
BMW X5 hydrogen fuel cell vehicle extreme cold test endurance of up to 500 kilometers, this year will be mass production?

BMW is always unexpected, in the domestic version of bmw X5 overwhelming news swept the car circle, BMW X5 hydrogen fuel cell vehicle (iX5 Hydrogen) information has also been exposed, to know that in the new energy market, lithium battery packs and hydrogen fuel cells have always been the focus of everyone's discussion. Although we seem to have an illusion, BMW seems to start a little late in terms of new energy, but I did not expect that a move is a big move, let's take a look at the BMW X5 hydrogen fuel cell vehicle.

BMW X5 hydrogen fuel cell vehicle extreme cold test endurance of up to 500 kilometers, this year will be mass production?

The news is officially announced by the BMW Group, iX5 Hydrogen has been tested in Sweden for extreme cold endurance, according to BMW official data, the new car in the extremely cold environment maximum cruising range can reach 500km, and 3-4 minutes can be filled hydrogen storage tank. In fact, this data alone is still more attractive, but I believe that as most netizens are worried, how stable hydrogen fuel is, whether it can be safe enough, which has always been everyone's doubts. However, some netizens said that hydrogen fuel is more environmentally friendly, which may be the final model of new energy vehicles?

BMW X5 hydrogen fuel cell vehicle extreme cold test endurance of up to 500 kilometers, this year will be mass production?

Speaking of iX5 Hydrogen, the new car has entered the final research and development stage before mass production, and the official said that it will be put into small-scale production in the second half of this year, that is to say, the real hydrogen fuel BMW X5 is about to enter the mass production stage, will this be a milestone change, not only for BMW, but also for the new energy vehicle market?

Of course, since we are worried about the safety of hydrogen fuel vehicles, let's look at how the core power system of BMW X5 hydrogen fuel cell vehicles is driven. The new car uses hydrogen fuel cell technology and the fifth generation bmw eDrive electric drive technology, which is more popular to supply the thermal energy generated by the chemical reaction of hydrogen and oxygen to the rear axle motor to generate electrical energy that can drive the vehicle forward. Most people understand that hydrogen and oxygen actually produce heat and water, so they do not produce other harmful substances, so hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are considered more environmentally friendly. Perhaps the biggest problem is how to keep hydrogen fuel safe in vehicles, and BMW's solution is to store hydrogen in two 700-bar pressure tanks made of carbon fiber-reinforced composites.

BMW X5 hydrogen fuel cell vehicle extreme cold test endurance of up to 500 kilometers, this year will be mass production?

In addition, the output power generated by the power system of BMW X5 hydrogen fuel cell vehicle can reach 275 kilowatts, and the maximum power of the BMW X5 fuel version 3.0T model is only 250 kilowatts, so the new car is more competitive in the market from the data point of view, whether it is endurance or power.

Finally, I would like to say that the competitive road in the new energy market is still far away, and I am not in a hurry. And for the BMW X5 hydrogen fuel cell vehicle, what do you think? Do you support hydrogen fuel cells?

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