
How old can my baby eat salt? Not at 3 and 6 months, babies eat salt a lot later than that

As the saying goes, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, but I say that families with babies have quarrels. Do you agree with that?

Bao Mom and Mother-in-law belong to two generations, and there are some differences in parenting concepts. Take the baby eating salt, the mother believes that the baby is less than one year old can not eat salt, is not conducive to good health.

How old can my baby eat salt? Not at 3 and 6 months, babies eat salt a lot later than that

However, the mother-in-law believes that the child should eat salt early, and the supplementary food has a taste before the baby loves to eat and has strength. The old man will even give an example that he used to take children like this, and now he is not good. The novice mother not only has to work hard with her husband to popularize the knowledge of parenting, but also to "fight openly and secretly" with the elders.

How old can my baby eat salt? Not at 3 and 6 months, babies eat salt a lot later than that

So how old is your baby to eat salt?

As for how much the baby can eat salt, many mothers and elders are arguing endlessly. Here, the goblin mother gives everyone a clear answer, that is: the baby does not eat salt until the age of one.

When the baby is less than 6 months old, the food eaten is either breast milk or formula, and the sodium content per liter is between 170--230mg, which is enough to meet the baby's body's needs for sodium, and there will be no lack of salt at all.

After 6 months, the baby began to eat complementary foods, in addition to the sodium contained in the milk, the meat, vegetables, and fruits in the complementary foods also contained a certain amount of sodium, so that the sodium eaten every day was about 350mg, which could also meet the needs of the body.

Therefore, do not eat salt until your baby is one year old. There is enough salt in the food, and eating it again is a burden.

Is the mother-in-law's concern justified?

How old can my baby eat salt? Not at 3 and 6 months, babies eat salt a lot later than that

1, complementary food without salt, no taste

For adults, it is difficult to swallow without salt in food such as chewing wax. Adults' sense of taste gradually deteriorates with age, and when eating without a little salt and peppers, it feels tasteless. But for babies whose taste buds are still developing, their taste senses are much more sensitive, and the sweet and salty tastes that come with the food are enough to satisfy the baby's taste buds.

If the baby does not like to eat complementary foods, the reason may be because the complementary food type is single, soft and hard discomfort, and the taste of the complementary food has little to do with it.

2, the baby does not eat salt, no strength

Why do elders like to let their children eat salt early? This is because they live in a low standard of living, eat the last meal without eating, but also engage in physical labor for a long time, the body sweats more, and they will feel powerless if they can't eat salt. They have the idea of "letting children eat salt early", which is inevitable.

Newborns are different, in addition to eating and sleeping all day, the biggest physical labor is to crawl around, learn to walk, and simply do not reach the level of needing additional salt.

What are the harms of babies eating salt early

How old can my baby eat salt? Not at 3 and 6 months, babies eat salt a lot later than that

1. The taste becomes heavier

As mentioned earlier, babies' taste buds are still developing, and the taste of food is already very attractive to them. If parents let the baby eat salt too early, their taste will become heavier, and they will naturally not be interested in light complementary foods in the future.

When your child grows up, you will find yourself cooking a loving dinner at home, and the child does not like to eat. But because the meals in the outside restaurant are filled with a lot of oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, they can eat several bowls, which is actually related to eating salt too early.

2. Calcium deficiency

Babies have ingested enough sodium for feeding and complementary foods, and if salt is added to the food, the sodium in the body will exceed the standard and can only be excreted by urination. However, at the same time as the body excretes sodium, calcium will also be excreted, which will cause the baby's calcium deficiency problem. Children eat salt early, it is really possible to affect the future height Oh!

3. Kidney injury

As mentioned above, after the salt in the baby's body exceeds the standard, it needs to be processed by the kidneys and then excreted through the urine. However, the newborn's body is in development, and long-term treatment of excess sodium can have a negative impact on kidney health.

In addition, excessive salt will also increase the baby's suffering from some common blood diseases, such as high blood lipids and abnormal blood pressure.

In short, babies do not eat salt before the age of one, and eat less salt after the age of one.

How old can my baby eat salt? Not at 3 and 6 months, babies eat salt a lot later than that

Baby diet, mothers should be wary of "invisible salt" in food

When making complementary foods for babies, mothers should be wary of invisible salts in food. If you cook the following types of food, your mother will put less salt, or even no salt.

1. Processed food

This refers to cured foods such as cured meat and ham. Because they have added a lot of salt during the production process, if you add salt again when cooking, the food will be very salty.

2. Dessert

As the saying goes, if you want to put some salt in order to sweeten, most of the sweets also need to put salt in the production process, such as common cream, plum, etc., although the taste is sweet, but the sodium content is also quite a lot.

3. Snacks

When the baby can eat complementary foods, we often buy the child some small steamed buns, finger biscuits, seaweed and other snacks. In fact, these snacks are also relatively high in salt content. If parents often give their children these foods, even if the complementary food does not put salt, it will cause the problem of excessive salt in the baby.

How old can my baby eat salt? Not at 3 and 6 months, babies eat salt a lot later than that

Mothers remember that they must not let their children eat salt too early, otherwise he will not be willing to accept the original food, and even become picky and anorexic.

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