
Parents with relatively stronger principles of life are more suitable to accompany their children to learn and grow

Parents with relatively stronger principles of life are more suitable to accompany their children to learn and grow

Nurture neighborly dreams

Netizens asked: If a husband and wife must have one person to resign at home with children, must it be the woman why?

Reply: Parents with relatively stronger principles in life are more suitable to accompany their children to learn and grow. Because, the role model is to give the best growth companion for children, each child's learning and growth experience is only once, must accumulate steps to reach thousands of miles, must be high standards and strict requirements to help children become more talented. Of course, as far as the modern urban society is concerned, efficiently assisting children's learning and growth should further improve community-level comprehensive childcare, so that excellent parents can assist more children to learn and grow, so that more children can equally enjoy high-quality comprehensive teaching and auxiliary resources, so that every excellent child can grow up healthily, so that every parent in the workplace can work with peace of mind without worrying about their children being left unattended...

Life is endowed with a combination of natural substances with the ability to reproduce + growth cycle + a small part of the self-healing function that damages itself. Plants absorb water-soluble microminerals from natural substances combined with photosynthesis to produce life nutrients, animals feed directly or indirectly on plants, microorganisms live in plants or animals... Humans are the community-based fetal mammals with the highest IQ, the slowest growth and development, and the strongest comprehensive growth plasticity in the natural life system.

Sexual reproduction & asexual reproduction, herd reproduction & fixed mate reproduction, viviparity & oviparous reproduction... Modern humans are relatively fixed forms of mate reproduction, and there are monogamous and polygamous families in human families worldwide, and each person can have a different domestic partner at different times. The mainland has a monogamous family marriage and childbearing system at the same time, where the same man and woman can have only one legal opposite-sex partner.

Parents with relatively stronger principles of life are more suitable to accompany their children to learn and grow

Role models are the best growth companions for children

Male hunting + defense against predators, females picking plant fruits, and the children of human primitive ancestors were mostly cared for by mothers. Therefore, the matriarchal clans recorded in human social civilization are earlier than the patriarchal society; male cultivators & female weavers, male masters and female masters, after human beings enter the era of agriculture and animal husbandry, the proportion of surplus consumption value created by men in daily life labor is getting higher and higher. Therefore, men occupy an absolute protagonist position in the productive labor of human society, and the vast majority of undertakings related to the development of human society are dominated by men, such as the military defense of the state against foreign enemies, social administrative governance, agricultural swelling, and so on. However, due to military activities, state governance, and agricultural busyness, it is impossible to take care of children. Therefore, in the era of agriculture and animal husbandry, the children of human society are still supervised by women in most cases, and only a very small number of discipline activities are carried out by men.

In 1712, a man named Thomas Nucomen (February 1664 – August 5, 1729) created the first utility steam engine to solve the rapid pumping of coal and tin mines; in 1831, shortly after Faraday discovered the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction, he used electromagnetic induction to invent the world's first generator, the Faraday disc generator; in 1886, Carl Benz built the world's first three-wheeled car, and in 1888, Mercedes-Benz produced the world's first car for sale ...... When the attached power machinery was gradually popularized, the physical gap between human males and women in productive labor was offset by the collateral power of the machine. As a result, women's pursuit of comprehensive social status equality with men, including professional labor, has been achieved in modern times.

There are more female teachers than male teachers, more female nurses than male nurses, more women than men in sales offices, more female textile workers than male workers, more women than men in telephone customer service... When human society enters an era of equal career opportunities for men and women, a universal social governance problem arises - in family affairs, who should spend more time with their children to learn and grow?

Staying at home with low pay for professional labor? This is obviously not true or wrong, for the daily discipline of children can be satisfied at the expense of a small amount of economic income; the wrong is that who can guarantee that the party with low professional pay today will not develop better tomorrow? Who can guarantee that the party with the highest wages today will not be laid off?

Who to accompany the child according to academic qualifications? The party with higher education can better tutor the child's studies, but the high education also means that the party with higher education can get higher labor wages by participating in social and professional labor; the party with relatively lower education accompanies the child more, but the child's learning growth is irreversible, and it will be more difficult for parents who have not studied well to teach their children.

Ask your grandparents to help you care for your children? People often say "generations away", the elderly accompany children, help cook, laundry can also be, in order to really counsel, adjust the comprehensive growth habits of children, very few grandparents can do it. Moreover, new knowledge and information in today's human society are emerging in an endless stream, and whether the accompanying thinking of the ancestors is in line with the current era is also a problem.


Around half a year old, you can tentatively begin to dominate your body, at about 1 year old you can imitate the pronunciation of your parents to learn modern human social language, at about 3 years old you can go to kindergarten, at 6 years old you can go to elementary school, at 12 years old you go to middle school, at 18 years old you go to college... The modern family is not a matter of time and a half to accompany children to learn and grow, and it requires continuity that is almost beyond the length of any modern human social vocational work. Therefore, if one of the parties in the family must lead the child's learning and growth, it is best to choose the one with a relatively stronger principle of life.

Parents with relatively stronger principles of life are more suitable to accompany their children to learn and grow

The mission of nurturing neighbors: to be a sparring partner and consultant on the road to children's growth.

The vision of nurturing neighbors: let there be no small and difficult old people in the world.

Children's growth is like a century-old tree, which needs to experience wind and rain. For parents, you need to be patient enough to accompany them. Accompanying children requires care, and companionship is more than just care. When many people choose to go home to accompany their children, I choose to come to Beijing to do a career to accompany more children - to cultivate neighbors: to promote social harmony with neighborhood friendliness, to promote social moral education, and to promote the healthy and happy growth of everyone. Explore a set of public welfare and inclusive education undertakings that solve the problem of "one-child syndrome + intergenerational education" in the form of neighborhood mutual assistance, and work with parents to "tailor" children's growth plans to provide children with games, cooperation and shared growth space... That is, the community neighborhood education service ecosystem.

Parents with relatively stronger principles of life are more suitable to accompany their children to learn and grow

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