
The "Little Golden Shield" is abused! Is what you buy for your child really safe?

One to buy something for the child

Parents are worried

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Can this makeup child use it?

Food with the word "children" in supermarkets

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In December 2021, the State Food and Drug Administration issued the children's cosmetics logo - "Little Golden Shield". The "Provisions on the Supervision and Administration of Children's Cosmetics", which came into effect on January 1 this year, pointed out that children's cosmetics should be marked on the display surface of the sales packaging with the children's cosmetics logo stipulated by the State Food and Drug Administration - "Little Golden Shield".

Children's cosmetics logo "Little Golden Shield"

Many people see the new rules after


Think about buying cosmetics for your child later

Just look for this "little golden shield"

However, is it really that simple?

After the implementation of the Provisions on the Supervision and Administration of Children's Cosmetics

What should I pay attention to when buying cosmetics for my child?

More than just cosmetics

Buying "children's food" for children

There are also plenty of pits to avoid

This issue is one minute of cold knowledge

Take you uncovered

The truth about children's cosmetics and children's food

The "Little Golden Shield" is abused! Is what you buy for your child really safe?
The "Little Golden Shield" is abused! Is what you buy for your child really safe?
The "Little Golden Shield" is abused! Is what you buy for your child really safe?
The "Little Golden Shield" is abused! Is what you buy for your child really safe?
The "Little Golden Shield" is abused! Is what you buy for your child really safe?
The "Little Golden Shield" is abused! Is what you buy for your child really safe?
The "Little Golden Shield" is abused! Is what you buy for your child really safe?
The "Little Golden Shield" is abused! Is what you buy for your child really safe?

These "cold" knowledge

Have you all gotten it?

Parents buy things for their children later

It's going to be more rational

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