
Are pure trams really the best alternative to rising oil prices?

Whenever the price of oil rises, there is always a large number of people who will say: "The price of oil is too expensive, I already know that I will buy a new energy vehicle", it is true, compared to before, if calculated by 50L fuel tank, it will cost at least 80 yuan more to fill a tank of oil. In the past month, BYD, Xiaopeng, Tesla, Lantu and other brands have announced price increases, but they have not been able to resist consumers' enthusiasm for purchase, which is enough to show how attractive pure trams are.

Are pure trams really the best alternative to rising oil prices?

It is worth mentioning that some of the big guys of the new car-making car companies have also jumped out to blow the advantages of pure trams. For example, Shen Hui, founder and CEO of WM Motors, posted on the social platform, "According to the calculation of 100,000 kilometers in 5 years, the electricity consumption of smart pure electric cars can save about 80,000 yuan compared with the fuel cost of oil vehicles, which is almost equal to four LV or Hermès entry-level bags." So, what else are you thinking about? Come and power up! ”

But as a consumer, should you worry about whether a pure tram is suitable for you?

To take the simplest example, 5 years ago to eat a bowl of noodles 8 pieces, now basically 10 pieces, 5 years ago mineral water 1 dollar a bottle, now basically 2 pieces, of course, we are not discussing the reasons for the rise in oil prices, but want to say that the price trend of many things is irreversible, "oil and electricity dispute" is not a certain point can be covered in conclusion, fuel vehicles are not imagined to be vulnerable, pure electric vehicles are not impeccable.

First of all, in terms of car prices, new cars of the same level, pure trams are generally more expensive than fuel vehicles ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands, this is not because of how advanced the technology of pure trams is, but the scale is not large enough, resulting in costs that cannot be reduced, especially after new energy replenishment and battery raw materials rise, in fact, most pure trams are facing an embarrassing situation, downstream new energy vehicle sales are difficult to profit, and the price increase makes many car consumers who are waiting to see fall into entanglement.

Are pure trams really the best alternative to rising oil prices?
Are pure trams really the best alternative to rising oil prices?

We take the same compact SUV Nezha U and Haval Chi rabbit to do a comparison, counting the purchase tax, insurance, in a similar configuration, Nezha U is more expensive than Haval Chi Rabbit about 30,000, Haval Chi Rabbit fuel tank volume is 55L, according to normal, about 550 kilometers, and Nezha U's endurance is 500 km, Haval Red Rabbit is obviously more convenient, and the endurance of the electric vehicle will decay with use, maybe 3 or 4 years later, the time use mileage gap between the two will be more obvious, if there is only one car at home, It is necessary to consider whether it can accept frequent charging.

If you run 2000 kilometers a month to calculate, the use cost of Haval Chitu is about 1940 blocks, do not consider the impact of air conditioning and temperature on pure trams, and the cost of Nezha U is 360 blocks, Nezha U will save 18960 yuan more than Havre Red Rabbit, which may be the reason why everyone likes pure trams the most.

In terms of retention rate, we take 3 years as an example, Haval Red Rabbit still has about 65% of the residual value, according to the top with 138,800 that model to calculate, 3 years can also buy 90,000, and as a pure tram, 3 years of 50% discount, or even 40% off is possible, 147,800 yuan of Nezha U may only sell about 70,000, and through our interview with second-hand car dealers, they are also very afraid of pure trams, because the transaction is difficult, and the current choice of second-hand cars customers are still fuel vehicles.

Are pure trams really the best alternative to rising oil prices?

In addition, many people do not know the maintenance of the tram, in fact, the maintenance of the tram is very simple, the main thing is to change the gear oil, brake oil and air conditioning filter, about 200 pieces, and the fuel car small maintenance 500, large maintenance 1300 are relatively cheap.

In fact, from the perspective of 1 year of use cost, the tram is at least 20,000 pieces lower than fuel, but for ordinary families, especially for "just need" users, the vehicle needs to consider the cost of full-cycle use, even if it is only charged once a week, many people are unwilling, because no one wants to go to work for a day and drag the tired body to queue for charging, which is the short board that pure trams cannot avoid at present.

Of course, there will definitely be people who say can't you press the charging pile yourself? Now many residential parking spaces can be pressed, so that there will be no delay, but according to relevant data, even if the proportion of private charging piles in the north, Shanghai and Guangzhou is still small, let alone other cities, there is no fixed parking space, where do you let others charge?

Are pure trams really the best alternative to rising oil prices?

As a friend who bought Song DMI said, the first one is still not to consider pure trams, usually commuting to work is OK, but if the whole family travels, farther away places dare not go, because the holidays are originally stuck in traffic, if you encounter no electricity again, it really affects the mood, because whether it is power exchange and charging can not completely avoid "range anxiety", so he likes pure trams, and finally reason defeated him, chose a hybrid to do the transition.

In addition, the safety of electric vehicles is also a problem that cannot be ignored, almost no brand dares to say that their new energy vehicles have not spontaneously combusted, spontaneous combustion can be said to be like a sword hanging above the head of new energy vehicle companies, because once the new energy models of the car companies spontaneously combust, it means that safety has been challenged.

Are pure trams really the best alternative to rising oil prices?

Even Tesla, Weilai positioning high-end new energy brands can not avoid spontaneous combustion, and there are many reasons that can cause spontaneous combustion, such as excessive charging, improper charging operation, in addition, many new energy manufacturers will now use ternary lithium batteries as the power of new energy vehicles, although the energy density of lithium batteries is greater, but the ignition point is lower, it is easier to spontaneously combust in the case of impact or high temperature, especially when the three-electric technology is still in the development stage, Companies can only try to find change through constant exploration.

In contrast, fuel vehicles are much safer in this regard, after a hundred years of historical development, the current fuel vehicle technology has reached a certain height, and even rotten brands rarely spontaneous combustion these major problems. For consumers, these factors influence car purchase choices.

It is undeniable that new energy is the direction of automobile development, and there can be a thousand reasons to choose pure trams. However, at present, there are too many brands in the new energy vehicle market, and the fish and dragons are mixed. Many brands have neither the accumulation of car manufacturing operations, nor the perfect supporting facilities, some are still losing money, and it is not impossible to disappear in the automobile market one day. Moreover, Spicy Car believes that there is still room for further optimization of the current new energy vehicle battery technology. Under comprehensive consideration, the pre-purchase of pure trams + medium-term use of cars + late sale of cars is not much cheaper than that of traditional fuel vehicles, and there is still a long way to go. In the case of soaring oil prices, is it the best solution to abandon fuel vehicles to buy a pure electric vehicle? At least for now, if it is simply to save money, you will definitely regret it.

So which consumers are suitable for new energy vehicles?

First of all, people with green card needs, no limited number of troubles, for the working party is very advantageous, followed by the second car at home, will not consider using pure tram to go far. Therefore, do not blindly follow the trend, pure trams may one day replace fuel vehicles, but it is really far from us.

Note: The above pictures come from the brand official

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