
If you want to stay away from "earthworm legs", you must do these 5 points

author:Health News

Case review

"Doctor, it's like I have a lot of 'earthworms' on my legs, do you think this can be treated?" Recently, 70-year-old Aunt Chen came to the hospital accompanied by her family. Aunt Chen gently pulled up her trouser legs, only to see that there were several blood vessels on her calves that were clearly protruding from the skin, looking like earthworms. After the examination, the doctor told Aunt Chen that it was actually varicose veins. Varicose veins are more common in people aged 30~70, and women are more likely to suffer from the disease than men.

So, what are the common manifestations of varicose veins? How can we prevent varicose veins?

If you want to stay away from "earthworm legs", you must do these 5 points

There is a very special structure inside the vein - the venous valve, which plays a role in preventing blood reflux during the blood return process. When the venous valve loses its function and the venous blood cannot return to the heart smoothly, it will accumulate in the veins, causing changes in the veins and blood vessels, forming varicose veins.

If these symptoms occur, beware of varicose veins

Heavy and painful lower limbs Patients with varicose veins have obstructed blood return in the lower limbs, and uncomfortable symptoms such as heaviness and pain in the lower limbs may occur.

Gastrointestinal discomfort Varicose veins may cause obstruction of venous blood return in the gastrointestinal tract, causing blood stasis in the veins of the gastrointestinal tract, and patients may have gastrointestinal discomfort such as nausea, vomiting, and abdominal distention.

Skin changes Varicose veins that occur under the skin may cause local skin changes, such as skin atrophy, itching, and pigmentation.

Malnutrition Due to the obstruction of venous return, the pressure in the venous blood vessels increases, which may cause the blood components in the blood vessels to leak out of the blood vessels, resulting in a lack of nutrients, and some patients will have symptoms of malnutrition, such as fatigue and emaciation.

To prevent varicose veins, do five things

First, to move the elderly should avoid sitting and standing for a long time, if they sit for a long time, they can get up and walk around every once in a while to relieve the pressure on the blood vessels. In life, the elderly can exercise appropriately according to their own conditions, such as walking, tai chi, etc.

Second, you must dress correctly Wearing shoes and socks that are too tight will also put pressure on the blood vessels. Older people should choose shoes and socks that are breathable, comfortable and well-fitting. You can also give appropriate massage, hot compress, and physiotherapy under the guidance of a doctor according to your own condition to promote blood circulation.

Third, eat healthily Eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans and other foods rich in dietary fiber to promote intestinal peristalsis and help maintain the health of blood vessels.

Fourth, control your weight Overweight and obesity can increase pressure on the lower limbs, and maintaining an appropriate weight can help prevent varicose veins.

5. Early check-up Regular physical check-ups to detect and treat diseases that may cause varicose veins, such as deep vein thrombosis and heart disease.

If the patient already has obvious varicose vein symptoms, such as bulging blood vessels, pain, edema, etc., they should seek help from a professional doctor in time. Early treatment is usually simpler and more effective.

If you want to stay away from "earthworm legs", you must do these 5 points

Source: Elderly Health News

Text: Qiu Cong and Yan Shihao, Chunxiao Branch, Medical and Health Service Group, Beilun District People's Hospital, Ningbo

Curator: Zheng Yingfan

Editors: Wang Qianhui and Li Shiyao

Proofreading: Yang Zhenyu

Review: Guan Zhongyao, Xu Bingnan

If you want to stay away from "earthworm legs", you must do these 5 points
If you want to stay away from "earthworm legs", you must do these 5 points

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