
Parents are not short-sighted, the child's vision is stable?

Parents are not short-sighted, the child's vision is stable?

We all know that when both parents have a relatively high degree of myopia, the probability of myopia in children will be relatively large, so the question is: as long as the parents are not short-sighted, the child will not have to worry about vision loss in the future

Parents are not short-sighted, the child's vision is stable?

1. What factors dominate myopia?

Just like everyone thinks, children whose parents are myopic, the probability of myopia in the future may be higher, which is not unreasonable, because there are two main factors for the cause of myopia, one is environmental factors, and then there are genetic factors:

environmental factors

Environmental factors include development, use of eyes, diet and other aspects, the more important of which is eye habits, such as long-term close use of eyes (including the use of electronic products, reading books, etc.), as well as the serious lack of outdoor activity time, indoor vision light is not good, etc., will affect the development of vision, stimulate the growth of the eye axis, and eventually evolve into myopia.

Genetic factors

Just like the influence of parental height on children, parental myopia will also have an impact on the probability of children's myopia, but there is another small law in between: the genetic probability of high myopia will be higher than that of low and medium myopia, and low and medium myopia are mostly derived from environmental factors.

Parents are not short-sighted, the child's vision is stable?

2. How to prevent myopia?

Not excessively depleting the farsighted reserves

The development of the eyeball is a process of gradual growth, the child's refractive state from the hyperopia after birth, with the increase of age tends to normal, before this degree of hyperopia is the child's hyperopia reserve.

Generally speaking, children will complete the face-up before school age, and premature contact with electronic products or excessive eye burden will make children's farsighted reserves be over-consumed, and parents should minimize the use of eyes at close range, more outdoor activities, and relax from afar.

Take your child to review his vision regularly

For the healthy development of the child's eyes, parents should take the child to a professional institution as often as possible to understand their eye condition, based on the genetic possibility of myopia, parents with high myopia should pay more attention to the child's vision development, establish optometry files, so that the child's vision changes can be timely intervention.

To take scientific prevention and control measures to target children's vision changes, we need to take scientific prevention and control measures:

First, maintain good eye habits to prevent a sharp decline in vision;

Second, when you need to wear glasses, you must follow the doctor's advice to wear them correctly;

Third, the degree change is rapid and obvious, and medical methods are taken to control it in time.

Parents are not short-sighted, the child's vision is stable?

We must know that myopia is irreversible, the glasses that have been worn will "entangle" the child for many years, and the pathological changes produced by the eyeballs cannot be recovered, so parents must not blindly "count on" genetics, because their vision is good, they ignore the possibility of children's myopia, and timely find that the child's vision is abnormal through examination, and choosing a scientific myopia prevention and control program is a better protection for the child's eye health.

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