
The "rallying call" for resuming work has been sounded! New energy vehicle companies in action...

Original title: The new energy automobile industry is fully responding to the shutdown crisis

Reporter Lu Qixiu, reporter of China Automobile News, Ma Xin, Zhao Jianguo, Zhao Lingling, Zhang Yiwen

Shanghai's new energy automobile industry, which has been suspended for several days, has sounded the "rallying call" for resuming work.

On April 16, the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology issued the "Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of the Epidemic in Shanghai Industrial Enterprises resuming work and production (First Edition)", which clearly and orderly and effectively promoted the resumption of work and production of enterprises under the premise of ensuring that risks can be controlled, and announced the first batch of key enterprises "white list", requiring the concentration of resources to prioritize the resumption of work and production of 666 enterprises in key industries such as automobile manufacturing and equipment manufacturing.

The reporter combed the "white list" and found that the number of enterprises related to the new energy automobile industry exceeded 200, accounting for more than 1/3, including SAIC Volkswagen, Tesla, SAIC-GM and other vehicle companies, as well as well-known chip and parts companies such as Continental, SMIC, ZF, and Aptiv.

Suspension of work and production The industrial chain is under full pressure

Shanghai and Jilin are important automobile production bases in mainland China. Relevant data show that in 2021, the national automobile production was 26.528 million units, and Shanghai automobile production accounted for 10.68%, ranking second in the country; Jilin Province's automobile production accounted for 9.14%, ranking third. The covid-19 pandemic, which began to spread last winter and this spring, led to a widespread shutdown of work and production in the two places.

The reporter noted that since March 28, Tesla's Shanghai factory has stopped production for more than 20 days, and at an average daily production capacity of 2,000 vehicles, the suspension has affected the production and shipment of more than 40,000 vehicles. SAIC Volkswagen and FAW-Volkswagen, which are also in the sealing and control management center, also entered a state of suspension in April.

The crisis of new energy vehicle production caused by the new crown pneumonia epidemic has also spread across the country. "Under the superimposed pressure of the epidemic in Shanghai and Jiangsu, many partners cannot supply goods and can only suspend production." Li Bin, founder of WEIO, recently announced that some users' vehicles will be delayed in delivery. He Xiaopeng, chairman of Xiaopeng Motors, warned that if the supply chain enterprises in Shanghai and the surrounding areas cannot resume work smoothly, all domestic OEMs will face the risk of suspension of work and production.

Yu Chengdong, CEO of Huawei's smart car BU, also said that if Shanghai cannot resume work and production, after May, all technology and industrial industries involved in Shanghai's supply chain will be completely shut down, and the economic losses of the automobile industry will be very large.

In addition to OEMs, Shanghai and its surrounding areas are also the core gathering areas of global auto parts, including Bosch, Aptiv, ZF, Continental and other parts giants in China headquarters and some factories are located in this area. A new energy vehicle is composed of tens of thousands of parts, and the shortage of any one of them will affect the production of the whole vehicle.

Fu Yuwu, honorary chairman of the Society of Automotive Engineers of China, said in an interview with reporters that the Yangtze River Delta region plays a pivotal role in the development of the entire automobile industry in the mainland, bringing together thousands of key enterprises, and many small and medium-sized enterprises are single champions in the automotive industry chain, and their resumption of work and production is very important to the industrial chain. "I am most worried that these small and medium-sized enterprises will not survive the difficulties, they are small in scale, less accumulation, weak in strength, if they cannot survive this round of impact, it will be more difficult to start up and recover again."

Actively respond to the orderly resumption of production and work of enterprises

The suspension of work and production has been highly valued by relevant departments in various places, and new energy vehicles have become the key areas for resuming work and production, of which Tesla and other enterprises have been listed as "enterprises that must resume work".

It is understood that Tesla's Shanghai factory officially resumed work and production on April 19, and about 8,000 employees have arrived at the post. Tesla said that the factory will be produced in a closed-loop management model, and with the support of relevant departments, it is actively promoting the resumption of work and production of more than 100 suppliers.

On April 19, SAIC Motor's passenger car plant in Lingang, Shanghai, completed the first car off the production line under the stress test of resuming work and production. "SAIC Motor is preparing for the resumption of work and production, and will conduct mapping and preparation for the commuting service capabilities, supply chain capabilities, safe production, transportation and other work of the resumed personnel." In the future, comprehensively consider the trend of the epidemic situation, stress test results, etc., and formulate a dynamic plan for the subsequent resumption of work and production. SAIC Motor said.

The production capacity of enterprises has also been tempered in the epidemic. Shen Guoliang, general manager of Amber Fu Connector System China, told reporters that Amber Fu's intelligent factory in Jiading Anting, Shanghai, has not stopped working, and arranged more than 1,800 employees to produce under closed-loop management.

ZF said that after the outbreak of the epidemic, the company quickly took emergency measures, set up a special working group, and is currently taking efficient and flexible measures in accordance with the policy requirements of relevant departments in Shanghai, closely communicating and collaborating with the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, and doing its best to ensure production, research and development and customer supply.

"With the introduction of the 'white list', the area of enterprises resuming work and production has further expanded, which is a positive signal." Zhang Zuqiu, president of Baolong Technology, told reporters, "We have applied for a pass to and from Suzhou, so that suppliers in Kunshan can send raw materials." The company also has a pass to and from Anhui and Shanghai, which can send finished products from Shanghai to the Anhui factory, and then ship the goods from Anhui to customers across the country. ”

The resumption of work and production in Jilin Province is also proceeding in an orderly manner.

On April 16, FAW Group resumed work at all five OEMs in Changchun, with a total of 7,438 people returning to work. Song Xiaohui, deputy director of the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Jilin Province, said a few days ago that the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Jilin Province will further support FAW Group to actively explore measures such as creating epidemic-free factories, "point-to-point" pick-up and drop-off of employees and semi-closed operations, and under the premise of strictly preventing the epidemic, promote the resumption of work and production in batches, quickly and orderly, promote enterprises to achieve production efficiency, maximize production load, and release production capacity.

Unimpeded flow of goods is the lifeblood of industrial development. In response to the problems in the automotive supply chain, the Equipment Industry Development Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has officially launched the "Automotive Industry Chain Supply Chain Smooth Coordination Platform". Through the platform, information can be exchanged on practical issues in the resumption of work and production, logistics and transportation, etc., the demand and feedback mechanism of enterprises in the automotive industry chain supply chain can be established, and the practical difficulties faced by enterprises in production and operation can be solved in a timely manner.

Difficulties in the circulation of personnel and logistics There are still challenges in resuming production

Although the policy pushes for the resumption of work and production, and enterprises are also actively taking action, in the case of large areas of sealing and control areas and control areas, personnel arrival and smooth flow of goods are still facing challenges.

The sales director of an auto parts company recently posted in the circle of friends: "After the release of the 'white list', the number of employees who meet the conditions for work (buildings and I have been negative for 7 consecutive days) overnight is less than 40%, and the implementation of some community policies is not in place, which increases the difficulty of employees to work, and it is good to ensure a 30% small-scale operating rate at the end of the month." ”

There are also car company insiders who frankly said to reporters: "Although it has entered the 'white list' enterprises, there is no way for the community not to release people." Now the supply chain is unstable, truck drivers are trapped on the highway, persuade vehicles to return to Shanghai do exist, parts transportation pressure is large, it is difficult to ensure supply. In a short period of time, it is difficult for enterprises to produce at full capacity. ”

Wu Jingqi, assistant general manager of Jiangsu Chaoli Electric Appliance Co., Ltd., said frankly to reporters that the current transportation procedures are more complicated, the relevant requirements are higher, and the entrance is restricted and the time is restricted. "Large companies can guarantee the number of passes, but small businesses have to queue up for plans, the number of passes per day is limited, and a variety of factors can lead to invalid passes."

"Car companies adopt lean production methods, and most of the key parts and accessories reserves have plans and cycles. If the logistics are not available, it will be more difficult to resume work and production. Fu Yuwu stressed that all localities should not go their own way, but should play a game of chess for the whole country and open up the lifeline of logistics.

"The difficulties are temporary." Luo Junjie, spokesman of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and director of the Operation Monitoring and Coordination Bureau, said a few days ago that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will take multiple measures to open up the blockage points of the industrial chain supply chain, ensure the stability and smooth flow of the supply chain of the key industrial chain, establish a daily scheduling mechanism for leading enterprises in key industrial chains such as automobiles and integrated circuits, actively and steadily and orderly promote the resumption of work and production of key enterprises, guide local governments to simplify the approval process, and make full use of big data to promote more workers to resume work and production. In the next step, we will strengthen departmental linkage and policy coordination, timely coordinate and solve problems and demands in the logistics and transportation of enterprises, and strive to achieve the transportation of raw materials and products.

The "rallying call" for resuming work has been sounded! New energy vehicle companies in action...


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