
Officially released on April 20, BMW released the latest trailer for the i7

近日,宝马海外官网发布了宝马i7车型的最新预告图,新车将会与全新7系一同在欧洲时间4月20日正式进行全球首发。从此前得到的消息来看,宝马i7的首发车型将会是四驱版本的xDrive 60车型,EPA工况下综合续航里程约483km。

Officially released on April 20, BMW released the latest trailer for the i7
Officially released on April 20, BMW released the latest trailer for the i7


Officially released on April 20, BMW released the latest trailer for the i7
Officially released on April 20, BMW released the latest trailer for the i7
Officially released on April 20, BMW released the latest trailer for the i7

至于动力,官方目前尚未公布任何动力细节,但据外媒预测新车大概率将与iX xDrive50车型共享容量为105.2kWh的电池组,综合续航里程约483km。不过外媒也预测,此次亮相的xDrive60并非最强版本,未来宝马或将推出性能更强大的i7车型。

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