
Children who love to read will not be bad in the future

Children who love to read will not be bad in the future


Recently, several mothers of older children have left me messages asking me to help them.

One is that the child is in the first grade of high school and has been addicted to mobile games.

Summer vacation home is also a day to play games, relatives do not go, their own room is not tidying, hot days in order to play games, you can not take a bath. She said she was genuinely worried about her children's future.

There is also a child who is about to go to the fifth grade, and he likes to hold his grandmother's mobile phone to watch small videos, laughing and can't stop. But when it comes to doing homework and asking him to read a book, he immediately frowns and frowns, and he is anxious to see it himself, and he really doesn't know how to help him.

There are many requests for help like this, and every time I feel overwhelmed.

Because I've seen many, many of these kids, but there's no way to do it, because it's too hard to try to change a child who is about to become an adult.

For example, on a college campus, even if it is a key university, walk into the student's dormitory, you will also see most of the students playing online games, and the eyes are empty.

The library is much deserted, except for the needs of the examination or graduate school, there will be a full situation.

At the universities that should be studied the most, there are still so few people who can really read widely.

And people with reading habits are even rarer.

This is inseparable from the growing environment and habit formation of childhood.

If the child is still young, such as before the age of 10, I think the effort is less, and the harvest can be greater.

Because the child's habits and personality have not yet been formed.

If the child is older, many times it is impossible to make up for it.

Just like the growth of a child cannot be repeated, the lost years and months cannot be recovered.

If you don't want your child to be a mindless torso controlled by online games or television.

Then control his screen time as early as possible, increase your child's reading time, and exercise time.


Please believe that children who love to read will not be bad in the future.

Foreign countries have led us too much in parent-child reading:

The American Library Association advocates "born to read."

Japan advocates the "parent-child reading" movement, requiring parents to accompany their children to read books for at least 20 minutes a day.

British education research experts have found that babies who have been reading picture books since infancy have better learning ability and performance than their peers after primary school.

And our parent-child reading has begun to take off in recent years.

For example, the number of children's books in the home has increased, the number of bookshelves has increased, and there is time to read at home.

Picture books and bookstores also began to increase.

If you haven't exposed your child to quality books today, if you haven't read storybooks with your children, you really need to reflect on it.

Before the little fish developed the habit of reading, even if I was busy, I must take time to tell my child two or three picture books a day, and accompany him to recite poems and read picture books.

We have memorized the Three Character Sutra together, a lesson of 8 sentences a day, we can also try, do not rush to buy a good book, do not listen to too much audio to the child, this must be read to the child, the meaning of the rhythm, the facial expression, a mouth can make the child feel.

In addition, read to the child, do not be too hasty, do not carry utilitarian purposes, I do not ask him to understand, but I hope that he feels this rhythm, feels the love of his father reading to him.

Sometimes I will read ancient poems, and I can only taste them. For example, "the moon is falling and the frost is full of frost, and the river maple fishing fire is sad and sleeping", such a sentence, we can't explain it clearly, but we just feel beautiful, in fact, beauty is enough.

For the child, the change of peace and the infection of the parents' good feelings are all good spiritual nourishment.

Of course, being able to read picture books with him will make him more interested, because good pictures can get a visually beautiful feeling.


Through picture book stories, you can unconsciously increase your child's insight.

Recently asked me to tell him "All Things Have Mathematics", the mathematical stories in it, he listened to it with relish, knew graphics, measurement, spatial orientation, etc., fun and practical, if you can use it in your life a few times, it is full of confidence. If we don't understand something, let's discuss it together.

What I feel most deeply is the help of picture books to the formation of children's living habits. The little fish is very conscious in its living habits such as brushing teeth and eating.

For example, when he was very young, he asked to brush his teeth, because he read "The Toothless Tiger" at the earliest time, and later read "Crocodiles Are Afraid, Dentists Are Afraid", "New Things on the Street of Teeth", it will feel that it is too important to protect their teeth, because teeth can help them eat, it is too important. If it had been remodeled by Huck and Dick, it would have been trouble.

In terms of diet, many mothers say that their children are picky eaters and do not like to eat greens.

I remember the little guy reading "The Hungry Caterpillar" when he was more than 2 years old, and he didn't just know the abundant food on it. I remember the plot of the ending: the caterpillar who ate a lot of snacks ended up with a very sore stomach and felt better after eating a few green leaves.

So I would tell him every time, what would happen if I ate some greens? He would say, it feels better!

This is how habits are formed step by step.

If you think three- or four-year-olds aren't that easy to deal with, read "There's a Train Station in your Belly"!

After I told him about the book, he really always believed he had elves in his belly.

So he took the initiative to restrain himself, not to eat too much ice cream, and not to swallow things in large chunks, otherwise the elves would be unhappy, would strike, and would protest. If you eat more green beans or broccoli, the elves will be happy.

After reading Jerry's Calm Space and The Dinosaurs Are Coming, Emotional Management Picture Book, he realized that emotions can also be managed.

So when he's angry, he'll tell me, Dad I'm angry, I'll tell him to take a deep breath and adjust.

It's not a big deal, and he'll learn to manage his emotions as a kid.

Reading "Little Forest Fairy Tale", although there are more literary descriptions in it, he can also listen carefully and unconsciously get the influence of literature. For example, in "Yamanashi", there is a description like this:

The white and soft round stone rolled over, and the small cone-shaped crystal particles and fragments of golden mica also flowed over and stopped there.

The lemonade-like moonlight penetrated all the way to the bottom of the cold river, and the waves on the surface of the water were like blue-white flames, burning for a while and extinguishing for a while, and there was silence around, only the sound of the waves seemed to come from far away. ”

I read it to him gently, and although he couldn't understand it all, he could feel the joy in my heart when I read it.

I've always felt that reading should be part of everyday life.

So my own books will be everywhere, and little fish books are readily available. Sometimes he would bring a bunch of books by himself, and it was a little harder for me to tell them, and he could almost get rid of a lot of encyclopedic diagrams and picture book stories he had told.

Every time he greedily said, read another book, read another book, I read more than dad.

It really stressed me out, because I was so busy that I didn't read, and he would remind me to read it.

Children who love to read will not be bad in the future


Many mothers have told me that they are grateful for the change that reading has brought to their children.

A mother left a message saying that every time she added books to her children, she would often be puzzled by colleagues and even ridiculed.

A colleague said, "Her son will not buy him any extracurricular books until he is 7 years old, there is no need to read at all, just have fun, how hard and tired it will be to go to school in the future, and not to have fun early." ”

Some people also said, "You didn't see it, many people are stupid to read, you see our downstairs security guard, often holding a book to read!" Hahahahaha..."

In fact, are children who read really bitter?

Maybe the children who miss reading are really bitter.

I remember a friend with deep remorse in the past, saying that he also felt that children did not need to spend time on reading, that children had textbooks in school, and teachers would arrange extracurricular reading, so they missed the best parent-child reading time.

Now 11-year-old children are willing to listen to her words to read, but in the end they are lagging behind a lot, and their reading comprehension ability cannot keep up.

Children sometimes read their sister's picture books, but the slightly more difficult text books are thrown aside.

Although he has always stressed the supervision of his son's reading, he can feel that he is completing the task, unlike his sister, who does not like it from the heart, let alone take the initiative to read.

So when I write the essay, it's dry, because there are no words available.

It was as if the seeds had not been sown, the cultivation had not been carried out, and the warehouse would always be empty.

The lost time cannot be repeated, and the textbook cannot support the most precious childhood reading time of children!

It cannot but be said that it is a pity.

Help children develop a good habit of reading as soon as possible, because children who love to read will certainly not be bad in the future.

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