
"3.15" exposure: Children's cosmetics detected banned ingredients, and your baby survived

The annual "3.15" exposure party will attract everyone's warm attention.

The tradition of the "3.15" party has been followed for more than ten years, and the relevant departments will expose many products that have failed to pass the inspection at the party, many of which are also familiar to us.

"3.15" exposure: Children's cosmetics detected banned ingredients, and your baby survived

After all, food safety issues are related to people's livelihood issues, and everyone can't turn a blind eye, and it is just an opportunity to help themselves see the true face of the product.

"3.15" exposure: Children's cosmetics detected banned ingredients, and your baby survived

"3.15" exposure: Prohibited ingredients detected in children's cosmetics

At this year's exposure party, we saw a lot of brands about children's products, including food, toys, and even children's cosmetics. A large number of banned ingredients have been detected in these cosmetics! For example, heavy metal components such as lead, mercury, and chromium.

Although we all know that these ingredients are indispensable in cosmetics, and many adult cosmetics are also present to varying degrees, how can children's resistance be compared with adults?

"3.15" exposure: Children's cosmetics detected banned ingredients, and your baby survived

When these ingredients come into contact with a child's delicate skin, it will have many unnecessary effects, such as skin redness, allergies, rotten faces, and even enter the bloodstream, inducing other serious diseases.

In addition, in addition to these deadly heavy metals, there are many unnecessary additives, such as colorants in children's blushes and moisturizers in lipsticks, all of which are toxic substances!

Once the child uses these unqualified cosmetics to dress up, how much damage should be done to the body! If parents can't find out in time, these effects can affect them for life.

"3.15" exposure: Children's cosmetics detected banned ingredients, and your baby survived
"3.15" exposure: Children's cosmetics detected banned ingredients, and your baby survived

In the face of exposure, many commodity manufacturers complained one after another

Isn't it just to attract your child's attention?

We all know what the result of being exposed is that the brand disappears permanently, and no matter what changes are made in front of our eyes, the public will never be able to forgive them.

Therefore, many manufacturers will complain about being exposed, and they have not made such behavior because of the trend of the times? If your product can't attract your child's attention, it's ineffective marketing.

"3.15" exposure: Children's cosmetics detected banned ingredients, and your baby survived

And what product on the market is not so marketed? Because children like these brightly colored products and beautifully packaged products, brands will continue to improve themselves and design products that meet children's aesthetics.

And this practice of their own also reveals a social atmosphere, brand manufacturers in order to cater to the public, and lose control of the product, just for the sake of sales and sales, only care about pre-sales and not after-sales.

Children do not have the ability to distinguish between right and wrong, don't parents?

In addition, product manufacturers have also put forward a point of view, that is, the responsibility lies entirely with parents! When children see these products, even if they have a strong interest, but because they do not have the ability to buy, they can only turn to their parents. Isn't the final decision on the parents?

"3.15" exposure: Children's cosmetics detected banned ingredients, and your baby survived

If parents can distinguish the advantages and disadvantages of the product, find the problems in the product, and actively guide and intervene, how can the child have the opportunity to be harmed?

Just like if parents find that children's cosmetics contain heavy metals, tell their children in advance that these toys can only be played with and cannot really be used on their own faces, how can children scribble?

And, when parents find out that their children use these children's cosmetics and immediately carry out criticism and education, how can they possibly repeat the same mistakes? In the final analysis, it is not the inaction of parents!

"3.15" exposure: Children's cosmetics detected banned ingredients, and your baby survived

And now parents are blindly shifting this responsibility to the product itself, which is too helpless for the product. After all, they all meet the production requirements, otherwise they would not appear in the market.

"3.15" exposure: Children's cosmetics detected banned ingredients, and your baby survived

Take this opportunity to give their children a safety education lesson

But when such a situation occurs, it is not irreparable, but it can allow parents to take this opportunity to give their children a safety education lesson and tell them how to protect themselves.

"3.15" exposure: Children's cosmetics detected banned ingredients, and your baby survived

After all, parents can not always accompany their children, most of the things in life need to be checked by the children first, making a preliminary judgment is also an important performance of being responsible for themselves. If it is really impossible to judge, it is enough to ask the parents again, but you must not lose the ability to judge.

Today's summary:

Will your child easily use these children's cosmetics? Why do you think children like children's cosmetics toys so much? Feel free to share your thoughts with us!

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