjiang, you like large plates of chicken: still like kebabs
Seven delicacies in Xinjiang, you like large plates of chicken: still like kebabs

4, bread bun meat: bun bun meat this noodle meat flavor food can very representative of Xinjiang's traditional ethnic characteristics. Its consumption methods are also very diverse, which can be sold as a snack cart or in front of the store, or as a flavor dish, it can be boarded in the elegant hall of halal banquets, as a famous dish for Chinese and foreign guests to taste. In September 2018, it was rated as one of the top ten classic dishes in Xinjiang among the "Chinese cuisines".

Seven delicacies in Xinjiang, you like large plates of chicken: still like kebabs

1. Cut the lamb and sheep tail oil into green bean-sized grains; carrots and cucumbers into granules; peel and cut the onions into rings.

2. Heat the pot, add sunflower oil to heat, first add the sheep tail oil, lamb grains and sauté until mature, then add salt, cumin powder, chili noodles, fry to make the filling, and then divide the fermented dough into 4 agents, roll out into a dough with a diameter of about 20 cm, two dough cakes into a group, one by one, the filling is combined, and the lace is pinched out with the index finger and thumb to make a bun meat blank.

Seven delicacies in Xinjiang, you like large plates of chicken: still like kebabs

3. Heat the pan, pour salad oil into the heat until it is 60% hot, add the bun meat raw blank and fry until it is golden brown, then fish it out, cut each into 8 cloves, and stack it into plates.

4. Heat the sunflower oil, stir-fry the spicy sauce, mix in the mutton broth, use fine salt to make the flavor, boil it with wet corn starch, pour it on the bun meat, and finally sprinkle with onion rings and coriander segments.

Seven delicacies in Xinjiang, you like large plates of chicken: still like kebabs
Seven delicacies in Xinjiang, you like large plates of chicken: still like kebabs

5, Xinjiang kebabs: lamb kebabs are a flavor snack with Xinjiang national characteristics. The Uyghur people grilled lamb skewers are bright in color and butter, the meat is tender and crispy, the taste is spicy and mellow, and the flavor is unique.

Seven delicacies in Xinjiang, you like large plates of chicken: still like kebabs

Xinjiang lamb skewers are completely different from the taste of inland lamb skewers, because the sheep in Xinjiang are grown up eating wild grass in the natural pasture under the Tianshan Mountains, so the mutton has no smell, and a few strings of lamb skewers are grilled in Xinjiang for tourism, and then paired with Xinjiang's famous beer Dawusu, the taste can be said to be a perfect match. One of the must-eat delicacies when traveling to Xinjiang.

Seven delicacies in Xinjiang, you like large plates of chicken: still like kebabs
Seven delicacies in Xinjiang, you like large plates of chicken: still like kebabs

6, Xinjiang pepper and ma chicken: speaking of pepper ma chicken to travel to Xinjiang people, after eating this delicacy, will have endless aftertaste, whenever talking about the taste of pepper ma chicken, directly drooling.

Seven delicacies in Xinjiang, you like large plates of chicken: still like kebabs

Xinjiang pepper and ma chicken is a delicious dish, with ecological native chicken as raw material, made of dozens of high-grade precious Chinese medicine secrets, eating hemp but not wood, spicy but not on fire, crisp and tender skin, meat tendons, fragrant, long aftertaste, mixed noodles taste excellent.

Seven delicacies in Xinjiang, you like large plates of chicken: still like kebabs
Seven delicacies in Xinjiang, you like large plates of chicken: still like kebabs

6, Xinjiang yogurt: mention Xinjiang yogurt, Xinjiang is a famous pastoral area, herders themselves milking to make yogurt, it can be said that there is no local yogurt with Xinjiang yogurt delicious, Xinjiang yogurt themselves use traditional methods to make fermentation, so the taste is authentic, no additives, not like yogurt bought in supermarkets.

Seven delicacies in Xinjiang, you like large plates of chicken: still like kebabs
Seven delicacies in Xinjiang, you like large plates of chicken: still like kebabs

7. Hu Spicy Sheep's Trotter is a traditional cuisine cooked by The Uyghurs, Hui and other Muslim ethnic groups in Xinjiang, and the Hu Spicy Sheep's Trotter is named because of its spicy taste. Rich in collagen, one of the beauty foods; especially in the summer and autumn when sitting on the stall of the night market, you hold a fat and soft peppery sheep's trotter with both hands and open your mouth to bite, the hot mouth spicy will first be transmitted to your taste nerves, when you can't help but open your mouth to take a breath, the fragrance of the sheep's hooves occupies your entire mouth for a moment, close your mouth and flip the lamb's hoof meat in your mouth with your tongue, fresh, fragrant, spicy, beautiful taste straight to the heart and lungs, live and can hold you on the cloud of enjoyment and leisure. If you come to Xinjiang, the night markets in various towns and towns in Xinjiang and the streets and alleys in the evening are sold, so you can choose and taste the authentic Peppery Sheep's Hooves in Xinjiang.

Seven delicacies in Xinjiang, you like large plates of chicken: still like kebabs
Seven delicacies in Xinjiang, you like large plates of chicken: still like kebabs
Seven delicacies in Xinjiang, you like large plates of chicken: still like kebabs
Seven delicacies in Xinjiang, you like large plates of chicken: still like kebabs

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