
"Let children pack up their toys like fighting", is your home also a battlefield?

One of the things you have to do every day is to pack up the toys that your child plays with so that he can continue to play tomorrow; when a friend's child comes to your house to play, will your baby take out all the toys and play everywhere, and then after the friend's child is gone, you have to face the mess on the ground... When you ask your baby to pack up the toys, how many times does it work?

Most parents don't like to turn their home into a playground. Most kids don't like to pack up their toys. Most of the children's friends will not take the initiative to help clean up after playing. Parents don't want to be so tired to face the toys every day, they must teach the children to clean up by themselves, teach the children and parents to cooperate to make the room cleaner.

"Let children pack up their toys like fighting", is your home also a battlefield?

You try the suggestion below.

1. For the mess left by the child, do not blindly clean up by yourself, of course, do not punish the child angrily, know that no one is willing to clean up the mess, especially the child.

2. For younger children, don't expect them to pack up completely, it's not realistic, they need the help of their parents. You can work with your children to express your willingness to clean up with them and ask for their opinions on which toys can be cleaned up by yourself, which toys need your help, and of course it is best to pack up with "matching" nursery rhymes when cleaning up toys. For older children, you can say, "Baby, your toys need to be packed, are you willing to clean them up yourself, or do you need to help you pack them?" ”

"Let children pack up their toys like fighting", is your home also a battlefield?

3. It is important to make a good agreement for children of any age, and the agreement to clean up the toys themselves. If they don't clean up on their own, you want them to see the consequences of not picking up the toys as agreed. For example, if you put away the toys, these toys are not allowed to play again within a week, etc., of course, you must firmly implement it, so that the child can see the consequences of not cleaning up the toys, otherwise your child will not care about any of your requirements, you still face a mess.

4. When your child's friends come to play at home, you can agree with the children in advance, what you want them to do after playing with the toys, and indicate that you are willing to make a plan with them, such as how long it will take to pack up, whether you need your reminder, and so on. It is agreed in advance that the children are more willing to abide by the agreement, and when they want to leave, they can check together to see if they have completed it according to the agreement.

"Let children pack up their toys like fighting", is your home also a battlefield?

5. When the child's friend comes to your house to play, some of the child's toys are missing, parents should help the child call the friend's home and ask him if he accidentally took your child's toy. Then tell them you'll get the toy back at their convenience.

If you have a lot of toys at home, you have to teach the children to put them in different categories, and you can brainstorm with the children how to solve this problem. After the children finish packing up their toys, they will learn that some things have rights and responsibilities, and they will gradually learn to make plans before completing things, and cooperation with friends will make friendships better.

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Author: Zhang Xiaofeng, female, master student, national second-level psychological counselor. Long-term focus on family education research, for the establishment of a good parent-child relationship, to help children through the rebellious adolescence, to solve anxiety, emotional distress, alleviate learning pressure, to achieve their own growth will give you good advice. Life is a star, let us take care of its light together. I will listen attentively and accompany you with love, just so that you can meet a better version of yourself as soon as possible.

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