
Favorite home cooking Braised monkey head mushroom detailed preparation tutorial

author:The kitchen of the old Lin family
Favorite home cooking Braised monkey head mushroom detailed preparation tutorial

Braised monkey's head mushroom

Favorite home cooking Braised monkey head mushroom detailed preparation tutorial

First, raw materials:

1. Ingredients: 200 grams of water hair monkey head mushroom, 100 grams of pork.

2. Seasoning: salt, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, self-sugar, starch, pepper water, green onion, ginger, lard.

Second, the system:

1. Soak the monkey head in warm water, wash the sediment, cut into thick slices, and blanch in a pot of boiling water. pork

Blanch the slices in a pot of boiling water and rinse.

2. Put the monkey head slices in the pot, add the slices of meat, green onion and ginger slices, add the soup to an appropriate amount, and steam for 30 minutes

Remove, remove the green onion and ginger, and remove the pork for other purposes.

3. When the pot is heated to 60%, put the monkey head slice into the oil and pour it into the colander to control the oil

use. Leave a little oil in the original pot, simmer the pot with green onion and ginger, add monkey head slices, add soy sauce, fine salt and peppercorns

Stir-fry with water and sugar, add an appropriate amount of soup, order MSG seasoning, use wet starch to outline, drizzle with bright oil, and put it out of the pot

Disk is enough.

Press: This dish is made with mountain monkey head and pork. Monkey head is tender and beautiful, and it is rich in nutrition

Natural tonic, with pork that nourishes the kidneys and nourishes the blood, nourishes the yin and moisturizes the dryness, and its function is to nourish and strengthen the body. Commonly used in gas

Blood weakness, sperm and blood depletion, insufficient fluid, indigestion, neurasthenia and other diseases. Especially for stomach cancer

It has obvious therapeutic effect and can be consumed as a therapeutic dish for a long time.

Favorite home cooking Braised monkey head mushroom detailed preparation tutorial

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