
Children need a mother who is optimistic, rich in heart, and knows how to love herself

Text\XiaoYi\Picture from the network

The world is only good for mothers, and children with mothers are like a treasure. The original meaning of this sentence is good, but in reality, children with mothers are not necessarily like a treasure, and some children with mothers are still like grass, why? Because some mothers are poor in heart, have bad emotions, and do not understand the mentality of enriching themselves, so she also gives her children a bad mentality and emotions.

Mom is the most important role in a family, and she is often more important than Dad for children, because the most exposed person children come to this world is mom.

Children need a mother who is optimistic, rich in heart, and knows how to love herself

In the past, women were husbands and godsons, although now it is different, but the role of mother is still the most important for children, many families are male and female, women take care of children the most time, so mothers need an optimistic, inner rich, know how to enrich their own mentality.

In a family, the child revolves around the mother's emotions, and how the mother's emotions are, the child's mood is also how it is.


Mothers with bad moods give their children a very depressing feeling of family atmosphere, children do not like this family environment, and children even want to escape from this family environment all the time.

Xiaoling is a very lonely girl, because during that time of childhood, her mother's mood was very bad, the family was either quarrelsome or cold war, Xiaoling was often used as a punching bag, such a family atmosphere led to Xiaoling's personality becoming more and more withdrawn, and even suffered from depression.

It is the lonely personality of Xiaoling that was created by that period of childhood, even if her mother's mood is not so bad now, and her attitude towards Xiaoling is better, which cannot make up for the psychological trauma caused to her by that time in childhood.

In fact, the mother is optimistic, rich in heart, knows how to enrich herself is to love herself, love their own people can better love their children, even people they do not love say to vent their emotions, the heart is very bad, how can you take care of your children?


Some of the women I've seen in families are like this, they don't know how to love themselves, they only know how to complain, complain, their emotions are very bad, and the most hurtful thing they do is themselves and their children.

Some women say that I am in a bad mood because the men in the family are not useful, I married a scumbag, if you are really married to a scumbag, you are complaining about it is useless, you are in a bad mood can only hurt yourself, and your children, scumbags are hopeless, do you want to be as hopeless as scumbags?

Since you know that you married a scumbag, then don't constantly hurt yourself because of the scumbag, it is not worth it, you are in a bad mood, you complain, the scumbag will not pity you because of your inner pain, you have been in a bad mood, isn't it as depraved as the scumbag?

Women who love themselves know how to stop losses in time, know that they marry a scumbag, she will not waste her feelings, for the sake of scumbags and suffered their own mentality is not worth it, in the end it is still themselves and their children who are hurt.

If the mother marries a scumbag who does not take on family responsibilities, the child is originally distressed by the mother, but the mother is always in a bad mood, always hurting herself and the child, the child does not know who to hurt, and the child even thinks that the mother is as irresponsible as the irresponsible scumbag mother.


Optimistic, inner rich, know how to enrich herself of the woman, whether married to a good man or married to a scumbag, she will not because of others and their mentality is bad, marry a good man she is a smart and virtuous woman, accidentally married to a scumbag She is still a smart and virtuous woman, the other party does not affect her inner wealth at all.

Marry a good man and work hard with a good man to run the family, so that the family is more and more happy, more and more loving; marrying a scumbag, she can know how to stop the loss in time, completely away from the scumbag, know how to love herself and love the child, and do not give the scumbag the opportunity to influence herself.

Therefore, people who are optimistic, rich in heart, and love themselves are not without difficulties and grievances, but they can still be optimistic, rich in heart and love themselves when they encounter difficulties and grievances.

Children need a mother who is optimistic, rich in heart, and knows how to love herself


If a family man has worked very hard, only for the time being poor, and the woman is in a bad mood, scolding the man's family, scolding the man, scolding the child, such a woman is not qualified for the child.

Although the family is still poor, but everyone is working hard, there is no need for such a bad mood and bad mentality? You mess up your own mentality at the same time, but also mess up the mentality of all family members, what is this for?

The mood of the heroine of marriage determines whether the atmosphere of a family is depressed or happy, and the quality of the family atmosphere determines whether the child's personality is lonely or cheerful.

Therefore, what kind of mentality the mother is has a great influence on the child, and I hope that all women who have become mothers can be optimistic, rich in heart, and know how to love themselves.

Finally, I would like to say that both men and women, don't mess up your original rich mentality, that is, the greatest responsibility for yourself and your children.

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