
What does haggis taste like? I told you in Baotou

author:Pu Nan Qinye

During the trip, in addition to the scenery, food is also indispensable. I like to eat things I haven't eaten before, and try some strange foods.

What does haggis taste like? I told you in Baotou

That year in Baotou, I tasted a bowl of haggis, an ordinary bowl of haggis, 12 yuan, but it was unforgettable in my mind.

That day, because I wanted to see the Great Mosque in Baotou, I took the No. 5 bus from Baobai Building to Baotou East Station. At the entrance of the street outside the south gate of the station, I saw a restaurant, and the steaming heat was bubbling out of the door, and the door of the store was written "haggis". I suddenly wanted to eat something I had never eaten before, so I raised my legs and went in.

What does haggis taste like? I told you in Baotou

This is a very simple small shop, more than ten square meters of storefront divided into two. The left hand is the kitchen, and the finished raw materials of pots and pans are readily available; the right hand is the store, crowded with three or four tables and a dozen stools. The cooked offal was placed in a large aluminum basin on the ground, and the lady boss was using a large iron spoon to scoop it into an aluminum pot stewed on the briquette stove to heat it, and the haggis was boiling in the pot and making a "beep" sound, raising wisps of hot air.

I ordered haggis and sat down at the small table. See the boss lady quickly take a large bowl of coarse porcelain in her left hand, take an iron spoon in her right hand and stir it in the pot a few times and scoop it hard, raise her hand high, and then fall down, seeing that it touched the edge of the bowl, but gently stopped, the wrist flipped over, and the miscellaneous pieces were all in the bowl. Shouting "a bowl of haggis" again, two steps ahead, a bowl of haggis stands firmly on the table with all its heat and strong aroma.

What does haggis taste like? I told you in Baotou

I smelled the fragrance, and looked closely at the bowl of haggis, red, red, white, soup, water, I could roughly identify its original appearance, and the soup was not very clear. Pick up a chopstick, and the delicious taste immediately fills the entire mouth. I swallowed dates, soup and water, and I could describe my eating appearance at that time.

And just like that, I destroyed this bowl of haggis, the first bowl of haggis I remembered. Its beautiful taste, as well as the lady's skillful gestures, became the most memorable of my later travels.

There is often such a phenomenon in tourism, a moment, an action, a picture, a sentence, a wisp of green smoke, which haunts your mind most inadvertently and becomes eternal. It is also a rare enjoyment in travel.

What does haggis taste like? I told you in Baotou

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