
Watch out! These toys are dangerous, and you may have bought them for your children!

Recently, the People's Daily released the following news

Everyone who saw it was heartbroken

Watch out! These toys are dangerous, and you may have bought them for your children!

(Image source: Weibo screenshot)

"Toy Accident"

It sounds like tremors

What is it

Make toys "lethal"?

The impression is that the children have bows and arrows in their hands

Watch out! These toys are dangerous, and you may have bought them for your children!

But some children have this in their hands

Watch out! These toys are dangerous, and you may have bought them for your children!
Watch out! These toys are dangerous, and you may have bought them for your children!

It is the nature of children to play and love to "taste the new"

Buying toys is an expression of parents' love for their children

But this love and giving

One doesn't pay attention

On the "middle" of the "dangerous toys" business "interest trap"

Check it out

The "Dangerous Toys" below

Not in your cart


Bath toy "Little Yellow Duck"

Watch out! These toys are dangerous, and you may have bought them for your children!
Watch out! These toys are dangerous, and you may have bought them for your children!
Watch out! These toys are dangerous, and you may have bought them for your children!
Watch out! These toys are dangerous, and you may have bought them for your children!

(Swipe left or right to view "Bath Toys")

An American mom named "Eden" posted that her child was suffering from cellulitis from a bacterial infection with the "Little Yellow Duck" toy.

Watch out! These toys are dangerous, and you may have bought them for your children!
Watch out! These toys are dangerous, and you may have bought them for your children!

("Eden" post and photo of the child infected)

Cellulitis is a purulent infection of the subcutaneous tissue, mostly caused by bacterial invasion. Doctors say cellulitis is severe and there may be a risk of deteriorating vision or even blindness. What's even more frightening is that the infection can spread to the brain, and at that time it is not just blindness.

Fortunately, after a series of treatments and meticulous care, the son of "Eden" escaped danger and did not go blind in his eyes.

But we must pay attention to the harm caused to children by rubber toys with holes such as "bathing little yellow ducks".

In fact, in 2018, scientists in the United States and Switzerland "dissected" the bath duck and found that the number of bacteria was beyond imagination.

Watch out! These toys are dangerous, and you may have bought them for your children!

After the researcher cut the toy, the area of bacteria in the bath duck can be said to be amazing! There are 5 million to 75 million bacteria per square centimeter.

The researchers also found that microbial growth is affected not only by plastic materials, but also by bather behavior. The main problem is that when warm bath water enters the interior of these toys made of lower-quality polymers, the toys release organic carbon compounds that become nutrients for the microflora.

And even if the water inside is squeezed clean, the inside of the toy is also a breeding ground for bacteria. The inside of the bath duck is moldy and smelly, and there are many kinds of mold and bacteria that can cause children to become infected. Some of the most feared bacteria include Legionella (Legionella pneumophila), Pseudomonas aeruginosa, etc., which can often cause eye, ear and intestinal infections.

Watch out! These toys are dangerous, and you may have bought them for your children!

Therefore, it is not that changing such toys frequently can solve the problem.

The reason why the bath duck can make a sound with a pinch is because there is this stomata hole, which can squeeze out the gas in the stomach and then produce a sound, and the child likes it.

But at the same time, the presence of this small pore can also easily cause water to enter the stomach of the bath duck, and it is difficult to get it out.

No matter how adults squeeze and how to dry, there is always a part of the water left in it, together with dander, urine, polymers, etc. to provide a breeding ground for bacteria. Therefore, it is best not to play with such toys for children, which is simply a "germ bomb".

It should be noted that not only the bath duck, but any rubber toy with stomata may have this problem.

Watch out! These toys are dangerous, and you may have bought them for your children!
Watch out! These toys are dangerous, and you may have bought them for your children!

If you must play, it is best to buy the kind without stomata, water will not flow in, if you must use stomata, it is best to replace it regularly in time! Of course, remember to disinfect and sterilize more things for your child.


"Dangerous toys" for children are commonplace

In addition to some decompression toys, toys such as crossbows, magnetic balls, crystal mud, and hydrogen balloons also harbor great dangers. Therefore, when buying toys for children, it is still less passionate to place orders, impulsive consumption, more investigation, and careful choice.

Watch out! These toys are dangerous, and you may have bought them for your children!
Watch out! These toys are dangerous, and you may have bought them for your children!
Watch out! These toys are dangerous, and you may have bought them for your children!
Watch out! These toys are dangerous, and you may have bought them for your children!
Watch out! These toys are dangerous, and you may have bought them for your children!
Watch out! These toys are dangerous, and you may have bought them for your children!
Watch out! These toys are dangerous, and you may have bought them for your children!

Swipe left or right to see Dangerous Toys


The all-you-can-see decompression toy

Watch out! These toys are dangerous, and you may have bought them for your children!
Watch out! These toys are dangerous, and you may have bought them for your children!
Watch out! These toys are dangerous, and you may have bought them for your children!

Swipe left or right to view the decompressed toy

What was once a screaming chicken, now a pinch music, is popular among young people and children and teenagers, and it is as if the pressure has been sent away. However, this is not the case...

Hear what the doctor has to say

The chief physician of the Department of Neurology of the First People's Hospital of Kunming believes that if the pressure is relieved only through some decompression toys, it cannot solve the fundamental problem, and after a long time, there may be psychological dependence, which actually has a great impact on attention and concentration.

Watch out! These toys are dangerous, and you may have bought them for your children!

It can be seen that decompression toys are not anti-stress medicine, and the safety of these toys is also worth considering.

According to the doctor, most of the decompression toys are in direct contact with the hand, easy to stick to dust and debris, and pinched in the hand to breed bacteria, long-term contact may cause disease. To decompress, you have to rely on the scientific method.

"We usually say that exercise can produce a happy factor, and in fact, anxiety and stress can also be well alleviated." If there is an emotional problem for more than two months, it is indeed an emotional 'cold', and it is best to go to the hospital at this time. ”

The "hidden dangers" that have been detected

As early as last year, the Guangzhou Municipal Consumer Commission purchased samples, tested and analyzed some of the best-selling decompression toys on the market, and found that they generally have quality problems and safety hazards that cannot be ignored.

Watch out! These toys are dangerous, and you may have bought them for your children!

A total of 19 kinds of venting toys were tested, including "net red" products such as screaming chicken, laying egg chicken, grape ball, pinch music and so on. After analysis, it was found that there are the following problems with such toys:



Plasticizers, also known as plasticizers, are substances often added in plastic processing to enhance the flexibility of plastics and make them easy to process. Studies have shown that prolonged exposure to certain plasticizers may impair male fertility and promote precocious puberty in women.


Volatile organic compounds

Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene, styrene and other volatile organic compounds can cause imbalance in the body's immune level, affect the function of the central nervous system, may also affect the digestive system, and in severe cases can damage the liver and hematopoietic system.


Filled liquid

Some venting toys have liquid filling inside, in the process of squeezing, if the toy is broken, it may come into contact with the filling liquid, if the filling liquid contains pathogenic bacteria or microorganisms harmful to the human body, it may affect human health.



Being in an environment with too much noise for a long time may affect the human hearing system.


"Beautiful" children's cosmetics at risk

Watch out! These toys are dangerous, and you may have bought them for your children!
Watch out! These toys are dangerous, and you may have bought them for your children!

Swipe left or right to view children's cosmetics

Children's cosmetics refer to cosmetics intended for use by children aged ≤ 12 years. The main categories are skin care, cleaning, hygiene products, sunscreen products and so on. Among them, cleaning and hygiene products are the most commonly used. Clean for baby soap, bath soap and shampoo. Hygiene products are prickly heat powder, tamagma powder and flower dew water. Since children and adults have different skin structural characteristics and functional requirements, the main role of children's cosmetics is protection.

What little girl doesn't have a princess dream? Eyeshadow, blush, lipstick, nail polish, seem to be some of the must-haves for becoming a "little princess". Parents may think that after buying makeup toys, children can paint on their faces and improve their aesthetics. As everyone knows, these toys may be a danger lurking around the child...

Some of the "children's cosmetics" on the market are many toy products produced by toy manufacturers that are only used for dolls and other finishing, and are not managed as cosmetics. Children misuse such toys as cosmetics have certain safety risks.

After testing by the relevant staff, it was found that some "children's cosmetics" were detected with heavy metal elements such as "beryllium", "chromium", "nickel" and "barium", which are banned ingredients for children's products.

Watch out! These toys are dangerous, and you may have bought them for your children!

For minors, their bodies are still in the stage of development, and health is the most important. Therefore, for the sake of children's health, parents need to be more cautious.

Watch out! These toys are dangerous, and you may have bought them for your children!

How do we buy the toys we need?

Parents can pay attention to the following

Watch out! These toys are dangerous, and you may have bought them for your children!
Watch out! These toys are dangerous, and you may have bought them for your children!

Text version of the note, you can swipe down to view the details


Avoid cheap, inferior toys

When consumers choose toys, they should take the initiative to check whether the product manual and product identification are complete, including the manufacturer's name, address, product name, model, safety warning, applicable standards, certification marks, etc. Choose the right product for your age. Try to buy toys through large shopping malls and reputable businesses, and do not buy the "three noes" products of small commodity markets, bazaars, and online stores.


Look for "CCC" certification

The state implements CCC certification for three kinds of children's products, such as baby carriage products, toys, and restraint systems for motor vehicle children's occupants. CCC certification (also known as 3C certification), that is, China's compulsory certification mark, is the most basic safety certification. The English name is China Compulsory Certification.

Watch out! These toys are dangerous, and you may have bought them for your children!

▲Toy product certification mark


The toys purchased should be appropriate for the age group of the child

When buying toys for younger children, also take care to avoid the following categories:

(1) Brightly colored toys, such as "mud" toys, such toys generally contain substances harmful to the body, and if the child enters the body when playing, it will endanger safety and health;

(2) Toys containing fragrance, the fragrance generally comes from additives and plasticizers, and children may inhale a certain dose of harmful substances in the process of playing with such toys for a long time, thus affecting physical development;

(3) Small or toys containing small removable parts, such toys or small parts in toys are easy to be eaten by children, and there are risks such as suffocation;

(4) Toys with sharp edges, children are prone to stab the eyes or scratch the body when playing;

(5) Shooting, balloons, ropes and other toys with greater safety hazards, such as "net red" balloons, once exposed to high temperature heat sources or open flames, it is very easy to deflagrate.


The toys purchased should be appropriate for the age group of the child

Parents should perform their guardian duties, supervise and guide their children to use toys correctly, and cultivate their children's correct consumption concepts and safety awareness.

(1) It is recommended that parents spend more time playing with their children. Especially when younger children are playing, it is best for parents to accompany them throughout the process so that they can stop them in time when their children make dangerous behaviors.

(2) Parents should try to choose educational toys suitable for children's physical and mental health, do not let children have electronic products too early, if they must use electronic products due to online classes, homework, etc., they must also strictly control the use time to prevent children from indulging in electronic products or online games, which not only delays school but also affects children's visual health.

(3) Parents should continue to carry out consumption education in combination with their children's age and consumption ability, so that children can develop good habits of scientific consumption and rational consumption from an early age, and prevent children from over-consuming toys or buying blind boxes to addictive behaviors.

(4) Do not neglect the safety education of children, and constantly improve children's self-protection ability, such as telling children not to put toys in their mouths, requiring children to wash their hands at the first time after playing, and not rubbing their eyes during play. In addition, toy operators should continuously improve product safety standards, improve production technology, strengthen self-discipline, and create a safer and more secure toy consumption environment for children from the source.


Seek medical attention in case of accidental injury

Guardians who find that children have swallowed or inhaled small magnetic parts by mistake, or children who have sudden abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea and other clinical symptoms suspected of swallowing small magnetic parts, should be sent to the hospital for treatment immediately. In the accidents that have occurred, some children have only shown suspected influenza symptoms in the initial stage of swallowing small magnetic parts, which may cause misdiagnosis, delay treatment, and cause serious harm to children.


The occurrence of a toy injury accident shall be reported

The mainland has implemented a toy recall system, suggesting that consumers find toy safety risks or injury accidents, and actively report to the Defective Product Management Center of the State Administration for Market Regulation to prevent the harm from expanding, and consumers can visit the "Defect Information Report" column of the Center to submit detailed information.


Request and save proof of rights protection

Consumers shall request invoices or other shopping vouchers from business operators as important proofs for safeguarding their rights in the future.

There is nothing trivial about the safety of your child

May our children be free from toy accidents

I also hope that parents can be vigilant

Timely discover the hidden dangers hidden around the child

Let them have fun

Have fun with peace of mind, too

Watch out! These toys are dangerous, and you may have bought them for your children!

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