
Winter at home kebabs, baby favorite

author:Free bookmarkwo

Winter is the season of foodies, fragrant kebabs are essential delicacies, lamb has the role of nourishing the liver, the content of protein, fat and vitamins of lamb itself is rich, can improve liver function, protect vision, there is also the effect of blood replenishment, often eat lamb can replenish blood and qi, improve kidney function, alleviate weakness, spleen and stomach weakness, qi and blood loss and limb weakness and other symptoms, more warm stomach and cold effect, supplement protein, B vitamins and minerals, improve the spleen and stomach, increase appetite, Therefore, eating lamb in winter can help the body produce heat and drive away the cold, alleviate the cold and cold limbs, delicious and healthy, suitable for all ages! Here's how to share how to kebabs at home:

Winter at home kebabs, baby favorite

First, pick a piece of moderately fat and lean lamb hind leg meat (black sheep is the best), come back to wash and drain the water, change the knife, cut into evenly sized cubes, separate the lean meat and fat meat, and then start making:

1, prepare an onion cut into pieces, three or four slices of ginger, beat an egg and set aside, put the lamb with salt, chicken essence, pepper, cumin, three spoons of white soy sauce, two spoons of oil consumption, eggs, corn starch, ginger and onion stir evenly, and then seal it with plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator for three or four hours;

Winter at home kebabs, baby favorite

2, use bamboo skewers to skewer the lamb (to shake off the seasonings), put the fat meat in the middle, a piece of lamb skewers is enough

Winter at home kebabs, baby favorite

3, the stove to open the roast, my family's stove is bought on a treasure, for their own use, just buy about 40 cm can be, charcoal with two long segments is enough, to turn over the meat skewers, pay attention to safety Ha!

After watching it for so long, the babies who like it use the small hands of fortune to point a thumbs up!

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