
Copying books has benefits, ## copying books has benefits ## copying books ## copying books punch card # Why the last copy of the book reading is not as much as before, the amount of display, the income is several times more, only because I wrote one more

author:Zhang Meng Fairy

Copying has benefits, ## copying has benefits# #copying # #copying punch card #

Why is the last copy of the book not read more than before, but the amount of display and income is several times more, just because I wrote one more sentence, want to know what it is? Let's look at the answer at the end [cute]. 👇👇

Today, the sixth article of the book is copied, and the fourth chapter of "How to Write a Good Article" continues

How to write an in-depth article

Add different perspectives to make the article more in-depth

Dig deep into the origin of a certain emotion – "why" / mood and sorrow

Attract the reader's interest by describing details – describing details

By increasing your "discovery power," you can find inexhaustible materials

20. Add different perspectives to make the article more in-depth - collect perspectives

"Men are the worst."

"Women like to be preoccupied."

"Kids are the most annoying (just like to be noisy)." ......

Around us, are there always people who like to judge things and comment on others at the first sight.

These are all (fixed-minded) inertial thinking from a single perspective.

Articles written in this way are often superficial.

Of course, there are also some columnists who deliberately write from a single perspective in order to flaunt their "poisonous tongue" characteristics – this is a strategy.

But it would be embarrassing to subconsciously use a single perspective.

If you want to write a compelling article, you can't stick to a certain perspective, but you need to find as many perspectives as possible to explore the possibilities from it.

From what perspectives can it be narrated? From which perspectives would it be more interesting to narrate? From which perspectives would the narrative be more convincing?

Instead of "seeing only 1, so it's 1," we are "seeing 1 to 10 and concluding with 1" – other perspectives have their own value when it comes to conveying information.

When you can't see other perspectives, it's important to go around the back of things, dive under them, or twist, stretch, throw, knock, knead, or discover new perspectives. If you just silently envy the fish, no one will help you find a new perspective, you can only rely on your own efforts.

21 Dig deep into the origin of a certain emotion— "why" / mood and sorrow

The most powerful weapon in digging into hazy emotions is asking "Why."

"Why" is like a deep-digging shovel, as long as you use it skillfully and flexibly, you can continuously collect writing material.

Usually, you must consciously examine yourself (your own emotions), otherwise you may not even be aware of your own emotional doubts.

On the contrary, if you usually develop the habit of examining yourself with "why", when you write an article, you can successfully solve your emotional doubts.

If you want to become a master of writing, you can't abandon the hazy emotions at any time, and all kinds of emotions must have their origins.

This "'why' training" in examining our emotions is not only a "collection of writing material," but also a perfect opportunity to help us understand the nature of the elusive "self."

"Moody training" can also be considered an upgraded version of "'Why' training".

Human emotions are complex. But it is precisely because of complexity, precisely because of elusiveness, that self-examination makes more sense. As long as you dig into the real reason, you can write profound articles, interesting articles, articles worth reading.

When writing about "emotions" (emotions), the quality of the articles is also very different between the people who find their origins and the people who don't. Of course, our goal is to become the former

22 Attract the reader's interest by describing details – describing details

This movie is really good.

This live concert will be really touching.

"Good looking", "touching"... These words alone describe the "superficial" cannot adequately express the state of mind and things.

If you want to attract the reader's interest, you must not only describe the "surface", but must describe the "deep".

To this end, it is necessary to have "detailed depiction". "God exists in the details." That is: "If you ignore the details, it is impossible to achieve overall beauty." ”

In articles that are good at detailed descriptions, there is a power to attract the interest of readers.

In order to write the details well, the author himself must of course grasp the details - emotions, feelings, memories, facts, landscapes, appearances... For the psychology and state of things that become the object of description, it is necessary to carefully observe and grasp the details. Grasp the details first, and then describe them in detail.

The "training of detailed description" does not use a pen to write, but only in the mind can achieve significant results.

What you see by chance, what you see in front of you, what special experiences and experiences you have, what emotions or feelings are aroused... You can focus on one of these themes and list all kinds of details in your mind.

23 Improve the "discovery power" to find an inexhaustible material - "multiplication"

Running out of footage? No way. Those with endless materials are adept at finding inspiration "outside of themselves" (i.e., outside).

Look around yourself, and writing material can be seen everywhere. If you can realize this, you can not only find the material continuously, but also write an article continuously.

What should I do after finding material from the outside? ——It should be combined with the internal material that you are good at. That is, write articles using the multiplicative formula of "external material × material that you are good at".

Obtaining materials from the outside can not only play a role in "continuously obtaining writing materials". Moreover, introducing topics with fresh information, hot current events, and the focus of most people's attention can also attract the interest of readers. Finding essential common ground between the two is the secret to the success of "multiplication".

Write at the end:

Why didn't I read as much as I used to, but the amount of impressions and revenue doubled?

Just because I wrote a sentence "there is an Easter egg at the end", I kept everyone, and everyone stayed in our article for a long time, then the income will also increase, so we must capture the reader when we write the article.

Copying books has benefits, ## copying books has benefits ## copying books ## copying books punch card # Why the last copy of the book reading is not as much as before, the amount of display, the income is several times more, only because I wrote one more
Copying books has benefits, ## copying books has benefits ## copying books ## copying books punch card # Why the last copy of the book reading is not as much as before, the amount of display, the income is several times more, only because I wrote one more
Copying books has benefits, ## copying books has benefits ## copying books ## copying books punch card # Why the last copy of the book reading is not as much as before, the amount of display, the income is several times more, only because I wrote one more
Copying books has benefits, ## copying books has benefits ## copying books ## copying books punch card # Why the last copy of the book reading is not as much as before, the amount of display, the income is several times more, only because I wrote one more

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