
The director of "Dune" is the director of "Blade Runner 2049", so this film must be seen in the cinema

author:Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News

Qianjiang Evening News hourly news reporter Lu Fang

On October 22, the Hollywood science fiction film "Dune" will be released. "Dune" is a rare Hollywood blockbuster in recent years, and it is an annual must-see blockbuster exclusive to the big screen. The film was directed by Blade Runner 2049 director Dennis Villeneuve, with the lead scorer Hans Zimmer joining.

The director of "Dune" is the director of "Blade Runner 2049", so this film must be seen in the cinema

"Sweet Tea" starring Timothy Chalame, Rebecca Ferguson, Oscar Isaac, Josh Brolin, Strand Skarsgaard, Dave Battista, Zandaya, Jason Momma, Javier Baden, Zhang Zhen and so on.

The director of "Dune" is the director of "Blade Runner 2049", so this film must be seen in the cinema

The original novel "Dune", which has been popular for more than half a century, is a super IP that continues to shine under the lens of director Villeneuve. "Dune" presents the audience with a space epic that refreshes the cognition, ranging from mysterious and sinister alien explorations and cosmic-scale grand wars, as well as the construction of a complete worldview and the suspenseful story of the waves. The starring cast is equally dazzling, from "Sweet Tea" to "Aquaman" and "Thanos", from "Mission Impossible" girls to "Spider-Man" girlfriends, the brilliant stars dedicate their acting skills to the feast.

The director of "Dune" is the director of "Blade Runner 2049", so this film must be seen in the cinema

Director Villeneuve mentioned more than once that he was fascinated by the "Dune" novel when he was a teenager, and frankly said that the movie "Dune" was his love letter to the big screen, for such a dream that devoted all his efforts, the director led the creator to go deep into the desert of Jordan to shoot, nearly half of the scenes of the whole film were filmed in the desert, building a unique, fortress-like solid building on the planet of dunes, and because of the high temperature in the desert, they could only shoot in the early morning and midnight.

The director of "Dune" is the director of "Blade Runner 2049", so this film must be seen in the cinema

As the lead actor Zhang Zhen shared, the glowing "spices" in the film are not special effects production, but cosmetics mixed with sand, "all things are exquisite, including clothes, scenes, props." Each of us actors entered Dennis's dune world under the guidance of the director. ”

On October 19, the film released a spice special that reveals the roots of interstellar melee: a mysterious spice from the dune planet. Whoever controls the spices controls the entire universe, the war spreads, and the young hero is born.

Dune is also the beginning of director Dennis Villeneuve's trilogy of science fiction films dedicated to this era, telling the story of the young hero Paul awakening and growing up in the scuffle of the dune planet.

Director Villeneuve, starring "Sweet Tea" Timothy Chalame, Oscar Isaac, Zadaya, and Sharon Duncan-Brewster appeared in the spice special, unveiling the deadly temptation of mysterious spices.

The spice is uniquely produced on the planet Dune and is a life-cycle byproduct of the all-devouring alien giant sandworm. "Spices are a very rare commodity" whose value is similar to that of oil in the real world, and on which space travel, commerce and human survival depend, "is a very rare commodity," Zandaya said.

Sweet Tea reveals that "spices enhance people's perception, and it will make the user's eyes turn blue", which shows the strange changes of the young hero Paul after obtaining the spices.

Director Villeneuve summed it up: "Spices mean everything", without which human civilization would collapse. As a result, the Erridi family was ordered to take over the planet Dune, and the brutal and greedy Haknnan family went to war to regain control of the spice mining.

As Oscar Isaac said, "The Erridi family and the Haknen family are old enemies", and the competition for resources has become the fuse for the intensification of the contradictions between the two major forces.

The movie "Dune" was recently held in Beijing at a science fiction event, where many scientists and science fiction writers gathered to witness the magnificent and magnificent world of singular sand dunes on the big screen.

The director of "Dune" is the director of "Blade Runner 2049", so this film must be seen in the cinema

Professor Gou Lijun, a researcher at the National Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, participated in the post-screening discussion and praised the science fantasy in the film, "let people see the reflection of human reality, but also see the fable of the future of mankind." Science fiction writer Bao Shu felt very shocked beyond expectations, and said that he liked the mysterious atmosphere of the sandworm, "the sandworm is like a mysterious existence in the depths of the universe." Science fiction writer Fei Deuterium also shared his viewing experience, believing that "'Dune' will bring inspiration to Chinese science fiction creators." Science fiction writers sighed in the early morning, "The narrative rhythm is very comfortable, and it will become a classic for a new generation of science fiction fans."

The director of "Dune" is the director of "Blade Runner 2049", so this film must be seen in the cinema

Dune will also be released in more than 720 IMAX theaters nationwide on Oct. 22. Recently, IMAX held an advanced viewing in Beijing, and the immersive atmosphere and the extremely shocking audio-visual effects were all praised. In addition to creating as much realism as possible, director Villeneuve uses IMAX technology to create immersive immersion. The director once admitted in an interview: "'Dune' was created for the IMAX big screen from the beginning."

"Dune" is another blockbuster film specially produced by IMAX, when screened in IMAX theaters, "Dune" has more than one hour of important scenes will be presented in IMAX special format, which can stretch up and down to cover the entire IMAX screen, providing IMAX audiences with 26% more picture content.

In the post-screening commentary, the audience gave a high evaluation of the screen aesthetic of "Vista" and the amazing expressiveness of IMAX, praising it as a "match made in heaven": "Velonneuve once again proved his amazing artistic talent, and "Dune" is both an audiovisual feast for the senses and an amazing aesthetic innovation, which can only be vividly displayed on the IMAX big screen." ”

The ingenious creation of the future world also makes the audience deeply immersed: ""Dune" has created a complete world view of the future universe, from the landforms and species of the dune planet to the futuristic buildings, warships and weapons, which are both brain-opening and real and detailed, and each picture hides rich details. ”

The immersive viewing atmosphere impressed the audience, IMAX special format after the emergence of a new upgrade, the already huge screen is all paved, more details, visual impact is stronger, almost occupy the entire field of vision, "into the play" sense is stronger. Whether it is space warfare or alien exploration, there is an immersive illusion, thrilling.

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Source: Money Reporter

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