
Food recommendations: braised lion's head mushrooms, pork stew noodles, dried bamboo shoots stir-fried meat slices, fruit vinegar lotus slices

author:Kun Kun loves editing

Foodies uphold the firm belief that "the world is so big, I want to taste it" and make eating the only purpose of travel. Chinese cuisine is divided into many genres in circulation, among which the most influential and representative ones recognized by society are: Lu, Sichuan, Cantonese, Min, Su, Zhejiang, Xiang, Hui and other cuisines, which are often referred to as China's "eight major cuisines". The formation of a cuisine is inseparable from its long history and unique culinary characteristics, and it is also affected by the natural geography, climatic conditions, resource specialties, and eating habits of the region. Next, we will recommend food sharing and snack sharing from all over the world every day.

Braised lion's head mushroom

Food recommendations: braised lion's head mushrooms, pork stew noodles, dried bamboo shoots stir-fried meat slices, fruit vinegar lotus slices


1, dried lion's head mushrooms with warm water to swell and then squeeze out yellow water, repeatedly squeeze under the faucet several times until the water becomes clear, tear the lion's head mushroom into small pieces and cook in boiling water for 5 minutes to fish out, over cold water squeezed dry, these processes can not be omitted, otherwise the treatment of the lion's head mushroom will be bitter;

2. Wash and cut the circle of the pepper;

3: Heat the oil in a wok, stir-fry the pepper and add the lion's head mushroom and stir-fry for a while;

4, add an appropriate amount of salt, taste full, a little water, cover the pot and simmer for 2 minutes;

5: Add oil beans and stir-fry before coming out of the pot.

Pork stew with noodles

Food recommendations: braised lion's head mushrooms, pork stew noodles, dried bamboo shoots stir-fried meat slices, fruit vinegar lotus slices


1, cut the pork belly into large pieces, put it into cold water, add ginger slices, cooking wine and boil, remove blood foam;

2. Cut the meat that has been cooked once into small pieces;

3, put oil in the wok, after the oil is hot, put in the pork belly pieces and stir-fry, stir-fry until the surface of the meat is slightly yellow, then pour in the soy sauce, a small amount of sugar to continue to stir-fry to color;

4, prepare shallots, garlic, star anise, peppercorns, put into the pork belly, and then pour warm water, water to cover the pork belly, after the water boiled, simmer for 20 minutes;

5: Put the noodles that have been soaked in advance and cook with the pork belly, add the appropriate amount of salt, simmer for another 20 minutes on low heat.

Stir-fried slices of dried bamboo shoots

Food recommendations: braised lion's head mushrooms, pork stew noodles, dried bamboo shoots stir-fried meat slices, fruit vinegar lotus slices

1. Stir-fry the garlic cloves until the surface is browned;

2、 Add the sliced meat and stir-fry until it changes color;

3: After the meat slices change color, put in the dried bamboo shoots, add a small amount of soy sauce, simmer and fry for 10 minutes;

4: Simmer until crispy and soft, then stir-fry the shallots and stir-fry.

Fruit vinegar lotus flakes

Food recommendations: braised lion's head mushrooms, pork stew noodles, dried bamboo shoots stir-fried meat slices, fruit vinegar lotus slices

Ingredients: 1 section of crispy lotus root, appropriate amount of goji berries, appropriate amount of purified water, 200ml of apple cider vinegar

1: Bring water to a boil in a pot, blanch the lotus slices for 2 minutes, remove the heat and control the water;

2, pour fruit vinegar into the container, then add an appropriate amount of pure water, stir well;

3. Put in the lotus slices, cover the container, and refrigerate for 2 hours;

4: Wash and soak the goji berries in the process of waiting, and decorate them before eating.

Today's sharing is here, Ah Kun and everyone food sharing every day, you can send the menu you want to learn to the comments inside everyone exchanges and learns from each other, Xiaobian will share with you later.

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