
Lettuce leaves do not throw away, the most tender in spring, high in calcium content, better than oil wheat vegetables, do not waste

author:Zou Bajie food

Introduction: Lettuce leaves do not throw, the most tender in spring, high calcium content, better than oil wheat vegetables, do not waste

The breath of spring is getting stronger and stronger, the weather is gradually warmer, no longer need thick cotton clothes, you can go out easily, but some friends are beginning to be anxious, the extra flesh on the body can no longer be hidden, after a period of time to wear more thin, what should I do? There is no other way, only to put weight loss on the agenda, exercise more every day, and eat more scraped oil vegetables, so that the weight will fall down and no longer bother. Recommend everyone to eat lettuce leaves, delicious and nutritious, or a good scraping rapeseed, meet the tender do not miss it.

Lettuce leaves do not throw away, the most tender in spring, high in calcium content, better than oil wheat vegetables, do not waste

Lettuce leaves do not throw, the most tender in spring, high in calcium content, better than oil wheat vegetables, do not waste! Found that many people around do not understand, even if they encounter the most tender lettuce leaves will be ruthlessly thrown away, feel that they are redundant, do not know that they can be eaten, many people are wrong, lettuce leaves can not only be edible, but also high nutritional value, no less than lettuce.

Once when I went to the fruit and vegetable supermarket to buy vegetables, the salesman was adding new lettuce, but with a sad face, he muttered: "I have beaten so many lettuce leaves, how can anyone secretly beat the leaves." "And I saw that the lettuce is very tender, a look is just dug out of the shortly, the leaves are tender can pinch out the water, so I decisively bought two, but also picked more leaves, after going home I first picked the leaves and fried a plate, sweet and crisp, very delicious."

Lettuce leaves do not throw away, the most tender in spring, high in calcium content, better than oil wheat vegetables, do not waste

Lettuce leaves have a high calcium content, and also contain a lot of carotene, which is higher than the stem, in addition, it also contains a variety of vitamins and other nutrients, so it is too wasteful not to know how to eat.

Now we can buy lettuce all year round, but to know that the lettuce in the spring is the most tender, the leaves are also the most tender, after the spring to buy lettuce, the leaves can not eat, because the leaves at that time not only poor taste, but also bitter taste, and now the lettuce leaves are crisp and tender and sweet, it is the time to eat, do not understand.

Lettuce leaves do not throw away, the most tender in spring, high in calcium content, better than oil wheat vegetables, do not waste

How to eat lettuce leaves, in fact, it is the same as other green leafy vegetables, stir-fried, cold mix, make soup can be, the following I come to share with you a cold mix lettuce leaves, friends who have not eaten try to do, taste the taste of spring.

Steps to prepare cold lettuce leaves:

Prepare fresh lettuce leaves, fresh lettuce leaves, it is light green, if the leaves are relatively hard, the color is very dark, and even purple, that indicates that the leaves are old, not very tasty, so when choosing, pay attention to the selection, lettuce leaves are old, it also means that the lettuce is somewhat old, it is not recommended to buy.

Prepare some garlic again, do the cold mix can not lack garlic, Titian effect is very good, garlic peeling wash and chop.

Lettuce leaves do not throw away, the most tender in spring, high in calcium content, better than oil wheat vegetables, do not waste

After the lettuce is picked, put in water to wash and soak in salt for five minutes.

Bring water to a boil, add a spoonful of salt and a few drops of oil, pour the lettuce leaves into the pot, cook until the leaves look emerald green and you can fish them out.

The fished lettuce leaves are placed in cool boiling water to cool down, and after controlling the water, they are put into a dish.

Lettuce leaves do not throw away, the most tender in spring, high in calcium content, better than oil wheat vegetables, do not waste

Put minced garlic, balsamic vinegar, soy sauce, salt, sugar and stir well in the cold sauce, and then put a little sesame oil, if you don't put sesame oil at all, you can also make it refreshing and greasy.

Pour the cold sauce into the lettuce leaves, stir evenly, a cold mix of lettuce is ready, love spicy friends, you can put a little millet pepper when you mix the sauce.

Lettuce leaves do not throw away, the most tender in spring, high in calcium content, better than oil wheat vegetables, do not waste

When making cold lettuce leaves, pay attention to two small details:

When the lettuce leaves are blanched, the underwater pot is boiled and salt and cooking oil are added in advance, which can keep the lettuce leaves emerald green.

Lettuce leaves can not be directly cold after blanching water, you must first cool it, which can make the lettuce leaves more crisp and tender.

In addition, if the lettuce leaves are stir-fried, you must also remember to blanch the water first, which can not only shorten the frying time, but also remove the phytic acid in the lettuce leaves, and eat healthier.

Lettuce leaves do not throw away, the most tender in spring, high in calcium content, better than oil wheat vegetables, do not waste

Lettuce leaves do not throw, the most tender in spring, high in calcium content, better than oil wheat vegetables, do not waste! Lettuce leaves are similar to oil wheat vegetables in appearance, but the taste is better than oil wheat vegetables, do you believe you can also taste it? Sharing is here, like me, please pay attention to me.

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