
The 46-year-old Northeast fat sister eats cold chrysanthemum every day, and it has never stopped for a year, what changes have occurred in her body

author:Möngke talks about health

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In a small town in the northeast, there is a fat eldest sister named Wang Li, but she still maintains a young heart when she is past the age of sixties.

Every day, she adheres to a strange habit: no matter the wind or rain, no matter the heat or cold, she insists on eating cold chrysanthemum. Yes, it's the kind of vegetable that looks a bit like grass but tastes delicious.

The 46-year-old Northeast fat sister eats cold chrysanthemum every day, and it has never stopped for a year, what changes have occurred in her body

Some people may wonder, why does the 46-year-old fat sister have such a fetish? She's not practicing saliva, and she's not trying to make herself a master of food evaluation.

In fact, she is an authentic auditor, and her daily boring work makes her crave some change, and eating chrysanthemum seems to have become the only pleasure in her life.

The 46-year-old Northeast fat sister eats cold chrysanthemum every day, and it has never stopped for a year, what changes have occurred in her body

Now, let's explore what magical changes this fat sister from the Northeast has brought to her body by eating cold chrysanthemum so stubbornly every day!

First of all, we have to admit that Artemisia is an amazing fellow. So, even if the way of eating chrysanthemum is a bit unusual, it is actually not deviant.

The 46-year-old Northeast fat sister eats cold chrysanthemum every day, and it has never stopped for a year, what changes have occurred in her body

Now let's talk about the changes in the body. First of all, Wang Li's skin became more and more radiant, like corn that had been carefully cared for. This is not something to be imagined, the vitamin C contained in chrysanthemum helps to promote collagen production, resulting in smoother and more refined skin.

Secondly, her digestive system has also become healthier and smoother. The dietary fiber rich in chrysanthemum can promote intestinal peristalsis and prevent constipation, allowing Wang Li to bid farewell to the difficult tuba journey and enjoy a relaxed bowel movement.

The 46-year-old Northeast fat sister eats cold chrysanthemum every day, and it has never stopped for a year, what changes have occurred in her body

What's even more interesting is that Wang Li's mood also seems to have become more stable. This makes one discover the subtle connection between emotions and the gut microbiota.

Some of the ingredients in chrysanthemum help to maintain a good balance of intestinal flora, which indirectly affects Wang Li's emotional state and makes her mood more pleasant.

The 46-year-old Northeast fat sister eats cold chrysanthemum every day, and it has never stopped for a year, what changes have occurred in her body

However, no matter how good chrysanthemum is, it is not a panacea. Therefore, Wang Li needs to pay attention to maintaining a variety of diets and not treating chrysanthemum as the only food choice.

Speaking of which, you may be curious, if I also eat chrysanthemum like Wang Li every day, what will happen? Well, I can tell you that I'm not a doctor, but I know an interesting thing.

The 46-year-old Northeast fat sister eats cold chrysanthemum every day, and it has never stopped for a year, what changes have occurred in her body

For example, eating chili peppers can give people more courage because the spicy substances in chili peppers can stimulate the brain to release chemicals called endorphins, which make people feel more uplifted and courageous. So, perhaps, if you eat chili every day, you will become more courageous and no longer afraid of life's challenges!

In short, although Wang Li's eating style is a bit unusual, her persistence has brought her unexpected benefits. And each of us can also learn something from her: maintain a healthy lifestyle, try more new things, and maybe there will be unexpected gains!

The 46-year-old Northeast fat sister eats cold chrysanthemum every day, and it has never stopped for a year, what changes have occurred in her body

Regarding your constipation problem, I recommend that you eat more foods rich in dietary fiber, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains, drink plenty of water, and maintain a regular routine, which should improve. Don't sit still all the time, it's important to exercise properly!

When Wang Li's friends learned that she was eating chrysanthemum every day, they were all amazed. Some people even teased her if she thought she was a rabbit.

The 46-year-old Northeast fat sister eats cold chrysanthemum every day, and it has never stopped for a year, what changes have occurred in her body

But Wang Li didn't care, she felt that chrysanthemum was not only delicious, but also good for the body. This tenacious personality made her popular among her colleagues, who saw her as an energetic and optimistic person.

However, there are also some people who have raised questions about her eating habits, believing that she is too extreme and may lead to malnutrition. After all, her body feels good and energetic, isn't that the best proof of that?

The 46-year-old Northeast fat sister eats cold chrysanthemum every day, and it has never stopped for a year, what changes have occurred in her body

Perhaps, we can all learn something from Wang Li. There is no shortage of unusual people and things in life, and what we need to do is to keep an open mind and be brave enough to try new things.

Just like Wang Li, we can also find our own piece of the world and live the life we want.

The 46-year-old Northeast fat sister eats cold chrysanthemum every day, and it has never stopped for a year, what changes have occurred in her body

What do you think about eating chrysanthemum? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

The 46-year-old Northeast fat sister eats cold chrysanthemum every day, and it has never stopped for a year, what changes have occurred in her body

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