
The low-key "health master" - wolfberry! This combination is combined to nourish the kidney and liver, and the health effect is great!

author:Director of Chinese medicine Hei Weike

Many long-distance couples go home for the New Year, in addition to family reunions, this husband and wife life is also a part of happiness, at this time there are many male friends who want to replenish the kidneys, to improve their kidney function, then this low-key "health master" - wolfberry! is a very good choice.

The low-key "health master" - wolfberry! This combination is combined to nourish the kidney and liver, and the health effect is great!

As we all know, this wolfberry is a precious medicinal material and tonic, and our Chinese medicine has long had the saying of "wolfberry health". For example, the "Compendium of Materia Medica" records: "Goji berries nourish the kidneys and sperm, and nourish the liver...... Bright-eyed and calming the nerves, making people live longer. "But I want to remind everyone: wolfberry is a good thing, but it must also be matched so as not to be wasted, and today I will send you three very good combinations.

The low-key "health master" - wolfberry! This combination is combined to nourish the kidney and liver, and the health effect is great!

First of all, wolfberry + astragalus.

Li Shizhen called astragalus "the chief of tonics" and has the reputation of "the best of all medicines to replenish qi". And the astragalus is sweet and warm, and the qi replenishment is very powerful, and the wolfberry is matched together, which can not only replenish the qi and solidify the surface, but also facilitate urination. Therefore, if you want to replenish kidney qi at this time, you can't miss astragalus.

The low-key "health master" - wolfberry! This combination is combined to nourish the kidney and liver, and the health effect is great!

Then there is wolfberry + yam

The combination of the two can, on the one hand, enhance the effect of nourishing qi and nourishing yin, nourishing the liver and kidneys, and on the other hand, it can also quench thirst and help yang qi rise. For example, now during the Chinese New Year, many male friends have decreased function due to kidney deficiency, or if they have problems of frequent urination, urgency, and incomplete urination, they can use this combination to assist in conditioning.

The low-key "health master" - wolfberry! This combination is combined to nourish the kidney and liver, and the health effect is great!

Finally, let's take a look at the combination of wolfberry + chrysanthemum

This compatibility is very suitable for liver and kidney yin deficiency, as well as liver fire friends, many friends go home for the New Year, such as hot pot barbecue this kind of fat and sweet flavor is not less to eat, for a long time, it is easy to cause the situation of fire, and this kind of fat and sweet taste is not good for the kidneys, eat too much, the burden on the kidneys will increase, and the problem of kidney deficiency will appear.

The low-key "health master" - wolfberry! This combination is combined to nourish the kidney and liver, and the health effect is great!

Now, how much have you learned from these three golden combinations of wolfberry? Of course, what I have shared is only for your reference, and if you have any problems, you should also seek medical attention offline.

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