
"Tofu roast beef brisket", "lantern chicken", "strange fat sausage grilled shrimp", "golden melon powder steamed pork ribs" method

author:Chinese fast food JyGl little assistant

Grilled beef brisket in an iron pot of tofu

"Tofu roast beef brisket", "lantern chicken", "strange fat sausage grilled shrimp", "golden melon powder steamed pork ribs" method

1. Cut the brisket into pieces, first remove the blood from the pot of boiling water, then fry it dry in a frying pan that is 70% hot, then remove it and set aside.

2. Heat the butter in a net pot, add ginger rice, pickled ginger slices, pickled peppers, garlic and Pixian bean paste and stir-fry, mix with water and put in spice packets, boil out the flavor and then fish out the spice packets.

3. Put the fried beef brisket into the soup pot, pour it into the pressure cooker and close the lid, let the steam pressure for 20 minutes, then remove the brisket and set aside. Scoop the soup from the pot into the net pot and add the tofu cubes and simmer to taste.

4. Before leaving the dish, first scoop in the tofu (with soup) into the net pot, add beef brisket pieces and garlic seedlings and cook slightly, add chicken essence, monosodium glutamate and pour in rattan pepper oil and sesame oil, and put it into a hot iron pot.

[Note] Before using butter, you need to add ginger cubes and green onion knots to the pot and heat it (to remove the odor of butter), beat the residue and use it. The spice pack contains more than ten kinds of spices such as mountain chestnut, star anise, white fruit, grass fruit, and fragrant leaves.

Lantern chicken

"Tofu roast beef brisket", "lantern chicken", "strange fat sausage grilled shrimp", "golden melon powder steamed pork ribs" method

This lantern chicken was originally created by Che Yaoxian, the owner of the famous Restaurant "Effort Meal" in Chengdu during the Republic of China, and then spread to Chongqing, and after its evolution, it was introduced into Huixian Lou and became a popular dish, which was included in the book "Collection of Chinese Famous Dishes". In 1982, Huixian Lou entered Washington, D.C., and the beautiful appearance, salty taste, and soft taste of lantern chicken captured many foreign diners, and the supply exceeded demand every day, and later it was necessary to book in advance to taste.

Production Process:

1, 1 baby soil hen (the hen that is about to lay eggs, net weight of about 500 grams) cut the throat and bleed, pluck the hair from the tail opening to remove the internal organs, rinse clean, remove the skeleton, add salt to rub the inside and outside of the chicken body to make it fully flavorful, put it into the crisper box, add the appropriate amount of green onion, ginger slices, cooking wine and mix well and marinate for 30 minutes.

2, take out the pickled hen into a deep dish, in the stomach stuffed with water squid fillet, fresh mushrooms, winter shoot strips 60 grams each (three raw materials in advance to remove the odor), so that the abdomen becomes full again, sealed with a toothpick, set, poured into the spiced brine soaked in the chicken body, into the steaming box on high heat for 1 hour, take out the drainage, put into the dish.

3, the pot into the salad oil 15 grams to 50% hot, under the red oil watercress 10 grams of small heat stir-fry incense, when the oil color turns red, fish out the watercress, put the red lantern pepper 80 grams of small heat stir-fry incense, add 5 grams of salt, add 40 grams of chicken broth to boil, hook the glass, turn off the heat poured on the chicken, the plate is decorated with fresh oranges, cherry tomatoes, bright red millet spicy, tofu shredded "lantern" can go to the dish.

Grilled shrimp in an iron pot with a strange taste of fatty sausages

"Tofu roast beef brisket", "lantern chicken", "strange fat sausage grilled shrimp", "golden melon powder steamed pork ribs" method


Ingredients: 300 grams of fresh shrimp, 150 grams of French fries, 100 grams of water-haired smoked shoot slices, 200 grams of marinated fatty intestines.


Homemade odd sauce 200 g, old oil 150 g, flower pepper 25 g, garlic 15 g, ginger slices 5 g, green onion 5 g, green and red pepper rings 10 g each, sesame oil 10 g, cumin powder 5 g, pepper oil 10 g, sugar 5 g, monosodium glutamate 5 g, chicken powder 5 g.


1: Wash the shrimp and wear it with a bamboo skewer; the fat intestine is cut from one side, into pieces, put on with a bamboo skewer, and grilled with the shrimp for 4 minutes until the skin is crisp; the fat intestine is removed and cut into strips for later.

2, the pot into the old oil to heat, under the ginger slices, garlic, flowers and peppers stir-fried incense, under the strange sauce stir-frying, under the remaining spices in addition to sesame oil, put in the Fries, smoked shoots, grilled fat intestines, grilled shrimp turned evenly, under the sesame oil to raise the pot; when the plate is plated, the chips, smoke shoots are on the bottom, the shrimp and fat intestines are placed on the top, the spices in the pot are poured on the top, and the alcohol stove can be served.

Preparation of homemade odd sauce:

1 bottle of yellow lantern chili sauce, 1 bottle of Liuyang River chili sauce, 2 bottles of jiale cumin hot sauce, 1 bottle of jiale roast meat sauce, 15 grams of thirteen spices, 600 grams of ground rice dumpling chili sauce, stir-fry in a frying pan, let cool and serve.

Flavor type:

Spicy and fragrant, refreshing and appetizing, cumin flavor is strong.


When seasoning this dish, you can also add a little minced herbs and chopped coriander, which tastes better.

Golden melon steamed pork ribs

"Tofu roast beef brisket", "lantern chicken", "strange fat sausage grilled shrimp", "golden melon powder steamed pork ribs" method

Ingredients: 500 g of ribs


100 grams of sweet potatoes, 100 grams of homemade steamed rice noodles.

10 grams of wine, 20 grams of green onion and ginger, 15 grams of curd milk, 3 grams of dark soy sauce, 5 grams of oyster sauce, 2 grams of sugar, 1 gram of salt, 15 grams of pepper and hemp, 4 grams of monosodium glutamate, 30 grams of watercress red oil.

1, wash the ribs, drain, cut into 5cm long, 3cm wide pieces, mix well with soy sauce, cooking wine, salt, sugar, minced green onion, ginger, marinate for 20 minutes, during the period of several times, the taste is more uniform;

2, add spiced rice noodles to the ribs and stir, so that the ribs are wrapped in a layer of rice noodles, and then put into the steaming bowl, steam for 30 minutes on high heat until the ribs are eight ripe;

3. At the same time, dig a hole with a diameter of 10 cm in diameter with a knife, carefully remove the pumpkin lid, and remove the pumpkin seeds. Then use a spoon to dig up the loose pumpkin meat, carefully stack the eight ripe ribs in the pumpkin, and mix with the melon meat;

4: Cover the pumpkin lid, steam for another 20 minutes in the steamer until the pumpkin is cooked thoroughly, before serving, open the pumpkin lid and drizzle with a few drops of umami juice.


1, the method of making steamed meat rice noodles is to put the rice that has been panned and dried in advance into the oil-free and waterless wok, put the star anise, peppercorns, and small red peppers into it, and slowly stir-fry the rice on low heat until the rice is slightly yellowed to turn off the heat;

2: Put the rice together with the star anise and so on into a blender and break it into granular rice chips, pour the rice chips into the ribs and mix evenly, so that the surface of each rib is evenly covered with chopped rice.

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