
Cai Yuanpei's last day: He couldn't speak in his mouth, looked at his wife with tears, and left his last words

author:Tang Feng Song Yue

At six o'clock in the morning of March 2, 1940, Cai Yuanpei got up to go to the toilet, and when he returned to his room, he suddenly fell due to weakness, and his wife came to hear the noise and helped him to bed. Half an hour later, Cai Yuanpei suddenly spat out blood, black and purple in blood. I asked a doctor for treatment, and thought that there was only a blood transfusion, so I sent it to the hospital.

At about 2:30 p.m., Cai Yuanpei suddenly appeared panic on his face, he couldn't speak in his mouth, his hands clenched and twitched to make a gesture of resistance, and after a few minutes he calmed down.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, the doctor began to give Cai Yuanpei a blood transfusion, and Cai Yuanpei was very uncomfortable, and several times angrily said, it is not good, it is really fatal. Then the whispers began to appear. The wife listened with her ears and vaguely distinguished a few words: All kinds of accidents in the world are due to people's own interests, and we must save the country with morality and scholarship.

At 12 o'clock in the evening, Cai Yuanpei could not breathe normally, just exhaled outward, his eyelids did not blink, and his hands were cold.

At three o'clock in the morning, Cai Yuanpei suddenly opened his eyes, looked at his wife with tears in his eyes, and silently nodded as if he had been reunited for a long time, and then fell into a coma and never woke up again. At nine o'clock the next day, Cai Yuanpei passed away.

Cai Yuanpei's last day: He couldn't speak in his mouth, looked at his wife with tears, and left his last words

Cai Yuanpei lost his father at the age of 11, read hard since childhood, once conceived an article under the lamp, his mother said, late at night, hurry up and sleep. The next day dawn called him up, and Cai Yuanpei waved it away. Since then, he has developed a good habit of going to bed early and getting up early, and he often tells people that it is better to stay up late than to get up early.

Cai Yuanpei was studying upstairs when he was a child, one day there was a fire in the house, the whole family panicked, the family shouted for him to go downstairs, Cai Yuanpei was deaf, and the reading was still the same.

In Cai Yuanpei's study hung a portrait of himself, on which was written a self-proclaimed sentence of Confucius: He is also a man, angry and forgetful, happy to forget his worries, and does not know that old age is coming.

Cai Yuanpei said that there are two kinds of Chinese languages, one is a practical text, which is used for eating, and the other is an art text, which is used to civilize civilization.

Cai Yuanpei summarized the key points of his learning into four words: macro, covenant, deep, and beautiful. Macro refers to the knowledge of the wide, about refers to its own family, deep refers to in-depth study, beauty refers to the realm of perfection.

Cai Yuanpei did not approve of dead reading, he said, the study of learning must have a lively spirit, not to learn from the ancients for three years without looking into the garden can do.

Cai Yuanpei told Huang Yanpei that to save China, we must learn (education).

Cai Yuanpei said that education is not for the past, not for the present, but for the future.

Cai Yuanpei said that the purpose of education is to make the boring learning interesting and arouse people's desire for knowledge.

Cai Yuanpei asked Peking University students to achieve three points. First, research. Second, cultivate morality. Third, love your teachers and friends.

Cai Yuanpei has always advocated equality between men and women in education, Peking University has not recruited girls before, and cai Yuanpei only recruited the first batch of girls after taking office.

Cai Yuanpei adheres to the principle of "eclecticism", and there are hu shi, Chen Duxiu, Lu Xun and other people who advocate a new culture, as well as Gu Hongming, Liu Shipei, Huang Kan and others who advocate the old culture.

Cai Yuanpei's last day: He couldn't speak in his mouth, looked at his wife with tears, and left his last words

Cai Yuanpei returned from studying in Germany and set himself three no's principles: not to be an official, not to take a concubine, and not to play mahjong.

Cai Yuanpei was studying in Germany, and a student wrote to say that he wanted to come to see him. The student likes to ask people for money, and when he wants money, he scolds people. Cai Yuanpei's friends all said that it was best not to receive such people, and Cai Yuanpei mused for a long time, Confucius said, instead of entering, do not retreat from him. We are engaged in education, so we should guide people to make progress. If he refuses to go thousands of miles away, can he change the problem of asking for money and cursing people? The friends listened, and the jaws said yes.

Cai Yuanpei listened to other people's speeches, was upright and serene, his eyes did not move, his mouth did not move, his head and body did not move, and he was extremely focused.

Cai Yuanpei became the chief of education, someone came to the door to congratulate, Cai Yuanpei wore a short jacket to come out to greet, both hands are full of soap bubbles. He wiped his hands while greeting, and said with the people who came to him, it is okay today, wash your clothes at home, please sit down.

Cai Yuanpei is not picky about eating and wearing vegetarian food. Madame said that she was very good at waiting, porridge, dry rice, and burnt rice.

When Cai Yuanpei was the president of Peking University, the hotel guys sent takeaways, which contained only a plate of mushu meat, a plate of vinegar-boiled cabbage, and a few steamed buns.

After Cai Yuanpei's death, there was no room in the room, no ridge on the ground, the medical expenses for the treatment of the disease had been arrears and had not been paid, and the money for the funeral was still crowdfunded by friends.

Cai Yuanpei never rode in a car. He said that it was too inhumane for a person to carry a person in a sedan car. A broad man invited him to dinner and sent a palanquin to please, but Cai Yuanpei resolutely did not sit down and walked with the palanquin. When I arrived at the master's house, I was already in a mess. The broad man reprimanded the sedan driver, and Cai Yuanpei said, "I don't sit down and have nothing to do with him." He also did not ride in a rickshaw, and he could not bear to see the rickshaw driver sweating and breathless.

Before Cai Yuanpei came to Peking University as president, the school staff must pay tribute when they see that the teaching staff must pay tribute, and the teaching staff do not have to return the salute. At the beginning of Cai Yuanpei's tenure, the school workers lined up in a line to salute, Cai Yuanpei quickly took off his top hat, bowed and returned the salute, and the school workers were greatly surprised. After that, no matter who saluted Cai Yuanpei, Cai Yuanpei would return the salute.

Some people laughed at Cai Yuanpei's words like chicken feet, Cai Yuanpei did not think that he was embarrassed, laughing and saying, I have also practiced hard work, but unfortunately I did not practice well, and I could not hide my shortcomings.

Cai Yuanpei's last day: He couldn't speak in his mouth, looked at his wife with tears, and left his last words

Yang Yinyu (the president of the Beijing Women's Normal University, who was later scolded by Lu Xun), said that Peking University students have come from Qinggao, but when they met Cai Yuanpei, they were so respectful, and I really admired it.

Cai Yuanpei lived with someone when he was working at the Central Research Institute in Nanjing, he lived in the inner room, and this jun lived in the outer room. One day, Cai Yuanpei got up to prepare to wash, but this Jun was sleeping soundly, and Cai Yuanpei kept reading until this Jun got up and came out to wash.

Cai Yuanpei's mansion is full of daily visitors, as long as he has a little leisure, whether it is before breakfast or late at night, he will not tire of receiving it, without getting tired. Even if there are shop guys who have never known each other and come to ask for advice with books, Cai Yuanpei will not tire of explaining them.

After Cai Yuanpei's death, the family's entourage and maid were deeply saddened, and everyone said that Cai Yuanpei was kind and had no shelf. Cai Yuanpei only let them call them Mr., not Mr. Cai, unlike other families. Every New Year's Festival, no matter how difficult they are, they must also give them a little more money. On the day of the funeral, tens of thousands of nearby residents came out to burn paper money to send off, saying in unison that Mr. Cai had become a god.

Before Cai Yuanpei became the president of Peking University, the Academic Council of Peking University mostly used English, and after Cai Yuanpei took office, he switched to Chinese. Some foreign professors protested that we could not understand Chinese. Cai Yuanpei said, if I teach in your country, is it because I am a Chinese, and you will speak Chinese when you have a meeting? The foreign professors were dumbfounded. Since then, peking university meetings have always used Chinese and no longer use English.

Cai Yuanpei believes that "students are talents, and relatives are mediocre talents." He wrote letters of recommendation to countless people in his life, but refused to introduce a good job to his relatives.

In his later years, Cai Yuanpei often wrote bookmarks for people, wrote book prefaces, and wrote introduction letters, responding to every request. The reason why he did this was to practice Confucius's saying that "a gentleman does not cheat, and does not believe in a million" (a gentleman does not suspect others of fraud in advance, nor does he guess that others do not pay attention to credit).

Cai Yuanpei once asked students that one plus one equals several. The students thought it had a profound meaning, but they didn't dare to say it. For a long time, one student plucked up the courage to say that one plus one equals two. Cai Yuanpei laughed, right. One plus one equals two, and you can't even have basic scientific knowledge because you worship me.

At that time, Peking University had three kinds of students, one was a formal student who had gone through the admission procedures, one was an auditor who had done an audit certificate, and the other was an eavesdropper who did not have an audit certificate. The famous writer Shen Congwen is one of the members of this huge team of auditors.

Cai Yuanpei said that the university includes the canon and the institutions of the many families.

Cai Yuanpei's last day: He couldn't speak in his mouth, looked at his wife with tears, and left his last words

Cai Yuanpei read the tragic description of hunting in the book of the Russian writer Tolstoy and decided not to eat meat anymore. He said that eating vegetarian has three major benefits, one is hygiene, two are to abstain from killing, and three are used in sections. I'm a vegetarian, mainly to quit killing.

Cai Yuanpei visited Einstein while in Germany and invited him to visit China. Einstein soon went to Japan to lecture, so he asked Cai Yuanpei to give him an invitation letter, but he did not expect to wait for five weeks, and did not see Cai Yuanpei reply, thinking that Peking University did not want to invite him, so he changed his itinerary. In fact, Cai Yuanpei attaches great importance to this matter and wants to invite Einstein to the various groups, but due to the complicated procedures, it is delayed.

Liang Shuming said that without Mr. Cai, Chen Duxiu, Hu Shi, Lu Xun and others, they could not gather at Peking University and play their own extraordinary role, which is the unique greatness of Mr. Cai.

Cai Yuanpei praised Lu Xun: his writings have opened up unique paths, enlightened countless methods for later learning, and despised people who dare to open up new literature.

Cai Yuanpei did filial piety to his mother, and once his mother fell ill, he cut off the flesh on his arm to give his mother medicine to cure her illness.

Cai Yuanpei was admitted to the Late Qing Dynasty and joined the Hanlin Academy, so he was called "Taishi" (Hanlin scholars are generally responsible for the revision of history).

Cai Yuanpei is in the world, longer than the gentleman and shorter than the villain, so the plot is often unsuccessful. He often told people that I was suitable for study, not for doing things. I do not fail others, but people fail me.

Cai Yuanpei is in France, the French invite to eat, and there are chopsticks and soup spoons on the table. The French say that you don't need knives and forks, and it is inconvenient to eat Western food. Cai Yuanpei said that our ancestors also used knives and forks to eat, but our Chinese is a peace-loving nation, think that knives and forks are murderous weapons, and it is too unselected when eating, so we changed to daggers (knives) and chopsticks (chopsticks) from the Shang Zhou. Cut the meat with a knife and use chopsticks to pick up the dish. Later, the cooking technique improved, and the knife was abandoned, using only chopsticks.

Cai Yuanpei wrote inscriptions to the three children, namely: the wise are not confused, the benevolent are not worried, and the brave are not afraid. The rich and the noble cannot be adulterous, the poor cannot be moved, and the mighty cannot be bent. Eagerness to learn is almost wisdom, practice is almost benevolent, and shame is almost courageous.

Feng Youlan said that Mr. Cai was the most gentlemanly person in modern times.

The master is gone, and the wind and bones are still there. Mr. Cai Yuanpei was praised by the great man as "a great fighter in the academic circles and a model for the world", which is indeed an outstanding theory, which is enough to be "an example of the times and a beacon of the soul". This set of "Mr. Power" series of books, rich in content, thick paper, is the best product, like friends hurry to start a set, appreciate the style of the masters of the Republic of China. Click on the image below to purchase directly.

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