
Secret specialty roast lamb, delicious enough that you can't refuse

author:Sheep noble concubine

Lamb kebabs have always been one of the most popular street foods, and used to be served by small street vendors, and there are many restaurants selling beef and mutton, which will have lamb kebabs. Now, even without a grill, you can easily eat delicious lamb kebabs at home, and the oven at home is a great tool.

Secret specialty roast lamb, delicious enough that you can't refuse

Winter is coming, outdoor barbecue has become a hesitant itinerary in the public to play snacks, and the lamb kebabs in the barbecue shop outside are always uneasy, it is better to bake at home, not only economical, but also safe and secure!

Secret specialty roast lamb, delicious enough that you can't refuse


Cooking ingredients: lamb, grilled skewers, corn oil (or salad oil), water starch, cooking wine.

Cooking Method:

●Wash and cut the lamb into appropriate size cubes and put them in a container, and prepare the grilled skewers for curing the meat.

Secret specialty roast lamb, delicious enough that you can't refuse

● Put two spoonfuls of cooking wine in the lamb, grasp well and marinate for half an hour, then add corn oil and grilled skewers.

● Mix and marinate evenly for more than 2-3 hours, pour the appropriate amount of water starch into the marinated lamb and mix evenly.

● Skewer the lamb with bamboo skewers, leave some gaps between the meat and the meat, spread the tin foil on the baking sheet, and arrange the meat skewers into the grilling tray.

Secret specialty roast lamb, delicious enough that you can't refuse

● Preheat the oven at 200 degrees, bake on the medium top for about 20 minutes, turn the noodles once in the middle, and remove the baking tray when baking for 15 minutes.

● Sprinkle the appropriate amount of barbecue skewers on top of the lamb skewers, then put them in the oven and bake for 5 minutes.

Secret specialty roast lamb, delicious enough that you can't refuse


The ingredients of the barbecue skewers are basically chili noodles, cumin, salt, sesame seeds, MONOSG and other spices, spices can be added according to their own tastes, barbecue skewers will generally contain salt, if the saltiness is not enough, you can add salt as appropriate.

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