
Yesterday, after watching "No One in My Eyes 2", the play is crisp and neat, the action is chic, and the little actor Yang En is also a highlight, and the movie Xie Miao is also a tribute to the kung fu emperor Jet Li, because back then

author:Ni is overly kind

Yesterday, after watching "No One in My Eyes 2", the play was crisp and neat, the action was chic, and the little actor Yang En was also a highlight, and the movie Xie Miao was also a tribute to the kung fu emperor Jet Li, because he and Jet Li had made movies back then. The whole storyline is also very compact, which is in line with the style of martial arts movies.

In ancient times, the knife catcher relied on the portrait to find someone and then arrest the case to obtain a reward, in the previous era, the wicked were rampant and domineering, no one dared to care, the wicked often used their official titles to bully men and women, the actor Xie Miao punished the evil and promoted the good was born for them, at the end of the story, Xie Miao in order to avenge the actor Yang Enyou's compatriots, embarked on a journey of revenge, a dozen and ten alone into the lair of the underworld forces, it was too enjoyable to watch, and there were big scenes of explosions and flame knives, the movie was filmed, and the painting style was very beautiful! Let the audience watch and applaud! Speaking of this kind of movie "No One in My Eyes 1" It is an eternal classic, whether it is the role of the characters, the matching of costumes, the selection of materials for the story, and then the direction of the development of the story, it is the best! Not to mention the play, the best, the top! I personally think that the first part will always be the most classic, the best, and it will never be surpassed! If you like to watch martial arts movies, you can watch the first part again after watching "No One in My Eyes 2", perfect!#武侠剧热议# #支持齐哥新电影# #武侠剧火不火# #分享头条好电影# #电影圈那些事# #分享经典剧集# #这电影值得看# #武侠剧探讨# #发现一部好电影# #分享电影心得# #电影干万别错过# #谁有好的电影# #电影安利打卡# #武侠片探讨# #功夫影片盘点# #电影第二十条啦# #给剧作点赞# #最近影片分享# #来谈谈电影# #经典电影讨论#

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Yesterday, after watching "No One in My Eyes 2", the play is crisp and neat, the action is chic, and the little actor Yang En is also a highlight, and the movie Xie Miao is also a tribute to the kung fu emperor Jet Li, because back then
Yesterday, after watching "No One in My Eyes 2", the play is crisp and neat, the action is chic, and the little actor Yang En is also a highlight, and the movie Xie Miao is also a tribute to the kung fu emperor Jet Li, because back then
Yesterday, after watching "No One in My Eyes 2", the play is crisp and neat, the action is chic, and the little actor Yang En is also a highlight, and the movie Xie Miao is also a tribute to the kung fu emperor Jet Li, because back then
Yesterday, after watching "No One in My Eyes 2", the play is crisp and neat, the action is chic, and the little actor Yang En is also a highlight, and the movie Xie Miao is also a tribute to the kung fu emperor Jet Li, because back then
Yesterday, after watching "No One in My Eyes 2", the play is crisp and neat, the action is chic, and the little actor Yang En is also a highlight, and the movie Xie Miao is also a tribute to the kung fu emperor Jet Li, because back then
Yesterday, after watching "No One in My Eyes 2", the play is crisp and neat, the action is chic, and the little actor Yang En is also a highlight, and the movie Xie Miao is also a tribute to the kung fu emperor Jet Li, because back then

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