
Yu Shan: She has been pursued by Tian Han, Xu Zhimo, and Wen Yiduo, and is absolutely charming, but her marriage is unfortunate and a lady, and her husband is unfortunate

author:Shi Hai Lone Goose

The face of the person did not know where to go, and the peach blossom was still smiling at the spring breeze - Cui Hu

"An increase in one point is too long, and a subtraction point is too short." The powder is too white, and Shi Zhu is too red. "In history, there are many women who are famous for their beauty, they are either the national color Tianxiang or the small family jasper. However, during the Republic of China period, there was such a strange woman - Yu Shan, a sinking fish and a falling goose, a closed moon and a shy flower, her beauty attracted countless heroes to bend their waists, Wen Yiduo and Tian Han were all ministers under her skirts; what was more attractive was her enthusiastic and bold personality, unlike the traditional scholarly family's big girl, she was more like a thorny fire attack rose, which attracted the mercurial Xu Zhimo who was also willing to stop for her. The unique style is undoubtedly the best description of her, but unfortunately, marriage is an eternal pain in the heart of this beautiful person.

Yu Shan: She has been pursued by Tian Han, Xu Zhimo, and Wen Yiduo, and is absolutely charming, but her marriage is unfortunate and a lady, and her husband is unfortunate

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > lady, gentleman</h1>

Yu Shan was born in a family of scholars, and what makes people cry and laugh is that this big girl has a fiery, dare to love and dare to hate, and because of her beautiful appearance, Yu Shan has stood out in the crowd since she was a child.

Yu Shan studied at Nankai Girls' High School in Tianjin as a teenager and later entered the Shanghai National Conservatory of Music. Graduated from Jinling University in Nanjing in the mid-1920s, he is fluent in English and loves drama. In 1929, Tian Hanzhi directed "Tragedy on the Lake" and was invited to join the Nanguo Society. Yu Shan was a star in the late Nanguo Society.

She starred in the famous British aestheticist writer Oscar Wilde's famous drama "Salome" in the second performance of the Nanguo Society held from July to August of the year of joining the society. This drama made Yu Shan's name thunder throughout the school, and the tickets for this play were often sold out within a few minutes, and almost all the boys in the school ran to the Nanguo Society, just to witness Yu Shan's true face of Lushan, who had the meaning of a million empty alleys.

The reason why this drama can be sensational to this point, according to Mr. Wu Zuoren's recollection, Yu Shan's contribution is indispensable. She perfectly interpreted the Jewish princess who was passionate, bold and fierce, and showed the image of the Jewish princess who could not be courted, and then cut off the head of her beloved and held a kiss, and her reputation rose from then on. Her stills of cutting off the head of her lover and holding a kiss during a courtship became a classic image in the history of Chinese drama, and until 2003, it was used as an iconic picture on the cover and back cover of a newly published "Illustrated History of Chinese Drama".

Yu Shan: She has been pursued by Tian Han, Xu Zhimo, and Wen Yiduo, and is absolutely charming, but her marriage is unfortunate and a lady, and her husband is unfortunate

Such a strange woman, there are naturally many admirers, the most famous of which are Yushan's alumni Tian Han, Xu Zhimo, and even literary giants - Wen Yiduo is her courtier.

As the president of nanguo society, Tian Han's contact time with Yu Shan is undoubtedly the most. For this beautiful, cheerful and enthusiastic student sister, from the time the other party first enrolled in school, Tian Han was afraid that he had a belonging. When Yu Shan starred in "Salome", Tian Han, who stood behind the scenes, even hoped that he was salome's beloved person at that moment, even if he cut off her head and lost his life, just to see her smile. After all, since ancient times, there has been a saying that "peonies die under the flowers, and ghosts are also merry". However, "the falling flowers are intentional, and the flowing water is merciless". Yu Shan rejected Tian Han quite bluntly when he confessed to her, and the two eventually had no part in the relationship, and could only be called good friends in this life.

Yu Shan even had an affair with her senior, Xu Zhimo. Once, Yu Shan once went to Shanghai for a performance, and Xu Zhimo happened to be teaching at the Nanguo Art Institute. After hearing about this, Xu Zhimo and several friends rushed to arrive, and they even crowded in the background to watch Yu Shan's makeup regardless of their identity. Not knowing whether he wanted to tease this arrogant poet, Yu Shanran shouted: "Ah, it's really fatal, I want to pee, I want to pee!"

Xu Zhimo was also bent on performing a good play of heroes saving the United States, and really found a spittoon, holding the spittoon in both hands in a serious manner, and shouting in his mouth, "Spittoon is coming!" Spittoon is coming! "Trotting all the way to Yu Shan, offering great hospitality.

Yu Shan: She has been pursued by Tian Han, Xu Zhimo, and Wen Yiduo, and is absolutely charming, but her marriage is unfortunate and a lady, and her husband is unfortunate

In addition to these two talented people, Yu Shan may never know that there was such a literary person who also had secret feelings for herself. "The most distant distance in the world is not life and death, but I stand in front of you and you don't know I love you." 」 After reading Tagore's "The Bird Collection", I am afraid that I must have a lot of thoughts in my heart. This talented but poorly expressive writer once wrote a poem called "Miracle" to express his love for "her". Unfortunately, the "she" in the text has already married someone else's wife, and wen Yiduo's hopeless love has not waited to blossom after all.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > a unique style and an unhappy marriage</h1>

According to common sense, since ancient times, talents have matched beautiful people. A wonderful woman like Yu Shan deserves a beautiful marriage that envies others. But what was surprising was that Yu Shan actually chose Zhao Taiyou, a man old enough to be her father, as her lifelong reliance.

For a time, the world's opinions were divergent, and even some good people maliciously speculated that Yu Shan's misconduct, red face was a disaster, and plotted Zhao Taiyou's family business before making this decision.

In fact, although Yu Shan was nicknamed "social flower", according to her friends, Yu Shan was of good character and was not afraid of shadows. The reason why she married Zhao Taiyou was really forced by reality.

Yu Shan: She has been pursued by Tian Han, Xu Zhimo, and Wen Yiduo, and is absolutely charming, but her marriage is unfortunate and a lady, and her husband is unfortunate

It turned out that Yu Shan's younger brother Yu Qiwei had been detained by the Kuomintang for joining the Communist Party, and his life and death were uncertain. In order to save her brother, Yu Shan had to commit herself to Zhao Taiyou, just to seek the safety of her family. For the safety of her family, Yu Shan did not quit.

This unfortunate marriage lasted for more than twenty years, consuming all of Yu Shan's youth, from a naïve girl to a mature woman, and the heartache of this is probably only known to Yu Shan herself. Sleeping in the same bed with strangers is undoubtedly the greatest torture for this enthusiastic and lively girl. Until the victory of the War of Resistance, although the two already had two daughters, despite the repeated persuasion of relatives and friends around them, Yu Shan resolutely and resolutely proposed a divorce to Zhao Taiyou, this unfortunate marriage really ended, Yu Shan was like a prisoner who had been trapped in prison for a long time, and finally saw the light again.

Yu Shan: She has been pursued by Tian Han, Xu Zhimo, and Wen Yiduo, and is absolutely charming, but her marriage is unfortunate and a lady, and her husband is unfortunate

The reason why Yu Shan is still famous today, although her beauty is indispensable, but what attracts everyone more is her warm and cheerful personality and advanced and open thoughts. She was never bound by the times, she dared to be unusual, and she persevered in everything she wanted. For her family, she took care of her family in every way, even sacrificing her own good years; for her career, she was enthusiastic and invincible; for love, she was bold and bold, and she had the courage to express. This is something that many modern women still can't and don't dare to do.

Although she is in an era of all kinds of constraints on women, Yu Shan still dares to live herself and live a wonderful life, which makes her out of place but also makes her shine, after all, no one can shine on the stage like her, as dazzling as sunshine. In a sense, Yu Shan is a strange woman who is ahead of her time.

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