
In the big family, there is an outlier

Please listen to the question: PRO or Plus, which is bigger, stronger, more expensive?

In the big family, there is an outlier

If you have a normal phone change, you should not hesitate to choose pro. In BYD's dynastic family, Qin PRO and Song PRO are indeed a little more expensive than the same type of Qin Plus and Song Plus.

In the big family, there is an outlier

However, the Yuan Plus EV, which has just been listed, does not follow the boxing method. Its size on the XYZ axis is much longer than that of the Meta PRO EV, and the wheelbase is 185mm more than the PRO predecessor. This allows MetaPlus to step into the field of the traditional A-class SUV in the first place, one level higher than the MetaPRO.

In the big family, there is an outlier

In terms of configuration, it also touched the standard of the A-class car, no, if compared with the Song Plus EV of the same door, the performance and endurance of the yuan Plus little brother are even stronger than a horse nose position, so it should also be regarded as a stable A-class car.

In the big family, there is an outlier

What is even more outlier is the interior design of the MetaPlus. You can now say that there are two kinds of interior designs for BYD Dynasty family models, the Yuan Plus and the other.

In the big family, there is an outlier
In the big family, there is an outlier

Now the real question is: why would BYD release such an outlier as The MetaPlus? Does it really look so good to play?

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