
In November 1958, Chairman Mao came to Xiaogan and received a rural woman. The chairman was about to speak when the peasant woman sprayed a spit on her face. The people at the scene were nervous, who knows the Lord

author:Love flower ninja

In November 1958, Chairman Mao came to Xiaogan and received a rural woman. The chairman was about to speak when the peasant woman sprayed a spit on her face. The people at the scene were very nervous, who knew that the chairman did not blame, but also smiled and said: "The thunder is loud, and the rain is small." ”

This rural woman who sprayed the chairman's spit on her face was called Yan Taoxiang, and she was a national labor model known for her diligence and thrift. Marshal Chen Yi also wrote a long narrative poem for her based on her deeds of thrifty family management, and Yan Taoxiang became famous throughout the country and attracted the attention of Chairman Mao.

In November 1958, Chairman Mao inspected Xiaogan, and in order to understand the production situation in the local countryside, he specially asked to receive three peasant representatives, and Yan Taoxiang was one of them.

It was early winter, the weather was cold, and Yan Taoxiang heard the secretary of the prefectural party committee say that Chairman Mao wanted to see them, and he was excited and excited, so he put down the farm work in his hand and ran over.

I hurried along the way, covered in sweat. The staff politely invited them to the special train, and Chairman Mao also stood up to greet them. It was warm on the special train, and the other two peasant representatives took off their coats and hung them on their hooks.

Yan Taoxiang was suffering from a cold at that time, and because she was a lesbian, she did not take off her coat. Who knew that this cold and hot actually made Yan Taoxiang shiver. When Chairman Mao shook hands with her, she did not hold back for a moment, sneezed a big sneeze, and spit on the chairman's face.

This made everyone present unexpected and stunned. Yan Taoxiang was also embarrassed not to know what to say, his face was like a fire, he bowed his head, did not dare to look at the chairman's face, and even forgot to apologize.

Just when everyone did not know how to end the scene, Chairman Mao did not hesitate to take out a handkerchief from his pocket, wiped his face and smiled and said: "Do you still fight?" Stop fighting? If you don't fight, it's a typical 'thunder is loud, the rain is small'. ”

Chairman Mao's words instantly reconciled the awkward atmosphere at the scene, Yan Taoxiang was not so nervous, Chairman Mao saw her relax, and also joked: "Your sneezing is really time, let me immediately feel the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of the filial piety people." ”

Yan Taoxiang finally laughed out loud. Subsequently, Chairman Mao cordially asked how long Yan Taoxiang had been cold, and whether yan was serious or not. At that time, typhoid fever was occurring in the Handan area, which always tugged at Chairman Mao's heart.

When he heard Yan Taoxiang report that women should also go to the fields to do heavy work like men, he said somewhat heavily: "Women and men still can't be the same, we must care for them, people who are too tired are going to get sick..."

This meeting with Chairman Mao made Yan Taoxiang unforgettable for a lifetime. After the meeting, she told her children, relatives, friends, and people she didn't know about how kind Chairman Mao was over and over again, and often sighed: "Chairman Mao and his old people are like relatives to us. ”

In November 1958, Chairman Mao came to Xiaogan and received a rural woman. The chairman was about to speak when the peasant woman sprayed a spit on her face. The people at the scene were nervous, who knows the Lord
In November 1958, Chairman Mao came to Xiaogan and received a rural woman. The chairman was about to speak when the peasant woman sprayed a spit on her face. The people at the scene were nervous, who knows the Lord
In November 1958, Chairman Mao came to Xiaogan and received a rural woman. The chairman was about to speak when the peasant woman sprayed a spit on her face. The people at the scene were nervous, who knows the Lord

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