
"Divine Beast" home-based online class, god annoyed! Five "explosive points" in the parent group, experts teach you to "defuse the bomb"

"Divine Beast" home-based online class, god annoyed! Five "explosive points" in the parent group, experts teach you to "defuse the bomb"

In March, when the spring was in full bloom, the epidemic situation in many parts of the country reappeared repeatedly, and students in many areas once again entered the stage of online learning at home. When campus life was pressed again the pause button. In the face of online learning at home, adolescents who have not yet matured physically and mentally will inevitably have emotional fluctuations. Correspondingly, the parent group that frequently "explodes the pot" and the parents who face the "soaring" anxiety index of the "god beast" at home.

At present, how should parents "exert their strength" to make the children's home learning life healthy, orderly and colorful, so that they can continue to maintain good learning habits and mentality during the special period of "suspension of classes and non-stop learning", and actively and calmly face and adapt to various changes?

The reporter sorted out some common "flashpoints" in the parent group and asked Zhang Yibin, a special expert of Shanghai Parent School and an associate professor of Shanghai Open University, to explain in detail.

Burst point one

On the one hand, he has to go to work, on the other hand, he has to be a book boy for the "divine beast", printing, reading homework, uploading videos, and his head will be "fried"

A: The current online teaching model is a change in the learning environment for children learning at home, and for parents, it is inevitable to increase daily affairs. At this time, please be sure to remain rational and calm, be aware of your emotional problems in time, and reasonably vent and regulate.

Panic and nervousness are as contagious as the virus, and if parents can't regulate their negative emotions, they may also pass on to their children, making them more uneasy and nervous. At the same time, parents should maintain communication with the outside world, take the initiative to pay attention to various positive information, and maintain contact with relatives and friends through WeChat, text messages, telephones, etc., on the one hand, they can help each other in special periods, on the other hand, they can maintain communication with the outside world, which is also a kind of soothing for their mood. If you encounter negative emotions that are really difficult to deal with, it is recommended to seek help from a professional organization in time.

Burst point two

Baby's online class state is so poor, often distracted, distracted, and then back to school, the estimated score plummeted

A: The opening of online learning at home has left many parents "forced to open their doors" to help their children adapt to online learning or complete homework. For the child himself, how to adapt to home learning is also unknown. Understand that this time is also stressful for children, even if the grades are reversed or the performance is different from the usual learning performance. Tolerance of children's performance helps to reduce anxiety among parents and children.

Some parents are exhausted after busy work every day, and they still have to face their children's emotions and studies, and may complain, which is the situation faced by most families under the state of epidemic prevention and control, but at the same time, this is also our contribution to cooperate with the prevention and control of the epidemic.

From another point of view, this is a good opportunity to cultivate children's ability to be independent. Every child's online learning should have a set of learning plans and processes, which are best agreed upon by parents and students, which should be different from daily learning, and also consider the child's daily entertainment and leisure time and reading time, fully reflecting the flexibility of home learning. If children are found to be restless when learning online, parents need to help them choose a more positive way to learn. When children feel they have a say in decision-making, they tend to be more satisfied with the results and more willing to make commitments.

It can help children make a daily wish list, such as doing handicrafts, drawing, parent-child games, indoor sports, making food, taking care of plants, etc., and the whole family can perform it together to spend a good parent-child time together, so that home life becomes healthier and more orderly.

Burst point three

Adolescent children are inherently difficult to manage, and now they stay at home all day and ignore us

For some parents of adolescent children, it is not easy to communicate with their children. During special periods, even if it feels like children don't want to stay at home or rarely communicate with their parents, it doesn't mean they no longer need their parents' attention and love. When parents want their children to open up and communicate, and don't turn light conversations into "lessons", pick topics that their children like or are interested in, such as their favorite singers, artists, movies, or friends, rather than the topics in the parents' minds. Open the conversation box, and then slowly turn to the topics and things that parents want to talk about.

As time spent with children increases, parent-child conflict and conflict may increase. Especially for children who are in adolescence, parents should respect their needs for independence and solitude, more understanding and trust, more timely praise and affirmation, such as a particularly good mental state during online classes, a particularly clear memory of notes, and doing housework for parents after school.

In addition, children can be appropriately given some space for solitude, especially for adolescent children, to respect their needs for independence and solitude, learn to see the advantages and progress of children, be more tolerant, understand and trust children, more consultation and encouragement, less control and nagging. In the event of an argument, you can press the pause button first, and then communicate rationally after the mood of both parties is stable.

Burst point four

Seven or eight hours a day in online classes, children always hold mobile phones and talk to classmates

Although living at home makes children less social, maintaining daily social activities as much as possible should be part of online life learning and should be included in the child's daily plan. Often, students play and chat with their classmates between school hours, at lunchtime, and after school. If you want your child to focus more on online classes, you should also set up a special "small talk time", so that children have time to look at WeChat, chat with classmates, or do nothing.

The use of electronic products is inevitable during online classes, but parents can agree with their children on the time, duration and content of using mobile phones and networks, and implement them conscientiously. At the same time, parents should also control the time they use their mobile phones and the Internet every day, lead by example, and set an example and example for their children.

Burst point five

The child is bored in online class, and I am about to get mad, what to do?

After entering home learning, children lack the companionship of peers and rich campus life, and it is inevitable that there will be negative emotions, and may be more moody or blind than usual. At this time, parents should understand these negative emotions of their children, and promptly and positively channel them to help them alleviate them.

In different learning environments, children experience different stresses. When children encounter pressure or difficulties in learning, parents should observe and experience their children's status and feelings. Encourage them to dare to express their concerns to parents, and try not to downplay their children's concerns, but to recognize their feelings and tell them that it is natural to feel stressed or unaccustomed.

During the stay at home, parents should give their children more companionship, such as chatting with their children, and also guide children to use simple "abdominal breathing method" and "muscle relaxation method" to improve their mood, and can help children reduce stress and maintain a positive attitude through exercise, music and reading.

For parents, in case they are childish enough to "explode", they can shift their attention from the child to the surrounding environment, especially on some colored objects, thinking in their hearts: it is a white wall, a yellow table, a green filing cabinet... After about 30 seconds, the mood should stabilize a lot until the number reaches 12 colors.

The recurrence of the epidemic requires the whole society to overcome the difficulties. While taking care of themselves, parents should also wear "spiritual masks" to accompany their children to spend an unforgettable home life with health and happiness.

Author: Wang Xing

Edit: Wang Xing

Editor-in-Charge: Fan Liping

*Wenhui exclusive manuscript, please indicate the source when reprinting.

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