
Summer today! The first solar terms of summer are coming, so tell these to your children

The green trees are shady and long in summer

The terrace is reflected into the pond

Summer today! The first solar terms of summer are coming, so tell these to your children

When dappled sunlight shines through the foliage

Sprinkle a golden glow

The shadows of the trees sway gently

The smell of heat waves began to spread in the air

Spring is still lingering

Summer has arrived

20 points today 25 mins

We're coming

The first solar term of summer – summer

Summer today! The first solar terms of summer are coming, so tell these to your children
Summer today! The first solar terms of summer are coming, so tell these to your children

Three summers

In the eyes of the ancients

There are three iconic phenology of Lixia

Wait for the grasshoppers to chirp

This time of year

The caddisflies all arrived as promised

The sound is chirping

Report the news of summer to people

Second earthworm out

The rain is abundant and the atmosphere is hot and hot

Earthworms dig out of the earth

Attend this grand ceremony of life

The Third Waiting King Gua Sheng

The vines of the king melon climb and grow rapidly

Just wait for the fruits of midsummer

Tired of hanging branches

Summer today! The first solar terms of summer are coming, so tell these to your children
Summer today! The first solar terms of summer are coming, so tell these to your children

Lixia poetry

The beauty of early summer, the beauty is in the comfort and leisure

Yang Wanli of the Song Dynasty was like this

Describe life in early summer

Plums leave sour soft teeth, plantains divided into green and window screens.

Day long sleeps up and thinks ruthlessly, idly watching children catch willow flowers.

And in Lu You's pen

The beauty of summer, the feeling of beauty in the heart

The red banner was inserted into the city, and the Eastern Jun returned to the whole house.

Mud new nest swallows noisy, flowers are rare bees.

The willows are first dense, and the curtains are still faint.

Day oblique soup mu, skilled to try on single clothes.

Summer today! The first solar terms of summer are coming, so tell these to your children

In the summer, in the eyes of the literati and inkers, it is still like this

Li Xia remembers the brothers of the Kyoshi

Don Wei Yingwu

Change the order to read Fangchen, tired of the day forever.

The summer wood has become yin, and the public gate is constant and quiet.

The long wind began to drift, and the clouds were piled up before the mountains were thrown.

Sit and want to leave the people, but also be sorry for the scenery.

Early summer immediate

Song Wang Anshi

The stone beam hut has a curved pillar,

Running water splashed in Xipi.

Sunny day warm wind raw wheat gas,

When the green shade grass wins the flower.

Excerpt from Bodhisattva Man Palindrome

Song SuShi

Hand red ice bowl lotus, lotus bowl ice red hand.

Lang laughs at the lotus silk long, long silk lotus laughs at lang.

Summer today! The first solar terms of summer are coming, so tell these to your children
Summer today! The first solar terms of summer are coming, so tell these to your children

Legend of Lixia

Uchiha rice

With the arrival of summer, the custom in some places is to eat black rice. There are many legends about the origin of Uchiha. The most popular is the story of Sun Zhen during the Warring States period.

During the Warring States period, Sun Bin was persecuted and locked up in a pig house, and the old jailer used black leaves to cook black sticky rice, and then kneaded it into dirty rice balls and secretly gave it to Sun Bin to eat. Sun Bin not only survived by this method, but was still very healthy and eventually escaped from prison. The first time Sun Bing ate black rice was on the day of Lixia.

Hanging egg bags

In the Nantong area of Jiangsu Province, the summer is happy to hang eggs on the chest of children. Legend has it that the plague god was sleepy until he woke up on the day of the summer, and when he woke up, he spread the plague, and children were particularly affected. Nuwa smelled it and argued with the plague god. The plague god reluctantly agreed, with the egg hanging on his chest as a symbol, and on the day of the summer, all children who hung eggs on their chests would not be harmed. Although the legend is that there is no way to examine, but on the day of Lixia, the mothers of Nantong always have to choose larger goose eggs, duck eggs, and eggs, which are cooked and hung on the chest of their children, which is still popular to this day.

Summer today! The first solar terms of summer are coming, so tell these to your children

Lixia customs

Welcome to summer

In ancient times, on the day of the establishment of the summer, the emperor would lead hundreds of officials to the southern suburbs of the capital to greet the summer and hold a summer ceremony. All the monarchs wore vermilion dresses with vermilion jade pendants, and even horses and flags were scarlet to express their prayers for a good harvest and good wishes.

In the folk, on summer days, people drink cold drinks to cool off. Jiangnan Water Town has the custom of cooking young fava beans.

Summer today! The first solar terms of summer are coming, so tell these to your children

Try something new

Suzhou has the proverb "Lixia sees three new", and the three new ones are cherries, green plums and wheat. In Changshu, it is more hearty to try new foods, and there is a saying of "nine meats and thirteen vegetarians". Nine meats are crucian carp, salted eggs, pickled fresh, brine shrimp, etc.; thirteen vegetarians include cherries, plums, bamboo shoots, broad beans, peas, cucumbers and so on.

Summer today! The first solar terms of summer are coming, so tell these to your children

Fighting eggs

Every household boils the eggs (eggs with shells boiled, can not be broken), soaked in cold water for a few minutes, and then put on the woven silk mesh bag, hanging on the child's neck. The children then went into groups of three or five to play an egg fighting game, egg heads fighting egg heads, egg tails hitting egg tails, and the breakers conceded defeat.

Summer today! The first solar terms of summer are coming, so tell these to your children

Scale people

In ancient times, there was a custom of "weighing people" in the summer, and then weighed in the autumn to see how much weight had been lost after the bitter summer. Under the sweltering heat and sweating, it is the best time to lose weight.

Interestingly, at that time, "hanging on a big scale", the folk description was, "the wind opened the embroidery pavilion Yang Luo clothes, think it is a swing play but not." In order to hang the amount of official scales, evaluate the yan thin and ring fat." Boudoir all walked out of the deep boudoir, the hanging scale looked like a swing, Yan was Zhao Feiyan, and the ring was Yang Guifei.

Summer today! The first solar terms of summer are coming, so tell these to your children
Summer today! The first solar terms of summer are coming, so tell these to your children

Seasonal prompts

Since ancient times, the mainland has taken the summer as the beginning of summer, when the temperature has risen significantly, the heat is coming, and the thunderstorm is increasing. If according to climatological standards, the average daily temperature rises steadily above 22 °C for the beginning of summer, before and after the "Lixia", only the area south of the line from Fuzhou to Nanling on the mainland really enters the summer.

Summer today! The first solar terms of summer are coming, so tell these to your children

Nourish the heart

Summer heart yang is the most exuberant, when the summer temperature rises, people are prone to irritability, easy to lose temper, and the body's immune function is also relatively low. Lixia health care should be done to "quit dryness and anger", avoid great joy and great sorrow, and keep the spirit quiet, the mind is at ease, the mood is comfortable, and the smile is always open.

Summer today! The first solar terms of summer are coming, so tell these to your children

Hydrate more

Summer temperature is high, the human body loses more water, must be replenished in time, in addition to drinking more water, eat more water-rich vegetables is a good choice. Among the water-rich vegetables, the most recommended are melon vegetables such as winter melon, cucumber, chayote, loofah and pumpkin.

In terms of dietary regulation, you should eat less high-fat, thick and spicy things, and eat more light and vitamin-rich foods, such as yams, wheat, corn, seafood, and eggs. These foods can not only clear heat, prevent heat, sweat, replenish fluids, but also enhance appetite.

Summer today! The first solar terms of summer are coming, so tell these to your children

Early summer day

Just like when life is young

Always striving, always high

With sweat

Engrave your life

Source | The articles are synthesized from Xinhua News Agency, CCTV News, People's Daily, etc

Thank you to the enthusiastic netizens for providing pictures

Responsible Editor | Zhao Li

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