
How to judge whether a girl can chase?

Although there are many girls now, there are still many boys who are troubled by not finding a partner, even if they will meet a girl who is excited, they often do not dare to confess easily.

If you don't have the courage to confess, it is difficult to get a good relationship, there will be no pie in the sky in this world, and all good things need to be fought for by yourself.

The so-called fate and fate are just self-consolation after compromise, and there must be many people competing for really beautiful things.

Of course, we have the courage to pursue and succeed, in order to reduce our failure rate and improve the success rate, we must selectively screen some girls, so how to judge whether a girl can chase it?

How to judge whether a girl can chase?

The girl never takes the initiative to chat with you

Now blind dates, whether introduced by friends or introduced by family members, are basically to give you a contact information and let you add each other yourself.

There is also a photo of good luck, bad luck completely open the blind box, many boys are not very good at pursuing girls, and as a result, a few words can not be talked about there is no longer any later.

In the inherent thinking of many people, they also feel that love must be a boy pursuing a girl, and girls are more shy and conservative, but in fact, many girls now understand better than boys, as long as they meet someone they like, she can say anything

When you have known a girl for a while, she never takes the initiative to chat with you, but poses as if she is waiting for you to come to the door and beg her.

To be honest, such a girl suggests not to chase anymore, because it is difficult to have any results, and adding you as a friend is only forced by the helplessness of parents.

How to judge whether a girl can chase?

When chatting, do not take the initiative to find a topic, or even end the topic

Any good relationship is two people running in both directions, relying on one person to pay can not support the love of two people, after all, people will feel tired for a long time.

If you want to maintain a relationship for a long time, it is indispensable to the efforts of two people, and both people are integrated, and love can be happy and long-lasting.

If you meet a girl, you talk to her and she has a return to you, but she never takes the initiative to find a topic, and even sometimes deliberately ends the topic, and it is very embarrassing to chat and chat.

Do you think the other person can't chat? In fact, it's just that the other party doesn't want to talk to you, as long as the other party wants to talk to you, any thing can talk all day, don't want to talk to you, and feel bored of saying two sentences.

So when you meet a girl, never take the initiative to find a topic with you, even if you find a topic, she will try her best to cut off the topic, such a girl do not chase

How to judge whether a girl can chase?

Put a sense of superiority in front of you

The basis of love is two equal souls, but now many people are affected by poisonous chicken soup, even if the other party's conditions are much better than before, but as long as it is not enough to lick, it is a straight man of steel.

If two people cannot communicate equally, how can they have feelings? Girls who always like to put on a sense of superiority are definitely not a good match for life.

Many boys in order to pursue women before marriage, there is no bottom line what the requirements are agreed, how long can this state be maintained, life is destined to be flat.

When in love, girls have no problem doing a little, but if they enter marriage, they must correct their mentality and work together to live a good life.

If you always have a lofty appearance when you are in love, do you expect him to live a solid life with you after marriage? It's just not possible.

How to judge whether a girl can chase?

There is a saying that before making love, make a living, live your own life first, take good care of yourself, first learn to love yourself, and then you will know how to love others, and you will be loved by others.

Now many boys have a misunderstanding, in order to pursue a girl to give up their bottom line, but if even the bottom line can not be kept, how can they keep their happiness.

When you are humble to the dust for love, how can the other party see you in the dust, and girls are generally not strong, they want to find a person they can rely on, not a person who relies on themselves.

Instead of pleasing girls without a bottom line, it is better to please yourself first, manage yourself well, make yourself more and more excellent, and then naturally someone will love you.

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