
Gourmet selection: yam roasted beef brisket, teppanyaki artemisia, lamb radish soup, fish cabbage powder skin

author:Twigs love good food

Xiaobian is a standard foodie, all kinds of flavors of food Xiaobian like to eat, after eating will learn to do, after doing a good job of sharing the recipe to everyone, I hope you like. If you have a favorite food, and like to cook friends please pay attention to me, I have a variety of food you like.

Gourmet selection: yam roasted beef brisket, teppanyaki artemisia, lamb radish soup, fish cabbage powder skin

Yam roasted brisket

1: Cut the beef brisket into pieces, put it into a pot of boiling water, rinse it, then add ginger slices and green onion to simmer in a pot of water until soft and fragrant, set aside. Cut the peeled yam and carrot into pieces and cook in a pot of boiling water.

2: When cooking, scoop an appropriate amount of simmered beef brisket into the pot, add yam blocks, carrot blocks, dates and goji berries to cook slightly, then add salt and MSG to taste, and put the pot into the pot and serve.

Gourmet selection: yam roasted beef brisket, teppanyaki artemisia, lamb radish soup, fish cabbage powder skin

Teppanyaki artemisia


1: Wash the artemisia annua, control the moisture, and stir the homemade sauce evenly.

2: Heat the iron plate, put the cooked lard, cooked chicken fat until melted, sprinkle the minced garlic evenly and bake the incense, spread the artemisia evenly on the minced garlic, pour the homemade sauce (salt, monosodium glutamate, Meiji umami juice 3 grams each, sugar 5 grams, peanut butter 6 grams, purified water 10 grams), add iron plate cover and bake for 2 minutes.

Gourmet selection: yam roasted beef brisket, teppanyaki artemisia, lamb radish soup, fish cabbage powder skin

Lamb radish soup

Ingredients: lamb, white radish, ginger, green onion, cooking wine, salt, shallots

1, buy a large piece of fresh lamb chops, let the store cut it, take it home to clean it, put cold water on the pot, add cooking wine, white radish, green onion, ginger together with blanched water.

2: Cook for 3-5 minutes, cook out the foam, as shown in the picture, fish out the lamb, clean it, and control the moisture.

3: Put the lamb in a casserole dish, add a large pot of water, put the ginger slices, pour in two spoonfuls of cooking wine, bring to a boil on high heat, reduce the heat and cook for an hour.

4: When boiling lamb, prepare a white radish, scrape off the outer skin, cut into small pieces and set aside.

5: Pour in the white radish, add two spoonfuls of salt, cook for half an hour, the lamb white radish soup is cooked, and finally put some spring onion garnish.

Gourmet selection: yam roasted beef brisket, teppanyaki artemisia, lamb radish soup, fish cabbage powder skin

Fish and cabbage powder skin

1, cabbage is washed, torn into large pieces by hand, the powder skin is cut into small pieces with scissors, and soaked in water to soften.

2: Mix the sauce with aged vinegar, sugar, a little salt and soy sauce.

3: Cut the pork belly into thin slices, put the yard into the pot, fry over low heat to make the oil, add ginger slices and sauté until fragrant.

4: Add a tablespoon of Pixian bean paste, a little tempeh, stir-fry until fragrant, add the torn cabbage pieces, sprinkle a little salt and stir-fry evenly, then reduce the heat and simmer for 5 minutes.

5: Add the soaked powder skin, stir-fry over low heat until cooked, pour in the prepared sauce, stir-fry evenly on high heat and then you can get out of the pot

Today's food is shared here, like my little attention to me, continue to share more delicious to everyone, there are mistakes in time to propose corrections, thank you.

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