
Jianghua Ai Ye Baba: Sweet and attractive, full of fragrance

author:Xiaoxiang will
Jianghua Ai Ye Baba: Sweet and attractive, full of fragrance

Today's Yongzhou News (Jianghua Special Reporter Zhu Ting, Zhang Chunli, Lu Yang) Before and after the Qingming Festival, it is the season for the growth of mugwort leaves, and mugwort leaves made of mugwort leaves are a traditional snack with endless memories. Artemisia leaf baba has a delicate taste, soft and glutinous sweetness, and is a popular seasonal delicacy at the moment.

Jianghua Ai Ye Baba: Sweet and attractive, full of fragrance

Early in the morning, Luo Wenzhen came to the field to pick fresh wormwood. After returning home, pick off the old leaves of the tender wormwood, clean it, add edible alkali and cook for a few minutes, so that the mugwort can not only maintain the green color of wormwood, but also taste not bitter or astringent.

Jianghua Ai Ye Baba: Sweet and attractive, full of fragrance

"Mugwort leaves must be fried with water when lime or alkali, edible alkali can be put on, boiling water after frying, boiling water can be scooped up after boiling water for three or five minutes, to cool immediately, and the mugwort leaves are green. Luo Wenzhen, the person in charge of the Sanyao flavor snacks in March, said.

Jianghua Ai Ye Baba: Sweet and attractive, full of fragrance

After cleaning, blanching, soaking, chopping and other preliminary processing, the mugwort leaves are poured into glutinous rice flour and kneaded into a dough, with peanuts, sesame seeds and other homemade fillings kneaded into a dough, put into the steamer for more than ten minutes to wait, uncover the lid of the pot mugwort leaves bursts of fragrance to the nose. The sweet filling is paired with the fragrant wormwood, and the flavor blends well together, making the fragrance of mugwort leaves more layered between the tongue.

"The taste is good mainly because the baba has the moistness of Q bomb, our peanut fragrance, and our filling is particularly much more wrapped, which has twice as many cores than the general baba, and the filling is particularly delicious. Luo Wenzhen, the person in charge of the Sanyao flavor snacks in March, said.

Jianghua Ai Ye Baba: Sweet and attractive, full of fragrance

Artemisia leaves attract people's taste buds with their unique flavor and satisfy the deep nostalgia in their hearts. Luo Wenzhen uses traditional craftsmanship to make mugwort leaf baba with fine workmanship, exquisite materials, are pure natural food, authentic taste, deeply loved by the public, many citizens often buy her mugwort leaf baba.

Jianghua Ai Ye Baba: Sweet and attractive, full of fragrance

"I bought some for my mother to eat during the Qingming Festival, and the baba on March 3 was very delicious. We often come to buy it during the holidays, and her poop is soft, fragrant, sweet and delicious. Customer Tang Hongxuan said.

"Our mugwort leaf baba is sold all over the country, and the largest amount of nearly 6,000 pieces per day is nearly 6,000, because our (mugwort leaf baba) is already cooked in the past, and it is fragrant and sweet when simmered in the microwave for half a minute. Luo Wenzhen, the person in charge of March 3, said.

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