
Teach you to clean the Boston lobster properly, explain it in detail, and turn the steamed lobster with garlic vermicelli into a home-cooked dish

author:Yang Ma's little chef

Hello everyone, I am Yang Ma's small chef, a requirement for food is delicious, easy to do, good-looking food lovers, enjoy the fun of making food. Ordinary ingredients, simple methods, to reflect the warm taste of home. If you' like me, worrying about what to eat and what to do at every meal, then pay attention to me, and we will talk and discuss together.

Boston lobsters are not really lobsters, but belong to the crawfish family. Boston lobster meat is more tender and delicate, it looks like a brain shell, and a pair of oversized pliers, the pliers and tail are full of meat, the dark yellow-green shrimp brain (liver and pancreas) in the head is also very strong, this guy's official name is "American sea shrimp"

This season is the time of year when the Boston lobster is fat, the female has a cub, and the male has a paste. All are unusually fragrant, the main thing is that it is now cheap, buy one to celebrate the seafood addiction. Garlic vermicelli steaming boron is a particularly easy-to-operate dish that is both delicious and festive. There is still a little need to pay attention to the handling, and the following Yang Mama will do it with you

Teach you to clean the Boston lobster properly, explain it in detail, and turn the steamed lobster with garlic vermicelli into a home-cooked dish

The handling of the Boston lobster was left to Yang's father. The fresh Boston lobster is washed clean, poked down in the middle of the head with a knife, destroying its nerve center, reducing the lobster's struggle; stabbing the lower part of the tail with chopsticks, if you look closely, you can see a excretory opening, release the blood and tissue fluid, break the boston lobster's brain shell open, keep it for later, I don't like to cut him off, that is more troublesome to deal with the gills, and this brain shell is also quite powerful.

Teach you to clean the Boston lobster properly, explain it in detail, and turn the steamed lobster with garlic vermicelli into a home-cooked dish

The edible part of the Boston lobster is very much, the inedible is only the lower four, the shrimp line, is the intestines of the Boston lobster, when the body of the lobster is split, it can be seen and taken out; the stomach of the Boston lobster, that is, the white part on the right, in the front part of its brain shell, can be pulled out; the middle yellow hairy thing is the gills of the Boston lobster, under the brain shell, the lobster mainly relies on gills to filter, harmful substances are concentrated in the gills and body surface, and can not be eaten On the far left is the part of the Boston lobster's mouth, which has no meat at all, and is cut off directly.

Teach you to clean the Boston lobster properly, explain it in detail, and turn the steamed lobster with garlic vermicelli into a home-cooked dish

Cut the connection between the shrimp head and the shrimp tail, separate the lobster head and tail, and the part of the calf under the head is also very meaty, and it is also cut into several parts, and the body part can be halved in half, which is very simple. Cut it casually without cutting it, I like to take a bite of a big piece of meat, I don't cut it. Lobster tongs are crushed with the back of a knife to facilitate flavor and later consumption. The lobster meat is mixed with a little cooking wine, and the ginger juice is fishy.

Boston lobster finished product more beautiful tips: cut lobster meat and then washed with water, further remove the blood and tissue fluid, so that the treated lobster meat will be whiter when ripe.

Teach you to clean the Boston lobster properly, explain it in detail, and turn the steamed lobster with garlic vermicelli into a home-cooked dish

The soaked vermicelli was laid at the bottom of the plate, and I laid out a large plate full of two reasons, the first reason, the lobster was not enough to eat some vermicelli, and the second reason, the vermicelli sucked up the lobster gravy and garlic flavor, which is the essence of the whole dish. Arrange them in turn the way you like, I like to put it in such a cool look, and the teeth and claws are the way lobsters should be.

Teach you to clean the Boston lobster properly, explain it in detail, and turn the steamed lobster with garlic vermicelli into a home-cooked dish

Stir-fry garlic sauce, I prepared a large handful of garlic granules, also cut a little yellow pepper color, put some vegetable oil in the pot, and then pour in the minced garlic, slowly stir-fry over low heat, put oyster sauce, soy sauce, sugar, salt seasoning, so that you can fragrant with lobster, fry until the garlic slightly yellow, turn off the heat quickly.

Teach you to clean the Boston lobster properly, explain it in detail, and turn the steamed lobster with garlic vermicelli into a home-cooked dish

The steamer can't put this big guy down, put it in the wok, smear it with the garlic sauce that has just been fried, and you can steam it. The steaming time is exquisite, I put it in the pot to take a photo, can not be cold water under the pot, can not be cold water under the pot, can not be cold water under the pot, important things to say three times. Generally speaking, a pound or so of Boston lobster is about fifteen minutes, and the water is boiled on the pot, so that the taste is better.

Teach you to clean the Boston lobster properly, explain it in detail, and turn the steamed lobster with garlic vermicelli into a home-cooked dish

Shrimp meat is more than most meats exist, low fat health, taste Q elastic and smooth, seafood is the most important thing is the freshness of ingredients, as long as it is fresh, the quality is in place, the taste will not be bad. Sprinkling a handful of spring onions in the pot is the finishing touch, I will not pour oil, this light and natural taste is the favorite of the indigenous people by the sea.

Teach you to clean the Boston lobster properly, explain it in detail, and turn the steamed lobster with garlic vermicelli into a home-cooked dish

The method of steaming lobster with garlic vermicelli shared by Yang Mama today is to share a dish that you can also make well every day.

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