
Blade Runner 2049 is the most literary commercial film! The liberation of life brings the fragility of human nature


Today's thundercloud weather in Shenzhen makes me inexplicably think of the hazy rainy day in "Blade Runner 2049".

Blade Runner 2049 is the most literary commercial film! The liberation of life brings the fragility of human nature

Blade Runner 2049 takes place 30 years after the Great Power Outage.

Replicant K (Ryan Gosling) is a new generation of Blade Runners, in today's world, the line between humans and replicants is more clear, replicants from the moment they are created to be indoctrinated with the idea of serving humanity, absolutely not allowed to generate human feelings.

One day, the remains of a female replicant were exhumed, shocking Army Lieutenant Josh (Robin White Wright) that the female replicant had not only conceived before her life, but also gave birth to a child, the existence of which would completely undermine the rules and order that the government had painstakingly managed. Josh orders K to find the child and kill him. In an abandoned farm, K finds clues that are inextricably linked to his implanted memories of the past. Meanwhile, replicant Neander (Jared Leto) and his henchman Rave (Sylvia Hoeks) are also searching for the whereabouts of the child.

Blade Runner 2049 is the most literary commercial film! The liberation of life brings the fragility of human nature

This film, like Nabokov's "The Dark Fire", is crystal clear, a narrative poem about loneliness and love, creation and transformation, goodness and selfishness, faith and loss, insight into life and death, and countless fragments of ideas, except that it is not written in words, but in terms of video images, architectural shapes, and character lines, and it is also a poem about the meaning of life, and freedom and slavery.

Blade Runner 2049 is the most literary commercial film! The liberation of life brings the fragility of human nature
Blade Runner 2049 is the most literary commercial film! The liberation of life brings the fragility of human nature

Blade Runner 2049 and Blade Runner seem to be connected back and forth, but in fact, the essence of the two films is completely different: Blade Runner is a spiritual song about the fate of the individual, which puts the philosophy of life and death before the consideration of the future of mankind; "Blade Runner 2049" is an epic poem about the fate of the community, it is about the top of the evolutionary chain, the three links that intelligent life must go through: the truth, creation and awakening, and the faint fire in the process - whether it comes from the long-term love in life. Look up or a moment of emotion.

Blade Runner 2049 is the most literary commercial film! The liberation of life brings the fragility of human nature

The vast cyberpunk futuristic city of the film seems to be real in front of your eyes, and the huge twinkling pupils coldly examine everything around you, including the audience in front of the screen, of course. At that moment, you will feel a kind of cruelty and smallness.

Blade Runner 2049 is the most literary commercial film! The liberation of life brings the fragility of human nature

The greatness of Blade Runner 2049 is its sense of powerlessness, a kind of fatalism, and it's hard to imagine that replicants created by humans could utter such subtle and shocking verses, even at the last moment before death, to make ritualized oaths for themselves.

In contrast, the active humans and blade runners show clumsiness and frustration, no emotion, no identity and no soul, just like those replicants will eventually die, and no one can escape this life.

Blade Runner 2049 is the most literary commercial film! The liberation of life brings the fragility of human nature

The film uses a unique, claustrophobic approach to bring profound thinking to mankind, how do we face this highly technologically developed modern world? In the face of the world created by mankind using the wisdom of the mind, whether it is grand or small, it will eventually disappear, just as tears disappear in the rain.

"I have seen the unimaginable beauty of your human beings, I have seen warships burning on fire at the end of the constellation Orion, watching C-rays shine in the darkness near don's Gate of Don Wilder, and all these moments will eventually disappear into the torrent of time, like tears disappearing in the rain... The time of death has come. ”

- Blade Runner

Blade Runner 2049 is the most literary commercial film! The liberation of life brings the fragility of human nature

One of the key elements of science fiction is romance, which is a kind of romance that I can feel without love, a romantic moment that flows out of the unknown of space and even despair.

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