
Avita 11 parameters big disclosure, can it become the strongest "Huawei inside"?

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Producer: Electric Planet News

Author: Fat Fei classmate

Unlike all car-making "new forces", Avita has a strong particularity.

In November last year, the Avita brand was officially released, it is undoubtedly born with a golden key, because the three companies that formed it are all famous, one is Changan Automobile, which dominates the sales list of its own brands for many years, the other is the power battery leader Ningde Era, and the finale is the famous ICT company Huawei.

Avita 11 parameters big disclosure, can it become the strongest "Huawei inside"?

Along with the new brand, the first mass production car Avita 11 was unveiled, and today, half a year later, Avita 11 officially landed in the catalog of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, which means that Avita 11 is a stone's throw away from mass production.

Avita 11 parameters big disclosure, can it become the strongest "Huawei inside"?

In the context of such a strong brand, we have to pay special attention to Avita, can Avita 11 play? What kind of chemical reaction can the cooperation of the three giants produce? These are all points that we are very curious about.


In the history of Chinese car manufacturing, which is not far away, Chinese car companies often have the following forms:

First of all, the state-owned enterprises in the era of planned economy are wholly owned by state-owned enterprises, representative enterprises are FAW and Second Automobile, that is, today's FAW and Dongfeng; with the reform and opening up, under the guidance of the core idea of "market for technology", the form of sino-foreign car joint ventures has begun to blossom everywhere, and joint venture companies such as Beijing Jeep, SAIC Volkswagen, FAW Audi and other joint ventures have emerged; after the millennium, Geely's civil construction car companies have entered the historical stage, and then BYD, which is born of batteries, has also opened the road of "cross-border car manufacturing".

Many years later, the wave of new car manufacturing swept in, Internet companies began to build cars, Internet car companies such as Harmony Futeng began to emerge, Internet people shouted the slogan of "more understanding consumers" to challenge traditional car manufacturers, and people of traditional car companies also raised the banner of "brand up", which also hatched a lot of new brands.

Avita 11 parameters big disclosure, can it become the strongest "Huawei inside"?

The big waves and sand are left with the "Wei Xiaoli", Aian, Lantu, Pole Star, Zhiji, Pole Fox and so on that we see today... In addition to the struggle, the two factions have also bred many brands of "new and old marriage", such as GAC Weilai (Co-creation), Changan Weilai, Huawei and Xilisi's AITO brand, etc.

But whether it is "you compete for me" or "I have you", car-making players have never been able to jump out of the traditional OEM and Internet companies, the emergence of Avita has broken this inherent form of cooperation, the partners not only have the Ningde era as a battery Tier 1, but also the Internet and ICT dual background Huawei, the latter is considered to be the new era of automotive intelligence Tier 1 representative.

Such an organizational form of the "Big Three" is unprecedented.

It can be said that the brand of Avita from the beginning is "what to have", design and manufacture to see Changan, three electricity supply to see Ningde, intelligent possession to rely on Huawei, the three parties are the best in the industry. To many people, there seems to be no reason why such a golden combination cannot build a good car, just as the Bulls, which gathered Jordan, Pippen, and Rodman, must win the NBA championship.

Avita 11 parameters big disclosure, can it become the strongest "Huawei inside"?

Of course, the story is also negative. For example, the Rockets' big three, composed of Barkley, Olajuwon and Drexler, did not win a championship. Facts have proved that the combination of strong and strong is often only the premise of success, but the chemical reaction between them also depends on the run-in between everyone, which is still the same reason for building cars.

If you want to > 1+1 3, each of which is important, the key lies in how to do this "+" method, which needs to be considered and coordinated at the strategic level of the enterprise. While we can't yet make a precise judgment about Avita's way forward, what is certain is that this is a new brand with a lot of imagination, after all, it has pioneered an unprecedented model of cooperation.

It is the mule that is the horse, and the first to slip

Putting aside the discussion of corporate strategy, through some of the fundamentals revealed by the Avita 11 car, we can still clearly compare it with the industry.

Avita 11 three-dimensional 4880/1970/1601mm, wheelbase 2975mm, positioning medium and large pure electric SUV, slip back design makes it look a little different, from the perspective of styling positioning, only Weilai EC6 can be compared.

Avita 11 parameters big disclosure, can it become the strongest "Huawei inside"?

I flipped through the specific data, in addition to the height of the EC6 is slightly lower than the EC6 of 1714mm, the length and width and wheelbase are slightly better than the EC6 (4850/1965/1714mm, 2900mm), but also to fully surpass Tesla's Model Y (4750/1921/1624mm, 2890mm).

So in terms of size, the Avita 11 should be the top of the SUV in the same level, the only concern is the space shrinkage caused by slipping back, after all, the EC6 higher than it is difficult to say that the performance of the rear head space is also excellent. This means that the slip-on shape alone is very likely to stop some "pragmatic" buyers, which is determined by the product design positioning, regardless of product strength.

(By the way, do a little survey here, would you reject a car because of slipping back?) Or ask the owner of Weilai, has you chosen ES6 because of the rejection of EC6)

Avita's core competitiveness lies in the set of CHN platforms built by the three parties, and the official statement is that this platform can eat all models such as medium and large SUVs, cars, MPVs, etc., and has a strong scalability ability.

Avita 11 parameters big disclosure, can it become the strongest "Huawei inside"?

The benefits of such a tripartite platform are conceivable.

For Changan, the freedom of model design is higher;

For Huawei, sensors and related solutions can be implanted more naturally;

For the NINGDE era, the battery pack can be more easily tailored;

Avita 11 parameters big disclosure, can it become the strongest "Huawei inside"?

Traditional automobile manufacturing is the main engine factory unilaterally to define the platform, and then to seek suppliers to provide standard parts or customized parts, the former is difficult to make differentiated products and the underlying ability to strengthen, the latter is time-consuming and laborious, requiring car manufacturers and suppliers to repeatedly negotiate the game, and finally may not be able to meet expectations.

Avita's model is equivalent to the oem and the supplier to jointly build the foundation of the house, and the result is that the decoration can become handy.

According to the announcement, the front and rear counterweights of the Avita 11 are 50:50, which is a golden counterweight ratio. In addition, Huawei also provided it with a set of front 195kW, rear 230kW dual motor combination, the highest power went to 425kW, 100 km acceleration into the 3-second club.

Avita 11 parameters big disclosure, can it become the strongest "Huawei inside"?

Battery piece, under the blessing of Ningde, Avita 11 is equipped with a 90.38kWh CTP ternary lithium battery pack, with a maximum endurance of 600km. From the perspective of zero and whole battery capacity, this battery in Ningde should be tailored for new cars, and is not a common general solution on the market. According to official disclosures, the Avita 11 is also developing a version with a higher battery capacity, and the battery life can go to 700km.

In terms of charging, Avita 11 gives a 750V high-voltage system with a maximum charging power of 240kW. Judging from the product information flowed out before, this is a set of technologies that are very similar to BYD's car end boost fast charging:

"It can cover the voltage range of 240V-800V, which can meet the power requirements of 160-300kW and can adapt to cars in the range of 400-1000km."

Avita 11 parameters big disclosure, can it become the strongest "Huawei inside"?

But then again, although the data of this charging system is very good, the biggest bottleneck at present lies in the infrastructure, after all, the maximum voltage of the mainstream DC fast charging pile at this stage is mostly within 500V.

In terms of intelligence, it was previously exposed that Avita 11 will be equipped with Huawei's CDC intelligent cockpit platform and ADC autonomous driving domain controller, the former is based on the vehicle-grade Kirin chip, Hongmeng OS system, support Hicar and other products, and the latter includes Huawei's MDC automatic driving computing platform and ADS solutions.

In fact, the specific performance of the car machine system has actually been through the M5 and The Extreme Fox Alpha S, and the experience is remarkable. As for whether there will be other surprises on Avita 11, there is no official disclosure yet.

Avita highlighted the driving assistance capabilities of the new car, first of all, the sensor configuration and computing power platform, Avita 11 is equipped with 3 lidar, 6 millimeter wave radar, 12 ultrasonic radar, 13 cameras, with 400Tops of computing power, the hardware is luxurious.

Is there anything familiar?

Yes, this is almost exactly the same as the Set of Huawei Family Buckets on the Polar Fox Alpha S Hi Edition, but the computing power advertised by the Pole Fox at that time was 352Tops, while Avita was 400Tops, and it is estimated that the two have a certain iteration in hardware, but there is no difference in the overall number. In addition to the higher computing power, there is also a point to be determined, the Polar Fox's Huawei lidar is 96 lines, and it is not certain whether Avita 11 will be further upgraded.

Avita 11 parameters big disclosure, can it become the strongest "Huawei inside"?

Remember that autopilot road test for Polar Fox and Huawei? The actual performance is really unexpectedly excellent, and I think even if the system is copied to Avita 11, the experience is worth looking forward to, after all, it has been further polished for so long.

At last

The above information is basically all the spoilers currently known to the Avita 11 car. From the perspective of various indicators, Avita 11 is a first-line level, it has a rare 3 lidar configuration on the market, as well as the well-known Hongmeng car machine, and there is a 600km endurance and 750V high-voltage fast charge.

This is visible, invisible and there is also the chemical reaction between the three giants.

The cooperation between the three parties is different from the past, they break the traditional supply relationship, which means that Avita and Huawei are fundamentally different compared to the Polar Fox, how much imagination space is there here? Let's take a look.

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Avita 11 parameters big disclosure, can it become the strongest "Huawei inside"?

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