
Blade Runner 2049: Three short films, three questions

author:Ding Ming resounded

The things of the high-cold pioneers will always be a little bit mischievous with the trend, and like the "Journey to the West" in the past, the teacher is unfavorable, and as time goes by, countless people shout that they owe Zhou Xingchi a movie ticket. Different countries, the same fate, the current "Blade Runner" in 1982, met Waterloo, time proved that this is a classic film, there are also people lament that "Blade Runner" is not timely.

Although "Blade Runner" has proved to be a classic drama by time, the human issues discussed in it have not yet sprouted, and now it is the era of fast food, so while calling "Blade Runner 2049" a good drama, while continuing to watch the heroic posture of "Wonder Woman", the final result is that the killer box office and the heroine are really not the same.

If we look at the box office, this movie is not good, if it is a good movie in terms of word of mouth, the paradox of human nature is here, and as the film is doubted, what is wrong with our human society?

The length of the film is 2 hours and 43 minutes long, the slow plot challenges the nerves of many people, sitting quietly in the theater to watch, unable to mention the secretion of hormones, but must use the brain, it is too much trouble, because the brain people gave word of mouth to this movie, because happy people gave the money to the heroine, after all, Gail Gadot is really beautiful.

Good movies need to be savored again, and before two brushes, watch three short films: 2022: The Great Power Outage, 2036: Dawn of replicants, and 2048: Nowhere to Escape.

These three shorts describe what happened in the thirty years between Blade Runner and Blade Runner 2049, and finally understand why K found the old model replicant in the first place.

The reason for the great power outage?

In the 2022: The Great Blackout anime, in the mouth of a human being, it is said that human beings are selfish and stupid liars, and replicants are so pure and perfect, more like humans than humans.

Blade Runner 2049: Three short films, three questions

But the minority does not represent the majority, countless people are proud of their lives, and no matter how despicable the individual is, can we still get along well? This is the question of replicants, and for many people, there is no such doubt, and the only answer is that eliminating you is non-negotiable.

There is oppression there, there is resistance, standing in the role of God human beings, since you created you will not allow you to rebel against me, but how to avoid risks when humans create replicants, after all, it is an organism, unlike machines, there may be innate obstacles to CPUs and lines, the magic of the brain is in complexity, so it is impossible to avoid the learning and emotional growth of replicants.

Born as a human being, there are not too many negative emotions, it can be said that it is more perfect and pure, perhaps the innate jealousy of human beings has begun to spread and grow, just like several animated short films made by "The Matrix", human beings want to be gods, but accidentally become their own gravediggers.

In the end, the replicants chose to resist and destroy all the identity information of the replicants, so as to escape the pursuit of human beings, but this era of power outages directly made human beings almost retreat into primitive society and fell into infinite hunger, when human beings rely too much on technology, technology may become a time bomb and be used as a weapon against human beings.

When the female replicant asks if we will go to heaven when we die, the male replicant says that we have no heaven and hell, we only have this world.

Being alive is the only appeal, so even if the practice is as despicable as human beings, after all, this is the last straw.

Why do you need a replicant?

No matter what kind of era there will always be one or two people who look like heroes, "Blade Runner" has made Terry Company a thing of the past, wallace who wants to become a god has solved the problem of human hunger through genetic engineering, and has also begun to take over the technology of replicants.

It seems to me that the fundamental reason why Wallace really repealed the duplication ban was not that the replicants had been improved and no longer betrayed, but that he said: You have endless desires to use other species to satisfy your selfish desires, and I believe in the meaning of human civilization.

Blade Runner 2049: Three short films, three questions

The meaning of human civilization is to continue to create life, of course, to create all opportunities to satisfy their endless desires, and finally let the replicants start again, is this the dawn of replicants, or the opening of human desires again?

Human beings want to conquer the sea of stars, inevitably there will be contradictions and wars, so replicants as human weapons of war are a good choice for human beings, and people who want to play chess need chess pieces after all.

If you finish watching "Blade Runner 2049", you will still find that what Wallace really wants to do is God, to create a replicant who can reproduce himself, so is the replicant who can reproduce on his own or a product of mankind? Is it still another species?

Why end?

The back wave of the Yangtze River pushes the front wave, and the front wave is destined to be slapped to death on the beach. In "I, Robot", humans began to replace the old model of robots with new models of robots, almost triggering the demise of human beings, after all, the design principles are different, and the results are different.

The ultimate drop of the old model of the replicant, because the old replicant is more autonomous, human beings think that the new model of replicants will not produce a mechanism of resistance, then the old model of replicants with greater autonomy must be terminated, after all, the species that humans want to create is for their own service, not equal treatment.

After all, alien colonization, the consumption of war need replicants to take the lead, human beings lie in the easy chair is enjoyed, so in order to consolidate their unbreakable dominance, do not resist, then start to end.

Of course, what is even more ridiculous is to go through replicants to ultimate replicants, so Blade Runner 2049 turned out to be a world that needs stability, but this stability is still based on the control of human fantasies.

Can it be ended?

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