
Show a hand to your wife: beauty and beauty, a bowl of longan white fungus lotus seed soup to make your wife more beautiful

author:Graceful Milk Tea Dr. Xu

On an ordinary weekend afternoon, Zhang Wei sat on the sofa in the living room, his eyes falling on the face of his wife, Li Juan, from time to time. Li Juan, a delicate and beauty-loving middle-aged woman, has been sighing softly in the mirror lately. Her brows showed concern for the marks of age, and those small wrinkles and skin that was no longer firm seemed to be a shadow that she could not shake off.

Zhang Wei remembers that when the two first met, Li Juan was always full of confidence, and her skin at that time was as delicate and translucent as snow. And now, even the most expensive skincare products don't seem to be fully immune to the ravages of age. In his opinion, Li Juan is still beautiful, but he also understands that for a woman, beauty is not only a kind of self-confidence, but also a kind of strength.

Show a hand to your wife: beauty and beauty, a bowl of longan white fungus lotus seed soup to make your wife more beautiful

One day, Zhang Wei came across an article on the Internet about traditional beauty and beauty food therapy, which mentioned a recipe called longan white fungus lotus seed soup. This soup is said to not only have a sweet taste, but also has an excellent moisturizing and nourishing effect on the skin. This gave him an idea: why not try to cook a bowl for Li Juan by hand, maybe this can surprise her, and more importantly, make her feel that she cares deeply for her.

So, Zhang Wei began his "secret mission". He searched the Internet for various methods of making longan white fungus lotus seed soup, and carefully studied each related article. From choosing ingredients to mastering the heat, he wants to be perfect. In his heart, this is not just a simple bowl of soup, but also an expression of his love for his wife and the protection of her beauty.

After some preparation, Zhang Wei finally chose a suitable weekend and decided to give Li Juan a small surprise. He carefully procured fresh white fungus, sweet longan, and nourishing lotus seeds. In the kitchen, he slowly simmered according to the steps, looking forward to the result of the soup while imagining Li Juan's surprised expression.

Show a hand to your wife: beauty and beauty, a bowl of longan white fungus lotus seed soup to make your wife more beautiful

Zhang Wei was busy in the kitchen, his hands roaming between the washed white fungus and longan, carefully preparing the ingredients and contemplating the wonderful effects of them. He remembers reading in a health magazine that white fungus is rich in collagen, which helps keep the skin elastic and hydrated, while longan is rich in antioxidants, which can anti-aging, making the skin look smoother and more refined.

Li Juan stood aside, curiously observing Zhang Wei's every move. She never imagined that her husband, who had never been in the kitchen, would learn Xi cooking for her. Zhang Wei explained to her: "Do you know? This longan white fungus lotus seed soup is not only sweet, but also very healthy. The natural polysaccharides in white fungus are said to enhance the skin's ability to retain moisture, while lotus seeds have a calming effect and are also helpful for sleep. There was a hint of pride in his words.

Li Juan smiled movingly, she knew that Zhang Wei was not a person who was good at words, but he expressed his love with practical actions. She approached the kitchen and helped Zhang Wei clean the ingredients together. While the two are busy, they share tips about healthy eating. Zhang Wei said: "I checked the information and found that each ingredient in this soup has its own unique nutritional value. For example, longan, which can not only nourish the blood and calm the nerves, is also rich in vitamin C, which has a good beauty effect on the skin. ”

As the soup slowly boiled, there was a faint sweet aroma in the kitchen. Zhang Wei carefully adjusted the heat, hoping that the soup would achieve the best taste. He also deliberately added some red dates and goji berries, not only to increase the nutritional value of the soup, but also to make the soup more attractive.

Show a hand to your wife: beauty and beauty, a bowl of longan white fungus lotus seed soup to make your wife more beautiful

Li Juan sat at the dining table, looking at Zhang Wei's busy back, and her heart was full of gratitude. She knew that it was not just a bowl of soup, but a manifestation of her husband's love and care for her. When the soup was finally ready, the two sat down to taste it together. Li Juan took a sip gently, feeling the smoothness of the white fungus and the sweetness of longan, and her eyes flashed with happiness.

Zhang Wei looked at his wife's satisfied expression, and felt great joy in his heart. He knew that this bowl of soup not only brought health and beauty to his wife, but also brought them closer together. He decided to learn more of these healthy recipes in the future and make more delicious dishes for his lover.

Li Juan began to notice changes in her skin. At first, she didn't attribute the changes to the longan white fungus lotus seed soup that Zhang Wei insisted on brewing for her every day, until her friend was surprised at a party and asked her if she had done any special skin care. After Li Juan returned home, she stood in front of the mirror and carefully examined her face. She noticed that her otherwise dry skin was now more hydrated and her fine lines seemed to fade a lot. Her eyes lit up, and her heart was full of gratitude to Zhang Wei.

On this day, Zhang Wei came home a little late, and Li Juan decided to make a longan white fungus lotus seed soup by herself. She followed Zhang Wei's previous practice and carefully soaked the white fungus, shelled the longan, and removed the core of the lotus seeds. In the process of boiling the soup, she felt Zhang Wei's hard work and love during this time. After the soup was ready, Zhang Wei returned home and couldn't help but smile when he saw the steaming soup on the table.

"This is my return gift for you, thank you for taking care of you for so long. Li Juan said, handing a bowl of soup to Zhang Wei.

They sat at the table, sipping the soup and chatting. Li Juan shared her recent feelings with Zhang Wei, telling him that her skin had gotten better and that she felt full of vitality.

Longan white fungus lotus seed soup has become a ritual in their family, not only for beauty, but also for the continuation and deepening of the love between them. They are starting to pay more attention to healthy eating, constantly exploring other health-friendly ingredients and dishes to incorporate this lifestyle into their daily routine.

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