
The serpent begged for the seal, and the child said, "What a big earthworm, and the serpent has become a real dragon."


The serpent begs for sealing

In an ancient and mysterious mountain village, there is a strange story about a giant snake begging for a seal. Surrounded by majestic mountains, this mountain village is shrouded in clouds and mist, as if isolated from the rest of the world. The people of the village live a simple and quiet life, but beneath this calm exterior, there are hidden secrets.

One day, the sun was shining and the little children of the village were playing in the mountains. They chased and frolicked, and laughter echoed through the valleys. Suddenly, a sharp-eyed child spotted a huge snake that was hovering under an ancient tree, with a faint glow on its body. The children were all stunned by the sudden arrival of the serpent, and they screamed in terror and fled in all directions.

This giant snake is not an ordinary thing, it has been cultivating for thousands of years, and has been cultivating in the mountains, looking forward to one day being able to fly to Jackie Chan. However, the road to immortality is not an easy task, it requires going through hardships and the recognition of humans. So, the giant snake decided to go down the mountain and ask the villagers for a seal.

It slowly walked through the mountains and forests to the entrance of the village. The serpent's massive body took up almost the entire road, its eyes shining with wisdom, as if it was telling the villagers something. However, when the villagers saw the giant snake, they were so frightened that they hid in their homes and did not dare to come out.

The giant snake was not discouraged, it knew that the path to immortality required patience and perseverance. So, it decided to stay in the village for a while, waiting for a brave child to come and ask for it.

A few days passed, and although the children of the village were afraid of the giant snake, their curiosity drove them to secretly observe this amazing creature. They found that the serpent did not harm anyone, but just lay there quietly, as if waiting for something.

The serpent begged for the seal, and the child said, "What a big earthworm, and the serpent has become a real dragon."

Finally, one day, a child named Xiao Ming plucked up his courage and walked in front of the giant snake. His eyes widened as he looked curiously at the giant snake. The giant snake seemed to feel Xiao Ming's courage, and slowly opened its eyes and looked at him.

Xiao Ming's heart raced, but he didn't back down. He took a deep breath and asked aloud, "What are you?" Why here? The giant snake seemed to understand Xiao Ming's words, it nodded slightly, and replied in a deep voice: "I am a giant snake that has cultivated for thousands of years, and I am here to ask for the title of immortal." ”

Xiao Ming's mouth opened wide in surprise, he didn't expect this giant snake to be able to speak. He settled down and continued to ask, "Why did you become an immortal?" The giant snake sighed and said, "Becoming an immortal is my lifelong pursuit, and only by becoming a true dragon can I have greater power to protect this land and my race." ”

Xiao Ming listened to the words of the giant snake, and a wave of respect swelled up in his heart. He felt that although the giant snake was terrifying on the outside, it was full of kindness and a sense of responsibility inside. So, he decided to help the giant snake get a seal.

He ran back to the village and told the adults the story of the serpent. The adults, however, did not believe him, believing him to be lying or frightened. Xiao Ming was very frustrated, but he didn't give up. He believed that as long as someone was willing to believe in the giant snake and was willing to ask for a seal for it, then the giant snake would definitely be able to become an immortal.

Just then, a mysterious Taoist priest came to the village. After hearing the story of the giant serpent, he decided to go and see the amazing creature for himself. The Taoist priest came to the giant snake, looked at it carefully, nodded and said, "This giant snake does have the potential to become an immortal. ”

When Xiao Ming heard the words of the Taoist priest, he jumped up excitedly. He took the Taoist priest's hand and said, "Please ask for a seal for it!" Make it a real dragon! The Taoist priest smiled and nodded, he walked up to the giant snake and said loudly: "Today I will ask for a seal for you, may you become an immortal and gain the Tao, and protect this land!" ”

The serpent begged for the seal, and the child said, "What a big earthworm, and the serpent has become a real dragon."

As the Taoist priest's words fell, the sky suddenly became cloudy, thunder and lightning. The serpent's body began to change, its scales became smoother and shiny, and its body became larger. Eventually, with a deafening dragon roar, the serpent transformed into a mighty true dragon and soared into the air and disappeared into the clouds.

The villagers were stunned when they saw this scene. They fell to their knees and prayed and thanked the true dragon. Xiao Ming, on the other hand, stood aside, a smile of pride and joy on his face. He knew that he had helped a kind creature fulfill its dreams and brought auspiciousness and good fortune to the entire mountain village.

Since then, this mountain village has become more prosperous and peaceful. The true dragon often soars in the sky, guarding the land and its people. And Xiao Ming has also become a hero and legend in the village, and his story has been passed down from generation to generation, forever in this mysterious and beautiful mountain village.

However, the story doesn't end here. Although the true dragon has become an immortal, it still cares about this land and its race in its heart. It often returns to the mountain village to interact with the villagers and teach them some wisdom and skills. And Xiao Ming also continued to study hard, hoping to become a useful person and contribute to the development of the mountain village.

As time passed, Xiao Ming gradually grew up and became a smart, hard-working teenager. He always remembered the giant snake that turned into a dragon and left, and the entrustment of the mysterious Taoist priest. He knows that he has the responsibility of protecting the mountain village and inheriting the culture.

Xiao Ming not only worked hard to learn various knowledge, but also often learned traditional skills and customs from the elders of the village. He gradually became the leader of the village and was loved and respected by the villagers.

The serpent begged for the seal, and the child said, "What a big earthworm, and the serpent has become a real dragon."

One day, the mountain village was suddenly hit by a rare flood. Heavy rains and flash floods plunged the entire mountain village into crisis. The villagers panicked and prayed to the gods for protection.

At this moment, Xiao Ming remembered the real dragon. He silently recited the name of the true dragon in his heart, praying that it would protect the mountain village and resolve the disaster. At this moment, the sky suddenly cleared, and a golden light fell from the sky and shot straight towards the mountain village.

After the golden light dissipated, the figure of the real dragon appeared in front of the villagers. It soared into the air with a deafening dragon roar that shook the torrent away. After circling a few times over the mountain village, the real dragon slowly landed in front of Xiao Ming.

Xiao Ming knelt on the ground excitedly and kowtowed to the real dragon in thanks. Zhenlong smiled and nodded, and said, "Kid, you did a good job. I didn't misread you. This time, I am here not only to defuse this disaster, but also to teach you some real dragon secrets, so that you can better protect this land. ”

Xiao Ming was overjoyed when he heard this, and he learned many powerful secret techniques and techniques from the true dragon. These secret techniques will not only help him ward off natural disasters, but will also bless the safety and happiness of the villagers.

With the help of the true dragon, Xiao Ming gradually grows into a heroic and intelligent hero. He led the villagers to restore their homes that had been washed away by the flood and rebuild the beautiful mountain village. He also used the secret skills of the dragon clan he learned to treat the villagers and heal their injuries, drive away evil spirits and avoid disasters, and won the deep admiration of the villagers.

Zhenlong was very relieved to see Xiao Ming so good. It knew that it could safely hand over this land to Xiao Ming to guard. So, on a sunny morning, the true dragon turned into a golden light and disappeared into the clouds.

The serpent begged for the seal, and the child said, "What a big earthworm, and the serpent has become a real dragon."

Xiao Ming stood at the entrance of the village, looking at the direction in which the real dragon had disappeared, his heart full of gratitude and respect. He knew that he would always remember the serpent's kindness and continue to protect this beautiful land and its people.

Since then, the mountain village has become more prosperous, and the villagers have lived a happy and healthy life. And Xiao Ming has also become a legend in the village, and his story has been passed down from generation to generation, forever in this mysterious and beautiful mountain village.

Since Zhenlong's departure, although Xiao Ming has been a little lost, he knows that he has a great responsibility on his shoulders. He always remembers the entrustment of the true dragon, studies hard, and constantly tempers himself, hoping to become a great person like the real dragon one day.

As the years passed, Xiao Ming gradually became the leader of the village. He led the villagers to develop agriculture, build water conservancy, and improve their lives, giving the mountain village new vitality and vitality. He also actively advocated environmental awareness, guided the villagers to protect the mountains and forests, and ensured the sustainable development of the mountain village.

However, just as the mountain village was becoming more and more prosperous, a sudden disaster struck again. A group of ferocious beasts scurried out of the mountains and attacked the mountain village. They wantonly destroyed crops and harmed villagers, sending the entire village into a panic.

In the face of this sudden crisis, Xiao Ming did not hesitate to step forward. He used the secret art of the dragon clan that he had learned to engage in fierce battles with the beasts. However, the beasts are numerous and powerful, and Xiao Ming gradually feels powerless.

The serpent begged for the seal, and the child said, "What a big earthworm, and the serpent has become a real dragon."

Just when Xiao Ming was about to fall into a desperate situation, a golden light fell from the sky, and the true dragon appeared in front of him again. The true dragon let out an earth-shattering dragon roar, causing the beasts to scatter in all directions. Then, it turned to Xiao Ming, smiled and said, "Child, you are doing a great job. But you also need more power to protect the land. Now, I will teach you the last secret art of the dragon clan, the power of the dragon soul. ”

Xiao Ming was so excited when he heard this, he knelt on the ground and kowtowed to the real dragon to thank him. The true dragon slowly injected a powerful energy into Xiao Ming's body, making him feel unprecedented power. Xiao Ming is well aware of the importance of this force, and he vows to use it to protect the mountain village and protect the villagers.

With the blessing of the power of the dragon soul, Xiao Ming became more heroic and fearless. He led the villagers in building strong fortifications against wild beasts; He also used the power of the dragon soul to heal the injured villagers and restore them to health.

With the joint efforts of Zhenlong and Xiao Ming, the mountain village has once again regained its former tranquility and prosperity. The villagers are full of gratitude and admiration for Xiao Ming, and they regard him as the protector of the mountain village and will always remember his kindness.

And Xiao Ming also knows that his mission is not over. He will continue to study and cultivate hard, constantly improve his strength and ability, and create a better future for the mountain village and the villagers.

This story tells us that as long as we have a good heart and move forward, we will be able to overcome all difficulties and challenges. At the same time, we should also cherish every kindness and friendship around us, and use our own actions to repay those who have given us help and support. Only in this way can we become truly great people and make greater contributions to society and people.

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