
New Energy Weekly Report| price increase tide is menacing! WEILAI does not raise prices in the short term; bocom first gave BYD a buy rating

Editor's Note: Review the new energy industry data and macro policies, and collect the weekly stock price changes, hot company events, global new energy focus topics, and pay attention to the views and investment opportunities of well-known securities companies.

Author: Yura

1. Ministry of Commerce: Sales of new energy vehicles in the first two months of this year increased by 1.5 times year-on-year

2, Paris car owner sued Tesla for a fatal car accident or related to brakes

3, Xiaopeng, Tesla and other increases the price of cars Weilai responded: There is no intention of price increases at present

4. Porsche CEO: A cooperation project has been discussed with Apple

5. Zero-run cars are planned to land on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange

First, a week's list of new energy companies

New Energy Weekly Report| price increase tide is menacing! WEILAI does not raise prices in the short term; bocom first gave BYD a buy rating

Source: Huasheng Securities

As of the nearly one week of press time, the stock prices of new energy car manufacturers have shown a trend of rising and falling. Among them, WEILAI Automobile ranked first with a weekly increase of 29.81%, followed by Xiaopeng Automobile-W, Ideal Automobile (US stock) and Xiaopeng Automobile (US stock) ranked second, third and fourth with 29.27%, 27.15% and 25.58% increases respectively.

Second, the macro data and industry policies of new energy vehicles

1. Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: Start the revision of standards related to the safety of electric vehicle power batteries

On March 18, according to the official website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology released the key points of the 2022 automobile standardization work, starting the revision of the safety related standards for electric vehicle power batteries, and further improving the thermal runaway alarm and safety protection level of power batteries.

2. Ministry of Commerce: Sales of new energy vehicles in the first two months of this year increased by 1.5 times year-on-year

On March 17, Gao Feng, spokesman of the Ministry of Commerce, said that in the first two months of 2022, the sales of new energy vehicles increased by 1.5 times year-on-year, accounting for 17.9% of new car sales.

3. Beijing: Released a new version of the new industry prohibition directory

On March 14, the Catalogue of Prohibitions and Restrictions on New Industries in Beijing (2022 Edition) was officially issued. It is mentioned that support for hydrogen energy, intelligent networking and new energy vehicle supporting manufacturing will be increased.

Third, the dynamics of key companies of new energy vehicles

1, Xiaopeng, Tesla, etc. raised the price of cars Weilai responded: There is no intention of price increases at present

Recently, affected by the shortage of chips and the rise in the price of upstream raw materials, new energy vehicle companies have raised their prices. Taking Tesla and Xiaopeng as an example, in 7 days, Tesla has increased its price 3 times, of which the Model Y model has increased by 30,000 yuan in the highest cumulative price. On Friday, Xiaopeng released an explanation of the price adjustment of the model. Since today, Xiaopeng Automobile has raised prices across the board, and the three main models are among the price increases, with the highest increase of more than 30,000.

In this regard, Qin Lihong, co-founder and president of Weilai, said, "Weilai does not increase prices, at least not yet." On the evening of March 19, Ideal Auto CEO Li wanted to talk about the price increase through social media, saying that the current price increase was that the brand had contracted with the battery manufacturer to determine the price increase of the battery in the second quarter. If there is no price increase, most of the price increase has not been negotiated, and the price will be generally increased after the negotiation.

New Energy Weekly Report| price increase tide is menacing! WEILAI does not raise prices in the short term; bocom first gave BYD a buy rating

Image source: Public Network

Beijing time on the morning of March 21, it was reported that a taxi driver in Paris sued Tesla. Last December, the owner of the car, driving a Model 3 car, had a fatal accident and killed one person. Just days after the accident, the French government released a message saying Tesla told the government that it did not immediately display technical errors. The owner formally sued Tesla on Friday, arguing that it "puts other people's lives at risk."

3. Zero-run cars are planned to land on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange

On the evening of March 17, ZeroCar submitted a listing application to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, with CICC, Citi, JPMorgan Chase and CCB International as joint sponsors. According to the prospectus, the total revenue in 2019, 2020 and 2021 was 116.9 million yuan, 631.3 million yuan and 3.132 billion yuan respectively, and the annual losses attributable to the company's equity holders in the past three years were 901.1 million yuan, 1.1 billion yuan and 2.8457 billion yuan, respectively.

4. The first model of the Marine Network warship series, BYD Destroyer 05 was listed

On March 17, the first model of BYD's marine network warship series, the Destroyer 05, was officially launched, and a total of 5 models were launched, and the price after comprehensive subsidies was 119,800-15.58 million yuan.

5. Ford Motor: The investment in the Cologne plant in Germany will double to $2 billion

On March 14, Ford said it would increase its planned investment in its European production site in Cologne, Germany, to $2 billion. Ford plans to launch seven new electric models over the next two years, aiming to sell more than 600,000 electric vehicles in 2026.

New Energy Weekly Report| price increase tide is menacing! WEILAI does not raise prices in the short term; bocom first gave BYD a buy rating

6. Evergrande Automobile's "Hengchi 5" has passed the publicity period of the ministry of industry and information technology for new cars and has reached the sales qualification

On March 14, according to the latest batch of "Announcements on Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products" issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, "Hengchi 5" is still among them, which means that it has been qualified for sales. According to previous rumors, Hengchi 5 or will be officially sold in the second quarter of this year.

7. Porsche CEO: A cooperation project has been discussed with Apple

The CEO of German automaker Porsche mentioned at his annual press conference today that Porsche has discussed cooperation projects with Apple. Porsche CEO Oliver Blume said the company has discussed "exciting joint projects" with Apple, but has not yet made any decision on whether to proceed with those projects.

8. GAC Aeon has completed nearly 2.6 billion yuan of financing, and the A round of financing and spin-off listing are already in the plan

On March 17, GAC Aegon, a wholly-owned subsidiary of GAC Group, has completed a total financing of 2.566 billion yuan. After the capital increase and share expansion, GAC Group directly or indirectly holds 93.45% of the equity of GAC Aean. GAC motor revealed that EON will launch its shareholding system transformation and A round of financing in due course, and actively seek an appropriate time to list in the future.

9, inflationary pressure is too large Lucid considers joining the ranks of price increases

Peter Rawlinson, chief executive of electric vehicle maker Lucid, said on Thursday that the company was considering raising prices for future models, citing "huge inflationary pressures." However, the Company is committed to maintaining the prices of existing subscribers.

Fourth, the new energy vehicle agency views and investment ratings

1. BOCOM International: The first "buy" rating of BYD shares has a target price of HK$277

Bocom International research report pointed out that the bank for the first time covered BYD shares to give a buy rating, the target price set at 277 Hong Kong dollars. As the absolute leader in domestic electric vehicles, the company will catch up with the plug-in hybrid vehicle (PHEV) boom in 2022-23, and with its advanced DM-i models, it will open up a mass market with low penetration of new energy vehicles.

New Energy Weekly Report| price increase tide is menacing! WEILAI does not raise prices in the short term; bocom first gave BYD a buy rating

Quotes source: Huasheng Securities

2, Bank of America: short-term lockdown has little impact reiterated Apple's "buy" rating

Bank of America analyst Wamsi Mohan's analysis of Apple's data found that Shenzhen is a material center in the iPhone supply chain, while Suzhou is also a popular location for Apple suppliers. Still, Mohan believes that as long as the lockdown period is not significantly extended, Apple and Foxconn have the ability to shift production to other regions in the short term, and the company's "significant" exposures in Shenzhen and Suzhou should be "manageable", reiterating Apple's "buy" rating with a target price of $215.

3. Wedbush: Give Tesla a "outperform" rating with a target price of $1400

Wedbush analyst Dan Ives gave Tesla a "outperform" rating with a price target of $1400. Analysts pointed out that Tesla received final approval from Germany's National Environment Office, and its electric vehicle factory and battery factory received all the approvals before it was officially put into production. Therefore, for Tesla, one of its major hidden dangers has been eliminated.

The above is all the content of this week's new energy weekly report, if you want to understand the latest developments in the new energy vehicle industry and companies, please continue to pay attention to the Huashengtong APP "New Energy Car Manufacturing Forces" and related reports.

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