
"Famous poet", this title has been used badly? It's a bit "virtual" indeed.

Our current poetry scene, that is, "famous poets" flying all over the sky. No matter which poet, basically hangs the title of "famous poet" in front of it. As for the extent to which this "famous" is, it doesn't matter, it is quite "famous" anyway.

Because of this, the "famous poet" has the suspicion of being rotten. Those who publish only one poem are also called "famous poets", and those who publish several poetry collections are still called "famous poets", which obviously cannot show the difference between them? So, people have to find a way to add something else before the "famous poets".

"Famous poet", this title has been used badly? It's a bit "virtual" indeed.

The image comes from the Internet

The picture above is the list of judges of last year's "China Long Poetry Award", all "famous poets". Let's see, since they are all "famous poets", there is actually not much difference between writing and not writing, right? After the "famous poet", that is the "real", is the point.

For example, the "famous poet" Ji Di Maga was originally the vice chairman of the Writers Association, and last year's congress, Ji Di Ma jia lost the election of vice chairman. At the 4th Caotang Poetry Prize Ceremony, before the "Famous Poets", there was the "Coordinator of the Coordinating Committee of the World Poetry Movement".

"Famous poet", this title has been used badly? It's a bit "virtual" indeed.

This year, the Poetry Committee was formed, and Guidimaga became its director. Therefore, at the "Yang Ke and Lu Weiping Poetry Seminar" just held, "Famous Poets" were preceded by "Directors of the Poetry Committee of the Chinese Writers Association." "Famous poet" Li Shaojun, in the front is also indispensable to "the editor-in-chief of the "Poetry Journal".

Therefore, everyone actually understands that "famous poets" are indeed "virtual", which does not explain any problem, and anyone can hang up the title of "famous poet". Therefore, some people want to say another way, such as Yang Ke, who is called "strength poet". This seems to imply that "famous poets" do not necessarily have "strength".

"Famous poet", this title has been used badly? It's a bit "virtual" indeed.

Since the "famous poet" cannot explain the problem, or should they all simply be called "poets"? It is estimated that many people will not agree, after all, there are many "non-famous poets". The word "famous" must be hung, no matter how many people know him, but seeing the word "famous" gives people a feeling of "tall".

"Famous", those are the two words that the poet is most reluctant to give. Only "famous" can you participate in various activities and be qualified to be a judge, right? Therefore, when I write articles, I will definitely add the word "famous" in front of the poets, so as not to make those "famous poets" feel a little unhappy.

"Famous poet", this title has been used badly? It's a bit "virtual" indeed.

Gideimaga (Image from the Internet)

The number and length of the title to indicate how "famous" a poet is, which is actually a bit of a "forced" meaning. You see, so many titles, is it not "famous" enough? This is actually the manifestation of "virtual". It is precisely because of "virtuality" that so many titles are hung up without being too cumbersome.

Li Bai, can you use a "famous poet"? Du Fu, just by virtue of these two words, everyone knows that he is a "famous poet." Therefore, a really famous poet does not need the words "famous poet". Instead of being a real "famous poet", it doesn't matter how many titles he hangs, people still don't know where his "famous" is.

"Famous poet", this title has been used badly? It's a bit "virtual" indeed.

Yang Ke (Image from the Internet)

In fact, the simplest way is to even omit the word "poet" and say the name directly. Really "famous poets", others know the name at a glance, and some "famous poets" have never been heard of, not only will they doubt the word "famous", but even the word "poet" will be doubted together. Is this a poet or not?

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