
There are many kinds of creatures in the ocean, and sand coins are a special kind of existence. Sand coins leave strange footprints on the beach, they have a flat body, and are generally 5 cm to 12 cm in diameter

author:Fresh maple Hq

There are many kinds of creatures in the ocean, and sand coins are a special kind of existence. Sand coins leave strange footprints on the beach, and they have flat bodies, generally ranging from 5 cm to 12 cm in diameter. Although it resembles the petals of a flower, it is disliked by the animals and humans of the ocean. Sand coins live on the bottom of the sea and prefer to hide in the mud and sand, but once washed ashore by the high tide, the survival rate is not high due to the fragile shell.

The exterior of the sand coin has a unique texture, with small ridges arranged vertically on the front side, adapted to the flow of life on the seabed, but it is actually a sea urchin, unlike edible sea urchins, the sand coin has almost no flesh and is covered with a solid shell. The back is covered with tiny spines that provide protection and crawl to escape threats when dangerous, and despite being slow, it still has a defense mechanism.

However, sand coins are not favored by humans or other sea creatures. Their size and appearance make them a staple food, and even the smell of decay is unavoidable. It is also useless to take it home, and you will die soon after leaving the sea. Although the sand coins survive uniquely, they cannot escape the fate of death, but they still survive and reproduce silently in the ocean, interpreting the life course of the marine world.

There are many kinds of creatures in the ocean, and sand coins are a special kind of existence. Sand coins leave strange footprints on the beach, they have a flat body, and are generally 5 cm to 12 cm in diameter
There are many kinds of creatures in the ocean, and sand coins are a special kind of existence. Sand coins leave strange footprints on the beach, they have a flat body, and are generally 5 cm to 12 cm in diameter
There are many kinds of creatures in the ocean, and sand coins are a special kind of existence. Sand coins leave strange footprints on the beach, they have a flat body, and are generally 5 cm to 12 cm in diameter

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