
Eat fresh in early spring, eat the spring ❗️ breeze in one bite, go to the field to find wild wormwood, knead the yoyo mugwort into the dough and walk on the edge of the ❗️ green field, and be pleasantly surprised

author:A la carte food sharing

Early spring is fresh, and spring is eaten ❗️ in one bite

The spring breeze is slightly drunk, go to the fields to find wild wormwood, and put the yoyo mugwort

Fragrant into the dough ❗️

Walking on the edge of the green field, I was pleasantly surprised to find that the budding was beaten by the other

Squeezed little wormwood. A gentle breeze blows, and the refreshing scent of mugwort mixed with the smell of sunlight and earth comes to the nose. Up close, wormwood grows very specially, with jagged leaf edges, green on the surface and hairy gray-green on the back. Since it's still early spring, there is not much wild wormwood, so I pinched some tender tips and went home to make delicious! !️

Preparation of Ai Qing Dumplings:

1️⃣ Making fillings (suitable for 16 mugwort dumplings)


♦️300 grams of chopped snow vegetables, 300 grams of three-point fat and seven-point lean pork minced, 2 eggs, 4 slices of dried fragrant, there are conditions to add a spring bamboo shoot, the taste is more delicious, the taste is richer~

♦️Beat 2 eggs, quickly pull the chopsticks under the hot oil to form a finely chopped egg

♦️ Heat a pan with a little oil, add green onion and ginger and stir-fry until fragrant, stir-fry the minced meat to change color

♦️ Add chopped snow vegetables and dried fragrant vegetables and continue to stir-fry to dry the water, add crushed eggs and stir-fry evenly, snow vegetables bring their own salt, add a little salt and chicken powder to taste, and set aside

2️⃣ Make mugwort juice

♦️ Wild wormwood is sanded and rinsed well

♦️ Open the water to mugwort leaves and a little baking soda, boil for 1 minute, remove and soak in cold water, after soaking, remove mugwort leaves, and drain the water

♦️ Add an appropriate amount of water to the mugwort dumplings and put them into a wall breaker and beat them into a delicate mugwort juice

3️⃣ Wrapped mugwort dumplings (applicable to 16 mugwort dumplings)

♦️ Add 250 grams of glutinous rice flour and 150 grams of glutinous rice flour to the basin, pour in 280 grams of freshly boiled wormwood juice, and stir the chopsticks into flocculence

♦️ It's hot here, so let the chef stir it and knead it evenly

♦️ After forming the dough, add 10 grams of lard and stir well to form a smooth and delicate dough, divided evenly into about 40 grams of agent

♦️ Southerners do not roll dumpling skins, directly flatten and knead into a bowl or flatten to form a circle as much as possible, scoop 2 spoonfuls of filling to seal and pinch out lace folds

♦️ Boil a pot of water, pad a layer of silicone steamer drawer cloth and steam for 10 minutes

Wormwood knife cutting steamed bun method:

♦️ 350g of all-purpose flour, 180g of wormwood juice, 30g of sugar, 4g of yeast, stir until there is no dry powder, add 10g lard to knead into a smooth and delicate dough

♦️ Relax for a while, roll out the rectangular dough, fold it in three, and roll it out again

rectangular; Continue repeating, folding and rolling out the rectangle

♦️ Spray some water on the dough sheet and roll it up as seamlessly as possible, roll it into uniform strips, and cut it into roughly the same size shape;

♦️ After a little shaping, ferment in a warm place for 40-60 minutes, the volume becomes larger and the pressure will immediately rebound to indicate that the fermentation is good;

♦️ Bring the water to a boil and steam for 10 minutes, then turn off the heat and simmer for 3 minutes

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Eat fresh in early spring, eat the spring ❗️ breeze in one bite, go to the field to find wild wormwood, knead the yoyo mugwort into the dough and walk on the edge of the ❗️ green field, and be pleasantly surprised
Eat fresh in early spring, eat the spring ❗️ breeze in one bite, go to the field to find wild wormwood, knead the yoyo mugwort into the dough and walk on the edge of the ❗️ green field, and be pleasantly surprised
Eat fresh in early spring, eat the spring ❗️ breeze in one bite, go to the field to find wild wormwood, knead the yoyo mugwort into the dough and walk on the edge of the ❗️ green field, and be pleasantly surprised
Eat fresh in early spring, eat the spring ❗️ breeze in one bite, go to the field to find wild wormwood, knead the yoyo mugwort into the dough and walk on the edge of the ❗️ green field, and be pleasantly surprised
Eat fresh in early spring, eat the spring ❗️ breeze in one bite, go to the field to find wild wormwood, knead the yoyo mugwort into the dough and walk on the edge of the ❗️ green field, and be pleasantly surprised
Eat fresh in early spring, eat the spring ❗️ breeze in one bite, go to the field to find wild wormwood, knead the yoyo mugwort into the dough and walk on the edge of the ❗️ green field, and be pleasantly surprised
Eat fresh in early spring, eat the spring ❗️ breeze in one bite, go to the field to find wild wormwood, knead the yoyo mugwort into the dough and walk on the edge of the ❗️ green field, and be pleasantly surprised
Eat fresh in early spring, eat the spring ❗️ breeze in one bite, go to the field to find wild wormwood, knead the yoyo mugwort into the dough and walk on the edge of the ❗️ green field, and be pleasantly surprised
Eat fresh in early spring, eat the spring ❗️ breeze in one bite, go to the field to find wild wormwood, knead the yoyo mugwort into the dough and walk on the edge of the ❗️ green field, and be pleasantly surprised

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