
Wait for the stones to blossom, listen to the colors of the wind... The most romantic "love words" of spring are hidden in the poems of the children of the mountains

Red flowers, green trees, blue sky, spring, is a romance that comes from afar.

Deep in the mountains, there is such a group of little poets, who have the purest childlike heart, the richest imagination and the most beautiful feelings.

When spring comes, they pick up the pen in their hands and freeze the spring with poetry, using poetry to depict the little stars and childish hearts in life.

Today, March 21 is World Poetry Day, And Jabbo wants to share with you poems from rural children, hoping that after reading them, you will also be able to harvest warmth.

We also invited the little moon donors in the city to read the poems of the children in the mountains and jointly perform "Spring Imagination Song". In this interaction across mountains and seas, urban and rural children are also growing up together.

Press and hold to save the picture

Put spring in your phone

Tell jokes


Is a master of telling jokes

The wind is coming

Little Flower told him jokes

The wind laughed so hard that he didn't want to go any further

What is spring

Ask the flowers

Maybe you will know

Flowers say:

Spring is the elves

Always dance on my petals

Ask little swallow

Little Swallow said:

Spring is a trip from north to south

Ask about that tree

Big Tree says:

Spring is a song

We anytime, anywhere

You can all dance with spring

Wait for the stones to blossom, listen to the colors of the wind... The most romantic "love words" of spring are hidden in the poems of the children of the mountains


Rustle... Rustle...

Rain, gently, as fine as cattle hair

Sprinkle in the woods

Sprinkle on the grass

Sprinkle by the small river

Sprinkle on campus


Don't go to the playground and mess around with cuàn

The sky and the earth are talking

Don't go and hit rǎo them

peach blossom

The spring breeze woke up the peach blossoms

Peach Blossom smiled

Peach blossoms with a smile on their faces

A voice was heard

Cuckoo ~ cuckoo

She looked up to look

It turned out to be a good friend —


She was afraid of peach blossom loneliness

Fly from a distant valley

Accompany peach blossoms

A seed

Spring, which was sleeping in the dirt, woke up

She opened her mouth

Loud and loud

Deliver messages to all directions

The spring breeze supports the spring wind

And then......

Look, above the earth

A seed fantasizes about revelry

She, began to crack

Waiting to invade a wonderful world

Boiling mountains

Boiling trees

Boiling green

And then...... hush!

Listen, above the earth

It was a cheering sound

Anthony said in The Little Prince that "all adults were once children, though only a few remember." ”

Children are simpler than we think, and far more profound than we think. Some people say: We spent eighteen years learning to speak like adults, and we had to spend our whole lives learning to write poetry like children.

I hope that after reading the children's poems, everyone will find the precious innocence in their memories and heal everything with a childlike heart.

Some say that poetry is a churning inner sigh, while others say that poetry is an instinctive overflow of strong emotions. And the poetry of these children is derived from their lives.

In the remote mountains, there are many such children living - some are too far from school, and they have to get up early every day to go to school; some have become the little adults in the family, and when they come home from school, they herd cattle and cook, and they have to take care of their grandparents.

They got a taste of growth prematurely.

Watching ants move, waiting for stones to blossom, listening to the colors of the wind, growing up poetically... The mountain did not extinguish the imagination of the children.

In the remote mountains, poetry became the light of these little children.

For the children in the mountains, poetry may be "useless", but it is also the most precious.

They talk to the world with poetry, they tell the secrets of their hearts to the sky and the earth, and their thoughts to the moon and the stars.

Poetry is like a seed, sown in the hearts of children, but this seed needs the moisture of sunshine and rain to grow into a towering tree.

Wait for the stones to blossom, listen to the colors of the wind... The most romantic "love words" of spring are hidden in the poems of the children of the mountains

The "Refueling the Future" project is sunshine, rain and dew, protecting the poetic seeds in the hearts of children.

While marveling at the imagination of left-behind children, we also hope that they have matching educational resources to help them realize their own blueprint for life.

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