
The most handsome villain in the rainy night of Blade Runner is sleeping


Source 丨 Does not exist (id:non-exit-faa)

Author 丨 Table Text VII Mei Ling

The most handsome villain in the rainy night of Blade Runner is sleeping

Blade Runner screenshot | Douban

The person who said this, gone.

We always select various markers, visual symbols, auditory symbols, cultural symbols for each era. About the '80s, about cyberpunk, no one can bypass Blade Runner, and no one can forget the villain with white hair as a pigeon, the bionic man Roy Batty.

In the play, Roy died in 2019.

In reality, roy's actor, dutch actor Rutger Hauer, died on this rainy summer.

The most handsome villain in the rainy night of Blade Runner is sleeping

News screenshot | enm news

His dying monologue is a highlight moment in human film history.

He was in tears in the rain, and now, for us.

"Tears in rain," also known as "c-beams speech," is the death-defunction of roy batty, the number one villain in blade runner.

As "the most moving dying monologue in the history of cinema", it entered popular culture and is often cited as a representative of science fiction works.

The most handsome villain in the rainy night of Blade Runner is sleeping

Figure | Douban

The British newspaper The Observer named it "one of the 10 classic moments in film history".

Hollywood Science magazine argues that this is "the best speech in a science fiction movie."

Another famous example is David Bowie, who delivered roses at the funeral of his brother Terry Burns, writing: "You've seen things we couldn't have imagined, but all these moments will disappear like tears in the rain." ”

But it means much more than just a pop culture symbol.

Hauer's rewritten version of the line touches on the proposition of science fiction since its inception in the most concise and elegant way:

Explore human nature through the relationship between man and creation.

01 Sci-fi proposition:

we're no computers

Roy's death monologue picks up an ancient theme derived from the first science fiction novel, Frankenstein:

What is a person?

Who defines human nature?

In Blade Runner, tyrell created replicants that gave them only 4 years of lifespan, sending them out into outer space as laborers and warriors.

Some replicants fled back to Earth in search of a way to survive, while humans "retire" them as machines and invented a set of "Turing tests" for transduction: the voight-kampff test. It is believed that bionic humans do not have the same compassion as humans and therefore show their feet in tests.

The most handsome villain in the rainy night of Blade Runner is sleeping

Blade Runner screenshot

But Roy longs to live with dignity and die with dignity.

we're no computers, sebastian. we're physical.

We are not machines, Sebastian, we are flesh and blood.

The most handsome villain in the rainy night of Blade Runner is sleeping

He kissed his dead lover tenderly, and he was filled with pain when he killed his own maker.

i want more life... father.

I want more life, Father.

The most handsome villain in the rainy night of Blade Runner is sleeping

In order to find a way to survive, he touched into a bionic artificial room, and the teacher Fu trembled and said: I don't know anything... I only do eyes... It was I who designed your eyes. Roy scornfully said:

if only you could've seen what i've seen with your eyes.

May you witness everything I see with your eyes.

The most handsome villain in the rainy night of Blade Runner is sleeping

In that epic rooftop chase, he drove Deckard to death and saved him again.

quite an experience to live in fear isn't it? that's what it is to be a slave.

Live in fear, don't you? That's what it's like to be a slave.

The most handsome villain in the rainy night of Blade Runner is sleeping

He pierced the palm of his hand with a long nail to stop the pain of the decline of life, and when he closed the curtain, he burst into tears, his head hanging low, and the white dove flew out of his arms. A monologue is thunderous, which makes people feel ironic -

The most handsome villain in the rainy night of Blade Runner is sleeping

What percentage of humanity is human?

Smarter and stronger than a person, but not qualified to be a "human"?

When a species that is almost no different from itself also has self-awareness, why should they be enslaved?

Human beings will always take sides, fight with the same party, and implement the narrow mentality of "non-my race will have different hearts", so Roy's questioning will never become obsolete.

02 Villain Aesthetics:

Silver hair and blue pupils, loves trench coats and pigeons

In Blade Runner, "Futuristic" is a strong visual style.

It depicts a city of eternal night, with rain and neon lights reflecting on the windows, skyscrapers like pyramids, taxis and billboards floating in the air, and bionic people running in synthetic fashion.

The most handsome villain in the rainy night of Blade Runner is sleeping

In 1982, when the film was released, Roy's image was a very special shape.

To know the mainstream aesthetic of the early 80s, or perms and semi-long hair, fancy shirts and flared pants, young people carrying radios on the street disco.

The shape of the bionic man echoes the wasteland style, metallic, industrial reload style, exaggerated makeup, hard line cut, but in the detail design more emphasis on the early 80s space style aesthetic.

Designer Michael Kaplan became famous for her outstanding costume design in Blade Runner and was nominated for the American Costume Designers Association Award.

The most handsome villain in the rainy night of Blade Runner is sleeping

So Blade Runner circled the aesthetic standard of cyberpunk - rainy night, trench coat, who am I?

Zhora, dressed in a black tights and draped in a transparent plastic coat, fled in a hurry and ran wild in the neon rain.

The most handsome villain in the rainy night of Blade Runner is sleeping

Pris has fluffy straight blonde hair and a translucent jumpsuit that runs and flips like a gymnast.

The most handsome villain in the rainy night of Blade Runner is sleeping

And Roy's beautiful tough guy, silver hair and blue pupils, bronze skin, leather coat with sneakers, smile is also good and evil.

The most handsome villain in the rainy night of Blade Runner is sleeping

This shape has produced many imitators in the field of Japanese manga: "Blue Warrior" created by Tetsuo Hara, the author of "Hokuto Divine Fist", the protagonist is similar to roy.

The most handsome villain in the rainy night of Blade Runner is sleeping

The viewer is easily hypnotized, and many times, who is the villain lies entirely in the narrator's descriptive tendencies. After all these years, do you really still feel that Roy is the villain?

A replicant with a lifespan of only 4 years struggles to find freedom.

In Greek times, this was called a tragic hero, and in the age of the Revolution, it was called a rebel.

Blade Runner is the story of a creature escaping from a cage who is hunted down, and ironically, the character fails to appear on the official main poster.

The most handsome villain in the rainy night of Blade Runner is sleeping

Blade Runner poster

Most people just remember his last words on a rainy night.

He liked to quote the poems of the English poet William Blake, liked the English trench coat, liked the pigeon, had no fierce expressions, only sad stories.

The most handsome villain in the rainy night of Blade Runner is sleeping

Roy died in the rain in Los Angeles in 2019.

Hauer also left in 2019, a year in which the future is like a heavy summer rain pouring down.

Fantasy and reality suddenly coincide —

Are we living in a movie called Blade Runner?

He made us believe that future humans could live among the stars and that machines would one day become like ourselves.

The man who left a poem to the world in the night rain is now back in the stars and on the edge of Orion to see the battleships.

The most handsome villain in the rainy night of Blade Runner is sleeping

This article is reproduced with permission from non-existent (id:non-exit-faa), if you need to reprint it for a second time, please contact the original author.

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